Extra-terrestrials ... I keep asking, and nobody takes the bait—
—where from?
(And I cannot countenance 'time travellers'.) (Yeuch~!)
What warped logic! Why would the people of London build a Huge tower just to hold a Clock so everyone for miles around could just look up & see the time when anyone could just stoop over & select a twig from the surrounding land & poke it into the ground deep enough to stand as the Marker for a SUN DIAL!? Just maybe the GIANTS who built Stonehenge were as lazy as the people who produced this video?
ОтветитьBold hypothesis serve a good purpose to expand the possibility of new things/knowledge. Unfortunately these guys never tries to confirm their hypothesis and present any proof of anything. It's all based on using the "unexplainable" or what science are to stupid to understand - and because it is unexplainable - it is somehow "proof" of ancient aliens. Would be nice if they for once presented a little more facts and a little less make belief. If they want to sell a religion they should call it a religion.
ОтветитьLuckily earth mother's and father's aren't such amateurs, please open yr minds, these circles of life are for manifesting goodness and clearing badness, something which needs to be reintroduced immediately, weight is subjective
ОтветитьWhat a load of bullSh$t, I found it funny.
ОтветитьThe thumbnail looks like they got Giorgio in the middle of a sneeze.
I can see the trolls are scared ones are trying to rebut what they see. Go and keep believing in a made up god.
Yes, maybe Aliens on Earth because some responses to comments about how Aliens were never proven to be on Earth - some of those responses seem Alien. But still, never met one - and I never met one thousands of years ago
ОтветитьWhen hair boy says that the ancient people could have just use sticks instead of building giant stone circle calendars, is the dumbest thing he's ever said. We wouldn't be talking about this had they just said f it guys let's use some sticks and call it a day...
ОтветитьWho says they didnt have metal tools and how can they prove it
ОтветитьA alien 👽 is a dead 💀 god Xenios ⚘🌚👍Rest in the good news 🌹 okay bye
The problem of extraterrestrials is : How many of them are psychopaths?
How did the Malta site survive WW2 bombing amazing
ОтветитьTime travel or stargates !!
ОтветитьAccording to "Ancient Astronaut Theorists", it is possible to have, they may have, they could have, they should have, they ought to have, they are believed to have, or perhaps they did not...or yes!
ОтветитьThey never say they know. Thats okay atleast they admit it. Whats got you so heated😂
ОтветитьMe being half Maltese and living in Malta, I have to say that they absolutely butchered the pronunciation of these Temples 😂😂😂..
ОтветитьWhy isn’t anyone talking about mulie point over looking monument park? The platform made up of gigantic perfect cubes?
ОтветитьWe are the aliens the extraterrestrials this is there home its not ours
ОтветитьIsla de Mona
Ответитьthe moment you show modern Stone Hence and make out the stones were laid by aliens - Stone Hence we see was constructed in the 1950s - I'm disappointed in you I'm out of here.
ОтветитьBy Giants.
ОтветитьThey made the remark “the sites were associated with lights vc in the sky…”.Really? Where is the evidence that lights appeared about the megaliths?
ОтветитьHumans have alien DNA. N2
ОтветитьAliens don't exist. I've never seen one. There's no evidence of any. Stop presenting science fiction as history.
ОтветитьThere are so many megaliths and crop circles,people being abducted,ancient ruins,UFOs and statues that have been made by unknowns,and you all still wondering,are there aliens and have the visited Earth? 🤭😂🤣 🤦🏻♂️🥴😖you have more information than we do ,yet you still question the fact that we’ve all known.🤔Don’t know why you persist,just come out clean and honest,then ask will they contact the local humans on a daily basis.We know they have contacted higher ups,but we have too been contacted,it’s called being taken,or taken by Aliens.👌😙🙏👽👽👽👽👽👽👽
ОтветитьEaster islands are main galactic conference centers once upon a time, M103, Orion, Faulmout, Taurus, Atlas, Sirius, Andromeda, and the other civilizations had chosen there when earth is galactic civilization. They sometimes prefer to build something nearby natural portals, such as North England, Arctic region, Giza Pyramid, Himalaya, Caribbean islands, Peru, Antarctic region...
ОтветитьIt was a helipad for alian helicopters
ОтветитьThe stone circles is a alien landing pad
ОтветитьDoes anyone else think that Stonehenge had a roof back in its day.
ОтветитьThe history channel is the biggest sellout in HISTORY! Facts went out the window for clicks and baseless BS. Change the name of your fake channel.
ОтветитьHello, some onland architectures and spaceports still active to stargate system, moreover, Mars and Nibiru has same Pyramids to Orion-Sasani-Mintaka, Taygeta-Erra, Thuban-b, etc.
Ответитьlol...hello top 3, think about top 3 as galactic members to build new earth 2.0. Don't waste your time to alien ruins, there are tons of aerospace architectures and galactic centers should be build.
ОтветитьWe need to put insane people in a safe place. That safe place is history channel. According to these lunatics the bowel movement I had this morning was because of aliens. Mind boggling to cut sandstone?
Ответитьin my humble opinion, after watching waterpolo ladies in Paris 2024, the human without knowledge was thinking the Egyptian & others E.T had long skull in reality can be just a hat for the long hair, longer hair= longer hat, thank you
ОтветитьCheck this out and you will want to ask more questions Petraglyphs from usa
ОтветитьHello top 3, please to think about ongoing terraforming process on Venus, Mars, and Ganymede as top 3 habitable extroplanets and spaceports in Sol system.
ОтветитьWhat if that stone henge were just ordinary playground for ancient giant toddlers?😂
ОтветитьThey live among us
ОтветитьHello top3, why not to think about your orginal extroplanet as earthling expansion to the most connected earth 2.0?
ОтветитьHello top 3, Nibiru and Mars are full of ancient ruins much more than on the earth. While do you think new aerospace architecture and stargate system should be considered rather than to discuss these traditional types?
ОтветитьYour the beacon
ОтветитьSeen king kong
ОтветитьProvided by the dinosaurs
ОтветитьOh for the love of god, WHY do Americans KEEP referring to Ireland as a British Isle?
ОтветитьRemember the split of the could be older than you think🤔
ОтветитьWould be fascinating to watch if it wasn't for the annoying background noises, especially bad for people like me with hearing problems.
I had to turn it off.