draco malfoy character study

draco malfoy character study


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@JustNiaster - 09.12.2022 22:29

i never though id feel bad for him, and well, here we are :(

@jocelyn-rk2vr - 27.02.2022 02:03

anyone know the song(s) name??? pls and thank u!!

@akhilanair4472 - 31.01.2022 20:24

Well I agree with some points but from speaking from the context of the book series (I meant the 7 not the cursed child) he did not had a self reflection even at the end of the series. He was cowardly and tried to catch harry by himself in the DH, and also tried to save himself by pleading to a death eater. So no Draco did not had any moral change, moral courage or even realised his mistakes, he was scared and wanted his family to be safe that's it. The Malfoy's loved each other and did not cared for anyone besides themselves which is understandable seeing where they are coming from. Sure he might have toned down his pureblood beliefs as an adult but we did not see that in the main series. I enjoyed his character but personally would not say that his character had any interesting element to it. He did not had any morality when it comes to killing as we seen in the book that he already tried to kill dumbledore by cursing and also by poison. Sure he cried but not out of his action but for the safety of his family and him. He was scared to kill Dumbledore because if he failed Voldemort will kill him and his family. At the end he and his family saved themselves by not sticking either to the good and the bad side. If Voldemort had won sure Draco would have to that side. Draco did not had any redemption because the story did not require it as he is not by any means one of the main characters. Being safe with his family was the least closure he could get. Draco malfoy is popular in the social media but if we take a larger section of readers he is not even included in the top 7 characters from the series.

@damiangarridoarias4029 - 28.01.2022 06:29

I think people has to understand something, that is a toxic parent does love they children or childrens, at least that are the comon cases. Most people aren't capable to distinct when a parent is abusive, specially when is emotional abuse and not physical abuse; most parents that abuse theyr children do love them, but because they want the best for them they fell into abusive and toxic behavior. Just in xtreme cases it can be said sure the parent doesn't love theyr children, when the abuse fell in literal turture and when the parent has a personality desorder like narcissism and psicopathy behavior or antisosial personality desorder like sociopathy. Is very comon to parents in xtreme belives (like religius fanatism, racism, homophobia, etc) to be toxic parents because they get xtremaly angry when the child doesn't belive the same things. I can asure you that Lucius and Narcissa are that kind of parents; from my point of vew Lucius didn't really care about Draco, he care about what people migth think of his son because they Malfoys and they have to had a good image in the public eye, Lucius try to have Draco into the quidditch team some way or another (Draco didn't really seem to have much interest in the broomstick) and just do things for him when it migth help him with his own agenda, and besides Lucius apears to have hear Draco complain about Harry before that scene in TCoS he didn't seemed really interested of what Draco really meant, of how that favoritism upset him, Lucius just say a thing he have alredy said before 'not show how much you dislike Harry Potter, and if you do [insert whatever thing Lucius migth want] i buy you that thing you maybe like or want' and that isn't really healthy. Every time we see Lucius and Dracos interactions he seemed annoyed by his son, and that isn't really uncomon that some parents are permisive until theyr child become a "problem or burden" and then explote in anger. Every time Draco talks about his father sound like overcompensation, like that is what he want from his father but is not what actually hapens, is more like Draco want his father aproval and atention more than anything. And about Narcissa we know less than we know about Lucius; we only know or percieve that she wants her son by her side, and worry for him when it comes to a death treat from the Dark Lord to her son; she still get dissapointed when Draco maried Astoria for her blood curse, she didn't change at all so i don't get a hurry to give her the mother of the year cup. Most of all, Lucius is the worst because he only seemed to care for himself, for me that moment when he asked Voldemort if he could go a search his son is more a try to avoid fighting than real concern about Dracos safety.

@blessyie643 - 26.01.2022 14:48

I love this boy

@MrEnergee1987 - 11.01.2022 14:57

Draco Malfoy had so many complex parallels with Johnny Lawrence (Karate Kid)

@jesusfollowerswomenministries - 02.01.2022 13:18

Harry Potter promotes witchcraft and Witchcraft is a sin, it leads to a eternal damnation! go to Jesus, He is better than anything else, He's true love and salvation, He loves you and wants to save you from hell and from sin! witchcraft leads souls to hell but Jesus saves! Jesus whom is the one and only true God and Creator came to earth 2000+ years ago to go to the cross to pay our sin debt in full. His sacrifice was sufficient to pay the penalty for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2). A created being could not pay the infinite penalty required for sin against an infinite God. Only God could pay such an infinite penalty. Only God could take on the sins of the world (2 Corinthians 5:21), die, and be resurrected, proving His victory over sin and death and that true and only God is JESUS! And He did all that because He loves us and wants to save us and have a relationship with us. Jesus is waiting for you to come to Him, He won't cast you away from Himself if you come to Him. He calls us all to repentance, He loves us and wants to save us. believe and have faith in God then the Holy Spirit will come in and lead you to repent of your sins and God will forgive you of your sins and cleanse you by the blood of Jesus and you'll get born again by His Holy Spirit and have His salvation, you will become a new creation (John 3:3-19). Jesus is the only way to Heaven, He's the only way we can be saved ( John 14:6). sin leads to hell but only Jesus can save us from sin's damnation and hell's grasp ( Romans 6:23).

