Badges on your Flutter App using flutter_app_badger and badges (Badges Tutorial)

Badges on your Flutter App using flutter_app_badger and badges (Badges Tutorial)

Tech Builder

2 года назад

5,512 Просмотров

Hands-on tutorial and walk-through on how badges work - on the app icon as well as within an application. A sample implementation in a Flutter app on how to setup badges in your app (design and content) and how to drive the content of application icon badges.. I walk through the configuration of the required Flutter packages and configuration of the iOS application. Also, the implementation on Flutter to handle the notifications to increase the badge counter.


#mobile_app #flutter #vs_code #app_development #app_design #Flutter #iOS #Android #API #Cloud #JSON #De-serialize #DART #AWS #Flutter_Tutorial #Distributed_Systems #REST_API #serverless #Badges
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Tushar Ghige
Tushar Ghige - 10.03.2023 12:44

This is not working for the latest devices. Like Samsung Z flip

Jing Gu
Jing Gu - 17.02.2023 12:10

We need help with our badge implementation.Our badge would not reset, when the app is minimized, or the user logs out. What could go wrong?

Teerat Phoowaborwornphimkul
Teerat Phoowaborwornphimkul - 12.11.2022 08:47

Where did you implement?
