Top 10 Scariest TV Shows You Didn’t Know Existed

Top 10 Scariest TV Shows You Didn’t Know Existed

4 года назад

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omid ghaemparvar
omid ghaemparvar - 03.09.2023 21:35

Terror is no.1 ???😂😂😂😂 terror is literally a piece of shit.

danny beaty
danny beaty - 31.07.2023 16:55

"Friday the 13th: The Series" should have been included.

Kiersten Hounsell
Kiersten Hounsell - 21.07.2023 23:11

I am alway sad not to see the show Marianne on these lists :( No one ever talks about how good that show is.

RBlizz - 01.07.2023 06:37

Damn, I forgot about “the River” I remember watching it now, loved it. I also really liked exorcist, I wanted for it to keep going so much.

Dee Dee
Dee Dee - 05.06.2023 06:35

The Strain is one of my absolute favorite shows. Fucking creepy action. Honestly a high budget sequel series or reboot is definitely called for. But, the writing needs to be absolutely fucking top notch and gritty while discarding the mistakes and downfalls of the former..

Cameron Harrington
Cameron Harrington - 23.05.2023 02:02

from is the best on going horror series its on crazy

Rylee and Khali show Rylee & Khali
Rylee and Khali show Rylee & Khali - 17.05.2023 09:22

Omg River was my show I was so upset it got canceled right away

Mr. Thims
Mr. Thims - 17.05.2023 02:57

I really liked the strain series wish they kept it going, these others look good as well

Ana Sofia
Ana Sofia - 30.04.2023 11:13

The River was a really good show 👍

𝕸𝖝 𝕱𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖍𝖔𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖝
𝕸𝖝 𝕱𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖍𝖔𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖝 - 01.04.2023 20:22

Okay, this is the first time I’ve seen Phoebe’s face.😍😭

TheDevil's Rockstxr
TheDevil's Rockstxr - 21.03.2023 14:23

Penny Dreadful isn't worth it

Darius Rus
Darius Rus - 16.03.2023 21:55

You forgot Fortitude one of the most underrated EVER

Franz Vicente
Franz Vicente - 01.03.2023 09:18

Terror 2 is equally scary as the first.

Jake Mooshian
Jake Mooshian - 15.02.2023 17:11

The Ju-On Origins series easily tops the list for all criteria here. Penny Dreadful is unmatched in style and eloquent storytelling I was left far more Disturbed and creeped out in general fromJu-On.

Alex Crown
Alex Crown - 31.01.2023 02:45

I liked Millennium. Although season one was the best!

HorrorChick79 - 13.12.2022 00:16

Oh my god, I forgot about Kingdom Hospital!!!! I freakin loved that show, it was so good. And Penny Dreadful got robbed with only 3 seasons and the way the characters ended. Ugh. But damn it was a great show.

Edvinas M
Edvinas M - 01.11.2022 01:48

it was so sad how dirty they did and rushed Penny Dreadful, it was really good

CGSavage - 11.10.2022 09:34

How can no one mention The Haunting of Hill House? It's the best!

Magic Maddison
Magic Maddison - 08.10.2022 11:28

This is why you need to test what these people say because the Exorcist was absolute shite and nowhere near the original film. I don't care if they tried a new take on it as if you can't get the scare scenes done correct. you don't know what your doing.

Young Lion
Young Lion - 13.09.2022 10:24

Channel 0 season 1 was boring because of the lead actor

Donna Cabot
Donna Cabot - 02.09.2022 03:59

Season 1 of pd was the best ones.

RealyWoDoYuBeliv? Not enough time
RealyWoDoYuBeliv? Not enough time - 31.05.2022 10:41

I always watched Night Gallery.

victor ko
victor ko - 05.05.2022 18:18

The best for me being "The Exorcist" series; I watched all of the Exorcist films and this tv series actually beats all of them. "Terror" is okay only, kind of a boring monster there.

Cat whisperer
Cat whisperer - 13.04.2022 20:52

I blame Showtime for Penny Dreadful having such a short run time. I didn’t discover the show until it had already been cancelled. They didn’t even bother ending it in a way where a streaming surgery could pick it up and breathe new life into it. Netflix is notorious for picking up shows like that, but there was nothing they could have done to bring Eva Green ‘s character back to the screen without it seeming incredibly far-fetched. Such a wasted opportunity.

