How I Got To 5W/kg | Ollie’s Cycling Performance Secrets!

How I Got To 5W/kg | Ollie’s Cycling Performance Secrets!

Global Cycling Network

2 года назад

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@user-mg8lx8ht8f - 21.04.2024 14:25

ollie=big watts

- 24.04.2024 13:51

This is what I don't like about professional cycling, male bodies look like teenage anorexic girls 🤣 Much rather I'll keep my shape and be slower 😂

@marcusbaxby6798 - 24.04.2024 22:38

A real shame that despite all the good scientific literature on cycling nutrition, you’ve chosen Tim Spector, a man who sells blood glucose monitors to people who don’t need them (ie anyone without diabetes) and scams people into thinking that their nutrition is now ‘personalised’. Other than that great video

@joshcullum88 - 29.04.2024 16:44

This is a very long winded way of saying you were in a calorie deficit until you plateaued at 68kg

@YourMum-ed8jq - 08.05.2024 12:45

I get you’re not trining for sprinting, but do you do any strength training as part of your week?

@SilvershadowF1 - 21.05.2024 00:58

Happy it worked for you and you got happy with your results. Got to around your level in 2016 were my weight was 67kg and my ftp 320w. Was running repeated climbs at 335w for 40mins but you know what? I still got more than 30mins and more from front runners in amateur granfondos. To be in the first gruppetto 5.7-5.8w/kg for 30mins was needed, well above my capacity....

@Chazza.. - 24.05.2024 01:50

I drink 8 pints of stella each night which helps flush the system out

@Chazza.. - 24.05.2024 01:56

Is ollie fitter than durianrider 😊

@Chazza.. - 24.05.2024 02:15

Yeah even amateurs take steroids and epo

@hcom01 - 26.05.2024 05:47

I would love to see more content like this Ollie. Thanks for this, even if I'm a year late to say it.

@SteveCrabb-em5gs - 01.06.2024 09:51

Great advice Oli. Had a wobble recently but this is just what I needed to get my motivation back. Cheers Steve

@lukewalker1051 - 06.06.2024 14:58

How to get 5w/kg? Work your bloody a_ _ off. Most prefer the scenic route.
5w/kg? Nah. Most want Ollie's hair stem cells.
PS. don't drink alcohol.
Even a single dose of alcohol (ethanol) can have significant effects on the brain and cellular structures. Let’s explore how alcohol impacts mitochondria:

Brain Alterations:
A study conducted by researchers from the University of Cologne, along with the Universities of Mannheim and Heidelberg, found that even a single administration of alcohol can permanently alter synapses and mitochondrial movement in the brain’s neurons1. These changes affect the brain’s reward learning and may potentially lead to later alcohol addiction.
Specifically, alcohol influences the structure of synapses (the connections between neurons) and the dynamics of mitochondria (the cell’s energy powerhouses). The altered migration of mitochondria in synapses reduces the rewarding effect of alcohol, suggesting that even a single consumption event can lay the foundation for addiction1.
Muscle and Mitochondria:
Alcohol’s impact extends beyond the brain. In skeletal muscle, mitochondria play a crucial role in providing energy and regulating muscle contraction.
Recent research has shown that mitochondria in skeletal muscle can form networks, fuse, and share components. This process, called mitochondrial fusion, helps maintain healthy mitochondria.
Prolonged alcohol consumption can lead to muscle weakness. One reason for this is that alcohol affects mitochondrial fusion. When mitochondria fail to fuse and repair themselves, muscle function can be compromised2.
Mitochondrial Damage:
Both acute and chronic alcohol exposure lead to mitochondrial damage, specifically in the form of depolarization. This depolarization directly triggers mitophagy, a process that degrades damaged mitochondria34.
Ethanol-related increases in oxidative stress can also damage mitochondrial DNA, impairing mitochondrial function. This cycle of accumulating cell damage becomes more apparent with advancing age5.

Lastly, if you train less, consume fewer carbs or your glucose levels will be elevated.

@paulfsd - 07.06.2024 10:32

£3.10 an almond croissant, here it's 1€50. PS. Great video

@gildorosso - 11.06.2024 16:29

Thanks so much Ollie!
One question: how long should a zone 2 training session last?

@ouared100 - 19.06.2024 11:03

£3 for an almond croissant is a crime!

@JordanHammond7 - 22.06.2024 19:47

Ollie, curious to know your height in cm.

@narakdk - 23.06.2024 09:49

After watching it a second time I still dont get how its possible with what seems so little training. May I ask how many hours a week that is? I usually bike around 2 times a week my self, so im not an expert, and is on 3w/kg.

@einsteinisbae27 - 23.06.2024 16:04

an interesting video, would be how to get to Ollie's starting point, that kind of fitness, FTP of 290 etc, is already high enough of a goal for me.

@global_nomad. - 23.06.2024 21:50

the only point that seems to have been contradicted in the last year is the amount of protein cyclists can/should eat in realtion to how much can be absorbed - more than suggested here.

@hobinlobo - 25.06.2024 13:42

One additional tip. If you want to do zone 2 training outside, but where you ride is too hilly and you find it hard to stick to zone 2, ebikes are great.

@questgivercyradis8462 - 01.07.2024 00:12

Good job Ollie on becoming more awesome! Question - is GNC just the side gig then? I knew Oli was a scientist, but I thought he was a lapsed scientist who ditched academics for cycling! It is heartening to hear that these are pretty manageable things to incorporate into life. Perhaps not everyone can train as often/long, but hey, sneak in improvements where you can.

