Python vs. R comparison (by a die-hard Python fan)

Python vs. R comparison (by a die-hard Python fan)

Mısra Turp

1 год назад

8,094 Просмотров

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@skrejaulhaque - 27.03.2023 10:17

Good one

@jeekakrishna - 27.03.2023 10:23

exactly what i was looking for...and i am learning streamlit cherrypy and flask python framework

@jeekakrishna - 27.03.2023 10:24

although i would love it if you could talk about microframeworks like cherrpy for a guy who wants to make basi food ordering apps with this

@quandrea - 27.03.2023 10:36

Hey Misra, I prefer python as well 🤗 Thank you so much for your great content, you helped me so much with your videos already and I love the way you explain things!! 🥰

@quito96 - 27.03.2023 11:22

Hi Misra, thanks for your summary. I came to Python via R. For complex visualizations I use R and HTML( Knit) exports. However, a good alternative for Python that I have been using for 2 weeks is Datalore...

@ElPeeto - 27.03.2023 12:36

thanks for the comparison! didn't know that the ggplot2 in R is one of the best visualization libaries available. maybe I should learn R in the future but will keep using Python for the moment

@blaisepascal3905 - 27.03.2023 13:01

Thank you so much for the good comparison! Video of this quality are rare!
Like some people said, Python is production oriented and R research oriented (but you could do both with Python or R). In the end, one get a big advantage learning both. I think Python visualization is slowly catching up with R (even if the gap remain). There are also other libraries for machine/deep learning in R (tidymodels and torch/keras for instance), but they are not as mature as those from Python as you said.
Thank you again!

@John_Krone - 27.03.2023 16:09

I have been using Python for a while and heard of R but now I'm intrigued with what it offers for statistic analysis. Will look into R. Thank you very much for this video

@MrDrvmmer - 27.03.2023 20:50

None of these. I will use x86 Assembly language for my next project since it is easy to use.

@stretch8390 - 28.03.2023 03:11

Noooo, you forgot to look at Tidymodels in the Machine Learning comparison section. It has really changed the game for ML in R.

@danielcanedo5240 - 29.03.2023 04:23

Another big advantage of Python is that you are one it's instructors...❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@simhz2221 - 05.04.2023 03:14

Good video but as an analyst who uses both languages I have to say that R is built for Data Science/Data Analysis (it´s not just a statistically focused language - Tidyverse is better than anything Python has to offer) especially Time Series where R blows Python out of the water. In general if I want to do any kind of stand alone analysis (data cleaning, analysis & visualization) I go with R. If I want to do machine learning/web scraping/build an analytical application/complex data pipelines I go with Python.

@vladyslav-py-js-cs - 11.04.2023 21:56

I love Python ❤

@souhaibsebbane5623 - 21.04.2023 07:31

Great video, look into the Tidymodels framework, it is becoming increasingly famous for ML, and it builds on the Tidyverse syntax and logic.

@medourwassim7705 - 09.05.2023 10:54

R has a data wrangling and visualization framework called Tidyverse which is better than python libraries such as pandas , polars, matplotlib and seaborn. When it comes for machine learning in my opinion both languages have comparable framework/libraries , with 'R Tidymodels performing as well as scikit-learn on python additionally for time series (statistical models ) there is no room that python is better than R
Eventually i am not going to talk about deep learning because when you meet people you realize that the most of us still working with tabular data and traditional machine learning

@alanhernandez7201 - 17.06.2023 23:52

I'm using both, but R seems to be more difficult to learn for me, I sill don't know why...
I feel more confortable using Python and Jupyter.

@hamidmirza333 - 15.08.2023 19:42

Thank you for the awesome videos.

@impfpolizei9224 - 28.10.2023 11:23

One crucial advantage of R is that it is been used by researchers. If you want to use a very special kind of a ML algorithm that was established in a relatively unknown paper there is no way somebody implemented it in a Python module. However the authors of the paper themselves probably coded it and publsihed a R lib. So if you want to keep up with scientific literature and use them in your own work R is the way to go.

@WahranRai - 18.01.2024 01:24

R at the beginning was very simple to write and understand.
R was similar to other programming languages (Python, Matlab...).
Unfortunately Hadley Wickham and the Rstudio team destroyed this simplicity by adding the %>%, |> pipe (supposedly for compact code) and the tidyverse, tibble ...

@tarasst6887 - 01.05.2024 10:56

R is best

@elforich - 12.07.2024 01:16

Which is better for DataViz, GGplot2 or Origin?