Giancarlo Leon
Giancarlo Leon - 25.03.2022 09:37

The river was actually just a fun show for its time

Little Wing
Little Wing - 18.02.2022 11:50

The greatest tv horror ever was the brief “ fear itself”
Good god, the wending o episode alone was one of the most horrific depictions ever to see movie theaters least of all tv. The one about the jailhouse and guarding the serial killer unmatched for its content also. Why more people can’t make this kind of horror baffles me. Different directors was a brilliant move too.

Bashar - 15.02.2022 19:44

You are so pretty

Patsy Hay
Patsy Hay - 20.01.2022 01:30

Penny dreadfull was amazing

D3adShotAk - 05.10.2021 05:43

How dare you call Twilight soppy and it’s a fact that twilight’s not sappy and this is just my opinion vampires don’t need a makeover you guys that are at watchmojo you guys need a makeover just saying. anyway peace out I guess!

John Nada
John Nada - 05.09.2021 12:25

I never watched season 2 of The Terror but season one is amazing! They found the HMS Terror and HMS Errabus recently off the northern Arctic coast of Canada! They're nearly preserved thanks to the ice cold waters.

azeveda003 - 15.07.2021 01:55

The exorcist was AWESOME! ✝️🖤

Oliver King
Oliver King - 28.06.2021 16:52

Holy crap I worked on #7 lol noiceee I’m apart of a watch mojo lmao

Chalchiuhtlicue - 27.06.2021 00:13

The Exorcist was SO good! I’m mad they and The Purge were canceled. Both were unexpected gems!

Freddie Pancito
Freddie Pancito - 13.05.2021 13:57

Harper's Island for sure takes the win on this one.

LuigiaTV - 26.04.2021 02:37

Omg Harper's Island I remember watching that every week.

Giuk - 25.04.2021 09:59

The exorcist is a masterpiece,,,the ending of season 2 left me in tears

Logan - 21.04.2021 06:40

Watch “them” on prime

MissKitty *
MissKitty * - 18.04.2021 00:16

I'm a paranormal junky! I've seen just about everyone of these! Looking for MORE!!!!

Dark Eden
Dark Eden - 15.04.2021 23:12

"Marianne" is another wonderfull horror series that was soooo underated. I loved it .

cameron bennett
cameron bennett - 05.04.2021 05:18

ngl, Harper's Island kind of dragged for the first few episodes, but mid-season it got pretty good and the last few episodes were excellent from what I remember. It's not a show I care to revisit, but every once in a while I watch clips of some of my favorite moments, and they still hold up today. Some of the things they planned had some network intervention, (which I don't suggest looking up if you don't want to be spoiled) but even so, if you're a fan of the slasher genre, it's worth watching at least once.

Videos ICan'tFind
Videos ICan'tFind - 04.04.2021 15:59

The list:

10. Penny dreadful
9. The river (2012)
8. The exorcist
7. Channel zero
6. Kingdom Hospital
5. Night gallery
4. The strain
3. Harper's Island
2. American Gothic
1. The Terror
No honorable mentions

Jimmy Seit
Jimmy Seit - 31.03.2021 19:51

1: Harmony And Horror.

Aaron the martial mechanic
Aaron the martial mechanic - 19.03.2021 21:02

I use to stay up to watch kingdom hospital loved it

Rocker87TTMom - 09.02.2021 05:08

Penny Dreadful was one of my favorite shows that should of lasted another 3 seasons! Also loved The Strain!!!

Esther Easton belle
Esther Easton belle - 21.01.2021 10:50

The strain I love that

vijay tarabh
vijay tarabh - 14.01.2021 20:34

Any body have the link for The River

Nilly èMarketi g-Dom
Nilly èMarketi g-Dom - 05.12.2020 11:26

the strain was good but that old man took me out of it ummmm

VENVAT Pictures
VENVAT Pictures - 24.11.2020 19:15

Hi pheebs.

Styling & travel with Joel
Styling & travel with Joel - 28.10.2020 02:47

The Exorcist was the best, Sad it was discontinued.
