Elementor form redirect with parameters- dynamic content for elementor

Elementor form redirect with parameters- dynamic content for elementor

Design School by Wpalgoridm

3 года назад

24,472 Просмотров

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Taka Income YT
Taka Income YT - 19.09.2023 05:13

Sir how to get Data form Custom field thne show Singles page and Number 2 page... I want use for Downloading Website.. Plesse make Video...

Nicolas A
Nicolas A - 07.07.2023 16:22

Thanks for your video! In the video you showed with one parameter only, can we have to parameters that imply a redirection?
Waiting for your answer!!!

The Pixel Producer
The Pixel Producer - 18.08.2022 02:24

Is there a way to check for certain values and perform specific actions according to value? I need something like if user leaves a 4 or 5 star review redirect to a certain page else they redirect to a form.

Bela Lustosa
Bela Lustosa - 25.06.2022 06:31

is there anyway i can use those parameter in the same url? So i can use the infos of the form in other sections

Be Clicked Agency
Be Clicked Agency - 24.06.2022 15:51

Thanks for this ! This is really helpful ! Just a question : when the first form is completed, is there a way to avoid the confirmation message shown before redirecting ?

S. Ali
S. Ali - 02.05.2022 19:25

Please reply to my query 🙏🏼 Can I collect an email using a form and transfer it to a pop-up where the user can fill the rest of the form?

Ninja Maria & Co
Ninja Maria & Co - 18.04.2022 08:42

Thanks, man. I was wondering if "Redirect to" could be also to a dynamic page, specifically a popup. When I try this, it gives me an error.

Jefferson Daniel
Jefferson Daniel - 22.01.2022 01:22

Very nice video!

The Rafal
The Rafal - 13.01.2022 15:28

hi, great tutorial explain a lot I have issue with redirection from the form created by Elementor to form none Elementor - link is not work nothing is happening after submission

Strive4impact - 24.11.2021 08:10

This was incredibly helpful. Thank you!

I do have a question though...

Let's say I have 5 parameters

fname. If fname exists, display [Box1]
lname. If lname exists, display [Box2]
email. If email exists, display [Box3]
parameter4. If parameter4 exists, display [Box4]
parameter5. If parameter5 exists, display [Box5]

I want to display a message that's unique if fname and parameter4 exist, but no other parameters. (Let's call this [Box6])

I want to display a different message that's unique if fname and parameter5 exist, but no other parameters. (Let's call this [Box7])

Basically, how do I make it conditional upon multiple parameters, instead of just 1?

2nd part of the question, how do I make the other box (showing for just 1 parameter) NOT show in this case?

i.e. [Box1] shows if something exists in fname.
But if something exists in fname AND parameter 4, then [Box1] becomes hidden, and [Box6] displays.

Fadel RM
Fadel RM - 09.11.2021 03:22

hi i wonder your elementor version on this video? because my elementor nothing option for redirrect dynamic

killer gamer
killer gamer - 28.05.2021 12:05

Hey I just came across this awesome channel. You deserve a lot bhai❤️ I just have one query that can we request these parameters to another site form. Like if in WordPress form I request the parameters those details should be automatically get filled in my other subdomain which have a php form.

Waiting for your reply😊
Keep rocking🔥

JOY - 28.05.2021 07:09

Just what I needed. Thanks a lot!

Kevin McKenzie !
Kevin McKenzie ! - 27.05.2021 04:47

This is great, thanks for the in-depth walk-through!

Kerem Taskin
Kerem Taskin - 02.05.2021 12:48

Hi, you are doing a great job! Thanks a lot and thumbs up! A QUESTION: What if I would like set a Token with a specific value. I mean, in your example with the picture: I would to show the picture just to JOHN and nobody else. How do I have to write the value in there? Thanks for your help.

Davide Fiorio
Davide Fiorio - 26.03.2021 19:54

Hi. very interest tutorial.
Please, there is a way to hide message after submit ad redirect immediatly to second page? Tnx

Eli Rosen
Eli Rosen - 23.03.2021 05:24

Thank you so much for explaining how to do this. Could you help me with a problem? I use hebrew letters and I am getting an error form the form. in the docs it says to use a urlncode will this fix the problem ? and if yes how to use it? thanks so much!

Mart Oosterman
Mart Oosterman - 15.03.2021 16:18

Is it possible to hide the parameters in the URL?

jl - 12.03.2021 01:44

Thank you so much! Your are exceptional!

Head Studios
Head Studios - 09.03.2021 06:46