My training is more mixed - weightlifting + cycling. Sure it means I carry a bit extra upper body weight, but I'm not a slouch when riding, and I can pick up loads better when off the bike. Just starting to figure out how to "train" on a bike as opposed to just commute and buy more groceries to shove in the bags. The sleep advice though... that's going to be tough ;(

@harpreetsandhu5321 - 12.07.2024 04:26

Very inspirational Ollie. I have been going through a similar journey in trying to improve - Reading - read Diet Myrh, Cycling Training Bible. Got a coach for a few months and now self coaching. I like going back to this video to give me a boost! Well done!

@paolocruz8392 - 27.07.2024 17:13

Love you too Ollie, stay awesome! 🙂👍🙆‍♂️

@praxisbeweggrund7778 - 30.07.2024 15:34

you definitely can absorb more than 1.6g per kg of protein....

@syrus3k - 31.07.2024 10:41

Oh my goodness, someone with protein facts! Thank you.

@marklink26 - 31.07.2024 22:53

I’ve lost a stone since watching this video 3 months ago. Something clicked and tbh the biggest thing that’s helped is giving the stomach a rest. Hard at first but easier after time. Getting eufy scales helped monitor my progress and incentivise.

@gerardhunter9925 - 05.08.2024 01:33

he is so fun

@Bozijasila - 08.08.2024 05:57

From Dropped to Dropper there is only one R too much. Doped 😢😂

@kalleandersson916 - 16.08.2024 07:41

I started working out almost three years ago. I developed a disciplined approach to my new lifestyle when it came to diet, sleep, and good habits. Almost a year ago, I started cycling, and for the past six months, I've been averaging 12 hours and 280 km of cycling each week (plus a few hours of strength training and rehab after an ACL surgery).

I'm 37 years old, and this wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't been very meticulous about my diet and sleep. What you mention in the video about not worrying about calories is something I fully agree with. Healthy fats, a good variety of organic foods, intermittent fasting, and a few well-chosen supplements—there's no single formula for everyone, but if you start with that, it can hardly go wrong.

@thicccboyztv - 20.08.2024 20:42


@AleksOsipov-wg1te - 06.09.2024 01:32

Man opens up with 'I applied science' then proceeds to 'I think counting calories is useless'. Hard to take him seriously after that.

@FGIRAFFE - 19.09.2024 22:43

Nice! Looks liké Dan Lloyd is now folliwing a similar. I live these videos

@geoffreyfaltot1006 - 25.09.2024 19:40

Did Alberto let himself go?

@tomorrow3582 - 01.10.2024 20:26

Lots of great advice but don't agree about the protein bit. You say your body doesn't benefit from more than 1.6g per kg - that is a lot of protein, the kind of amount that bodybuilders strive for. Your average cyclist isn't going to be consuming anywhere near that unless they're overweight and massively overeating. I would imagine most cyclists would benefit from increasing their protein consumption to aid recovery, increase in muscle mass and potentially reducing caloric intake (which may or may not be a good thing).

@739jep - 02.10.2024 17:46

Is there a source for the bit about not absorbing more than 1.6 grams of protein per kilo of body weight?

@jeffcreed365 - 24.10.2024 04:28

Basically the lighter rider will climb better than the heavier rider...Long story short.

@simmooz3528 - 28.10.2024 17:15

Late to this one but like the Tim Spector reference. Having done the ‘Zoe’ tests and diet which says I need to keep away from carbs I’m now confused how I should fuel my rides…

@infovidasupps8640 - 31.10.2024 02:05

No evidence that wine is beneficial at all.

In fact even a glass a day is not good

That study many years ago which showed it was a positive has repeatedly been shown to be flawed

Also zero proof that you can only absorb 1.6 grams of protein per kg of body weight

Seriously his video is so flawed it’s amazing

To quote Ollie. It’s amazing didn’t google this


- 04.11.2024 00:44

How many hours average per week?

@cliffcox7643 - 14.12.2024 18:53

This is BS.. A former pro who is amateur is more poerful than a real mateur.

@bengt_axle - 04.01.2025 06:12

Just Stop Oli!

@NicoleGarrow - 17.01.2025 20:41

Thank you Hank for this video.

@NicoleGarrow - 17.01.2025 20:45

I do get very good sleep. I know how important it is. To recover better.

@ccodol - 18.01.2025 15:46

one of THE BEST Vedio of GCN👍

@carloplutarco6832 - 02.02.2025 17:27

Workstation diet advice ever. Only one good point was avoiding process food, but I think is ridiculously obvious that process food is poison and not food. Like Wine and like the shot pizza with fried something he was eating

@JIMMYHIBBS1 - 10.02.2025 00:46

Still keep referring back to this video to keep me on my path of improvement - the wrong side of 45, I used to be a 20min 10 mile TT but gave up 25 years ago …. Came back to cycling 7 years ago, and it’s a long journey back… but still improving 😊 …. Gave up as much UPF as I could (not had a crisp for 2 years) and the other massive win for me was 10 mins body weight strength training before bed ….. I’ll never be where I was but getting fast enough to really enjoy my riding again

@wheelnut64 - 15.02.2025 18:04

I am starting lower. I am 60 years old, 88kg, 5 10 frame, FTP around only 190 watts. I try to lose weight on weight watchers, go to the gym once a week, try to avoid UPF, ride 3 to 5 times a week 15 to 40 miles length, total around 80 to 100 miles, 6 to 8 hours. Don’t seem to improve much

@gcn - 05.11.2022 13:04

Do you have any training tips? Let us know in the comments below! 👇
