I’ve always love Edward Woodard I believed he was the first equalizer ❤he and his side kick Mickey
ОтветитьI need to point out when that lady back up save their bacon he told his supervisor she did a good job not to her face when his buddy save their ass he said you did not thank me that’s a topical male ❤
ОтветитьThe equalizer was control Mc call and Mickey they were the major players , now the person playing the phoenix looks like Scott Mc Call’s son I’m not too sure
ОтветитьNot bad at all. It was worth the watch.
ОтветитьNew to this series and am really liking it. Looking forward to the next episode. Thanks for the upload.
ОтветитьMr Woodward is a professional!
ОтветитьKeep this series coming👍Others seem not as good
Ответитьthanks for uploading this episode 2 ..
ОтветитьI prefer the original professional
ОтветитьEdward Woodward is as good as the original profesionals
ОтветитьEddy Woodwork was great as the Equaliser.
This however....... oh deary me!!!
Nothing more than a cheap, cheesy American counterfeit rip off, I mean even the Chinese could have made a better copy of this, it's that bad.
How dare they insult such a great British cult programme.
Yes, Edward played the role of The Equalizer
ОтветитьThere is TV that is awful, then there is TV that is utterly shocking, then there is TV that is so bad in every single department it should only be burnt, and finally there is TV that is so appallingly and utterly garbage that all you can do is watch it again. This is most definitely the last category. Chronic acting, awful scripts, shocking filtering, dire scenes, wooden characters, abysmal plotting and every other department run on a budget of £4.53. Apart from that, it's excellent
ОтветитьNorth Macedonia no such country as Macedonia 38 min
ОтветитьI never heard about this series.
It looks like trash ... but Edward Woodward is always worth a watch!
How much wood would Edward Woodward chuck if Edward Woodward could chuck wood?
ОтветитьNever seen or heard of this before, not too bad if I hadn't seen the original series. I'm afraid Edward Woodward nor the two actors playing the two main CI5 agents are a patch on Gordon Jackson as Cowley or Martin Shaw and Lewis Collins as Doyle and Bodie. The grittiness and believability just isn't there, there's just too much of a soft side to the characters for me. Reminds me of an all male Dempsey and Makepeace.
ОтветитьSorry not a fan. Just look at their car for starters.
ОтветитьI know what i'm doing the soldier said before crashing out of shot through a bush, in the next shot the blond guy enters the hut and the lights instantly go one, the shot after he still has both hands carrying that basket. There was't time to get those lights on and what did he use to switch them on with?
ОтветитьWhat training did these two CI5 guys actually have - they can’t even shoot a bad guy who’s stood right in front of them (and then they lose him!). As if that wasn’t bad enough, the American one has twice sat/stepped on a bomb - and this is only Episode 2!!! FFS.
Ответитьnot as good as the one in the 80's
ОтветитьOMG!! I watched this when it was aired and couldn't believe it was 25 years ago . Seems like it was yesterday.
ОтветитьThis series wasn't a patch on the original series. Waste of time!
ОтветитьCallan is the benchmark. This is a lavatory that hasn't been flushed, ever!
ОтветитьThese soldiers wouldn't do too well playing Battlefield 1.
ОтветитьTHE NEW PROFESSIONALS ? , I didn't think Edward Woodward was still alive , but found that this was from 20 odd years old .
ОтветитьThe real hitman Callan!
The best
Can tv get any worse. Yes it can I watching it now 😅
ОтветитьGo lonely Go foyle
ОтветитьDont remember this series without Bodie and Doyle no one asked for or needed
ОтветитьA Citroen DS in the beginning, so awesome!!!
ОтветитьDid not last long
ОтветитьNeither Denzil Washington nor Queen Latifa is the Equalizer. Edward Woodward is the Equalizer, Edward Woodward will always be the Equalizer
ОтветитьIn episode 1 Chris Keel wore a submariner pin now he's got a navy seal pin!😅😢😮