Подскажите, пожалуйста! Ищу плагин, похожий на Oszillos Mega Scope по функционалу. Мне нужно, чтобы он умел по сетке во времени семплы анализировать. Я знаю, такой есть, просто я его потерял
ОтветитьThanks bro
Ответитьwhen selecting a certain region in the spectrum how do I get it so you cant hear the whole track as well?
ОтветитьThanks Michael!! 🙌
ОтветитьBroo, but a Desser on your vocals next time
Ответитьman that feature that lets you focus on the frequencies you want to hear is a game changer! glad i stopped to watch this!
ОтветитьThanks so much!
ОтветитьThank you for the very useful video. I would like to ask a question, knowing that I may be asking a stupid question (I am new to this, and maybe you even explained it in the video and I missed it). Is there, perhaps even through SPAN or some other tool, the possibility of being informed directly by the tool itself (maybe through a report or something like that) of which tracks of a song overlap in a given frequency spectrum, so that I can act initially at the level of overlapping tracks, and then at a more general level?
I don't think I explained myself very well, but perhaps you can still understand :)))
Thanks in advance.
im in ableton with Span on my master channel - why is that if i add an eq to the master and cut say all the top end , I cant see that change in Span?
ОтветитьSo beautiful
ОтветитьThank youuu! :)
ОтветитьThank you # this was sooo helpful! Still new in mixing - what defines a side channel, i.e. how do I identify it in my mix?
Ответитьthank you a lot for that video
ОтветитьHas anyone been able to get this to work on Da Vinci Resolve? I managed to get it in my Audio plugins list in Preferences, but it doesn't show up in the Effects panel after the program is restarted.
Ответитьjoined and just got the voxengo plus It displays the spectrum like no other plug i know😊
ОтветитьStill fantastic 4 years later. Thank you so much!
Ответитьi have a mastering plugin called bx_masterdesk... i was looking at my SPAN graph, and i jacked up the bass in bx (which is on the output track) and the SPAN graph doesn't change... i changed the order in the strip, putting span first or bx first, but the graph still doesnt change... maybe its confusing my cubase ? :)
Why in mixer kick is like -15db but in SPAN same kick is
thanks for that. Was watching it 4 years ago . I was searching for that today and you helped me . thanks
ОтветитьWhats the name of the beat?
ОтветитьThank you life saver💎🤝🏻
ОтветитьI know this is old. "Block Size" is actually FFT samples (buckets). What he is calling 'harmonics' so freely aren't. The reason to not have sub-audible frequencies is actually for cleaning up the bass delivered. It is wasted energy that heats up amps and distorts physical speakers unnecessarily. This makes all other higher frequencies sent to the speaker have to fight this inaudible cone movement. Other than nit-picking, thanks for making this video.
ОтветитьGood stuff, and I love the copy-frequency trick, but this does seem in part like a repeat of Dan Worrall's "Mixing With Your Eyes: Voxengo SPAN mixing settings". Worrall also adds an important point - you need to make sure that you change both the mid and side settings to match (for smoothing etc.). Also he explains why moving to 8192 block size makes sense even though you want a smoother spectrogram. Also, the paid for version of Span (Span Plus) gives you a really cool feature - the ability to compare different tracks in the same window.
ОтветитьI was researching this plugin for the first time and saw you made a video guaranteed I’m watching it
ОтветитьIncredible tutorial, thank u so much
ОтветитьI love you bro, you have morphed my mixing and production skills to levels I never thought I would reach, you are a staple to the music community ❤
ОтветитьGreat tutorial - thank you! <3
ОтветитьWhat headphone do you use?
ОтветитьFantastic! Thanks!🎸😃
ОтветитьThank you for this video.
ОтветитьHow can i see Freqzency problems between mono and stereo?
Ответитьthanks a lot, great video ! very interesting , i will test this pulgin 🔥👍
Ответитьone of the best channels out there
ОтветитьWhat do you mean by side channel? Thanks.
ОтветитьJust brilliant! Well explained and to the point. Thanks for a great video!
ОтветитьWhat type of headphones are you using that recognizes 5 hz? So, the frequency range is from 5 to 20 Khz? I need a good set of headphones.
ОтветитьThank you, very helpfully! 🤟
Ответитьyou one of the greatest teachers ive ever listened to in my life. Sending Love from South Africa
ОтветитьThis is an amazing and concise explanation of this plug-in. Thank you
ОтветитьDo you have any videos for how to learn to pick the right key for a kick on a beats key, please?
ОтветитьAre u still using Span? Or did u found something new?
ОтветитьAl the good been said already... but I want to stress that the way that you simplify your explanation just makes things clearer even when you know the stuff already.
ОтветитьWhat does the "Side" Channel mean
ОтветитьSPAN by Voxengo is one of the best free plugins available. It can give you lots of information about your audio to help you make critical mixing and mastering decisions. In this video, I share my favourite settings which help me get the most out of the plugin.
Note: I say "spectrogram" once or twice in the video, I mean "spectrum"