@maitreiagarwal5413 - 15.12.2021 06:12


@summerlovesyouu - 13.12.2021 19:27

nah cos some of y’all think that Draco would be sweet and kind if he dated you but he’d probs call you pathetic 😩

@alisha2010 - 27.11.2021 20:48

I cant believe I watching this I hate draco lol
But spellbound made it so ill like it obviously

@ariel.notsane - 27.11.2021 08:33

Just Draco's parents made him bad, Draco was nice

@tofu8676 - 14.09.2021 17:39

"Saint Pottah..."

@khabibnurmagomedov_29-0 - 03.09.2021 03:39

All i can hear is draco say POTTAH

@asheditsofficial - 31.08.2021 23:42

I would love to see a Wanda character study!!

@quetenamre - 28.08.2021 14:39

draco : in love with Harry in short

@fl0ra.l - 06.08.2021 23:48

The dislikes are all dracos diffrent accounts because you exposed him

@inayatismayilov9571 - 25.07.2021 13:14

draco snobby,racist,terrible,hateful character.harry best

@euphoricaly - 13.06.2021 20:08

Labrinth + draco = perfection

@afrin2062 - 10.06.2021 02:16

Guys, does someone know where to find this exact music? Reese said she mashed up the Euphoria music but it’d be wonderful if there was a link to this exact mashed up soundtrack without the voices and all. I could find a way to edit them out but I’m too lazy haha. It’s simply the single best thing I’ve heard my whole life lol. I love it so much.

@hogwarts4291 - 10.06.2021 01:25

Ok, but what person mocks a schoolmate's death, especially when said schoolmate was kidnapped from school and murdered, even if someone was raised by racists, that doesn't justify them mocking people's death.

@lakella7721 - 06.06.2021 14:13

Draco’s Birthday was yesterday

@zaroio2533 - 01.06.2021 23:45

julian albert's face hasnt aged a year

@cHaOtIcShWaRmAMARVEL - 20.05.2021 10:21

This is beautiful man!

@arizz8457 - 15.05.2021 08:29

malfoy is still a little prick but this is pretty

@homosapien5684 - 15.05.2021 06:10

This just makes me wanna rush to wattpad and read smutty fanfiction.

@asterisque9252 - 13.05.2021 12:48

Y’all know any good fanfics from Draco’s perspective/ or basically as a main character? I prefer dramione, but i also read Drarry and the rest, so feel free to recommend please...🙏🏼

@grace.is.h0t767 - 13.05.2021 04:44

Honestly Harry should have become friends with Draco in the beginning. All he wanted was a new friend but Harry denied him. I feel so bad for Draco

@shagunkumar9397 - 09.05.2021 14:12

Heyyy! Just wanted to say he did have a choice and actually he was spoiled rotten by his parents not aBuSeD! This what I'm telling I canon information.

@Bassamkurdi205 - 26.04.2021 14:10

she forgot into harry 👌

@laurapratt6360 - 25.04.2021 21:24

Draco was never bad, he was just hurt - by his parents, and replicating behavior from them -

@safiyanadeem8711 - 05.04.2021 23:48

I love Draco so much, Just a boy trying to make his strict father proud 🥺

@stefanpettersson6468 - 04.04.2021 13:48

this video is pure art

@Cobb_Dunzo - 20.03.2021 08:09

Draco was literally a CHILD throughout the whole saga. You really can only blame his parents, but Lucius is most to blame for being a spineless coward before Voldy. I believe Cissy was just a product of the pureblood families and she and Lucius together brought up Draco to be the same.

@Jo_Wardy - 19.03.2021 10:35

Draco just hates that Harry gets all the attention.

@aditi7295 - 15.03.2021 23:03

I have never despised a character so much. Nothing excuses his actions. He wasn't even abused unlike popular belief. The movies made him seem broken and misunderstood. He was as a bully, a racist, he bodyshamed people and made fun of the Weasley's. That being said, he started to signs of regret in HBP and DH. I do think he deserved redemption and I'm glad that he became a better person after the war.

@-mementomori - 15.03.2021 22:53


@doodle6381 - 15.03.2021 19:40

I noticed that he fell apart more, and more every year...Man this kid had a tough life

@Neopeo - 14.03.2021 16:26

Life is not fair but it doesn't excuse the things he did.

@lunaxstrange - 10.03.2021 15:44

I feel so :( for Draco whenever I repeat these scenes

@_eve___ - 08.03.2021 03:10

i’ll never forgive them for taking out the scene when draco throws harry his wand at the battle of hogwarts and ran to the hogwarts side >:(

@2oldforthisshit - 26.02.2021 17:58

I think if anyone truly hugged him for a while he will cry and will change his mind... because he is broken 💔... Harry was able to do that but he didn't..😭😭😭😭love draco

@stellar_7 - 26.02.2021 12:10

Best character ever written

@nikonijn - 27.01.2021 22:25

i like draco as a character but yall are excusing his actions a bit too much,, harry literally grew up in an equally if not way more abusive home than draco and he didnt become a death eater. i do think it is dracos parents' fault that he turned out how he did but that's not because he wasnt loved enough but because they raised him in this pureblood-supremacist way.
hes not "the boy who had no choice", he did have a choice to defy his parents' beliefs, just look at sirius black for example.

@alexiasidaway7 - 27.01.2021 17:38

as much as I love draco I love his parents to but I do think he deserved better

@workoutbalala54 - 23.01.2021 04:47


@michellet3781 - 20.01.2021 11:38

Do Ron next

@natasha2992 - 08.01.2021 23:09

oh of course he’s a gemini
