What are the BEST Mount Insignia Bonuses for DPS in Neverwinter

What are the BEST Mount Insignia Bonuses for DPS in Neverwinter


2 года назад

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@vAaron-X - 21.11.2021 06:32

So which insignia's and insignia bonuses is everyone running? Thankyou everyone for all of your support recently. Its really awesome to see the community we are building here <3

@ivancesco5942 - 28.11.2021 05:42

I run 2 warlords 1combat m. 1 artificer 1 calvary no doms. Brut skill agg. Fort splits the stats half going into your top forte stat and a quarter goong into each of the other 2.

@user-kv1ih9lf5e - 22.11.2021 04:58

I'm using 3 assassins covenant and 2 warlords. Assassins gives 3% offensive stats and 2 warlords anymore and it gets nerfed hard by diminishing returns. Not sure if assassins is effected by dismissing returns but I don't think it is since it's a flat number not a %. I miss the gladiators guile but more stats is more dmg so can't really complain. Also if you're patient the mythic insignia packs are good you buy 10 for 5k zen and usually pull at least 2 mythic insignias which you can sell for 2 mil ea and 5k zen is 3.75 mil ad you technically make 250k along with the other insignias you can dust or sell. the profit margin isnt great and the wait is horrible for zen and there's way better ways to make ad with zen to just buy out the insignias. Also artificers persuasions isn't bad either I'm a hr so it's good when going into a fight you can use all your encounters then artifact for the cdr reset.

@tdhalljr9 - 21.11.2021 09:02

The warlords tooltip should give 20% then the second bonus gives 50% of the tooltip. So we should be getting a total of 30%, however it was only giving 2% and 1% for a total of 3%.
Guille gives 10% then 5%.

@Zekzt - 21.11.2021 08:43

I used few sf healing ones and they work gr8.

@thekids_callmeboss6577 - 21.11.2021 08:06

Same bonuses as you.
I used a few different bonuses and didn't notice much difference in fights 😁
Don't even know for sure if they even work, won't be surprised if some are bugged.
Personally choose any bonus you think you need or like.
