Corset Questions

Corset Questions


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@skyeshelton - 22.06.2012 19:54

Gorgeous Byrdi as always! This is my sister and she is the most beautiful person I have ever known inside and out. I love you baby and I'm so proud of you!

@GraceHenryX10 - 04.07.2012 05:43

We have the same bra size weiiird c:

@silentsongbyrd - 09.07.2012 01:21

No, it doesn't hurt as long as you listen to your body and go slowly. If you tighten too much too quickly it can be uncomfortable or painful, but If laced properly wearing a corset actually feels nice, and provides good posture and back support :)

@Lindserino - 09.07.2012 11:45

Are you cracked? So have fun altering the shape of your ribs and placement of your organs.

@averagemikayla - 24.07.2012 09:08

What the fuck? No it doesn't look good. You look like you have a severe birth defect.

@emilylaing3 - 25.09.2012 04:30

hope u don't pass out!

@Malexah_mor - 13.10.2012 01:31

of all the corset stores, would Isabella corsetry be your #1 choice??

@atomicxfox - 15.10.2012 04:12

is it permanent or temporary?

@TheLadyEmpire - 16.10.2012 20:07

I love corsets like since I was little I think its beautiful art and very feminine! Hopefully I can find a good one to start.

@LayHalliEatzU1352 - 24.10.2012 01:00

What does your waist look like without a corset on

@VampsAreLovee - 25.10.2012 03:38

Are you able to wear corsets like these underneath clothes? or would it be noticeable?

@devynnwith2ns - 25.10.2012 12:28

You sleep in that thing?!

@ElveeKaye - 26.10.2012 08:56

I am wearing my corset right now. :o) It's a cheap one, not the best quality, but I mainly bought it to be part of a costume, so it will do. But it feels great, and I intend to save my money and buy a really good quality one in the future.

@merlin15lol - 28.10.2012 00:21


@angelabravi - 31.10.2012 19:18

Its a beautifull way to show the body ! thank you for sharing all this info how tall are you girl?

@Msgrimsteppa - 05.11.2012 03:42

im definitely gonna try out isabella corsetry thnx!

@ZannahofHartz - 08.11.2012 09:35

Does that corset company have a website by chance?

@edgespear101 - 10.11.2012 03:12

I'm sorry but I find this quite scary looking and unhealthy.

@serahpursel4940 - 16.11.2012 04:06

what is wrong with you

@richardharrop9482 - 18.11.2012 12:14

What a wonderfully informative talk! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. My mother, who sadly passed away in 2003, used to wear an elasticated corset in the 1950's. Early on in our lives, my sister and I used to spend a lot of time rummaging through the drawers of my mother's walnut vanity table, as mother made herself up in the mornings. I've been fascinated by corsetry and ladies' boudoirs ever since. I used to walk past a corset maker on my way to school in the mornings. Ciao

@Aleksbeska - 20.11.2012 03:27

Yeah I want to know that too, I want to know if it will permanently reduce size of waist when its not on?

@AlexaZombiie - 28.11.2012 06:51

Where do you get them? What size is that?

@raynebowpanda - 29.11.2012 06:09

is there ANY WAY to not have your girls looking horrible? I'm a D and my underbust makes me look a little ridiculous

@lilmisspoisenedbyjb - 02.12.2012 02:06

can you wear the corset under your clothes?

@AhlaWahde - 03.12.2012 16:28

Have you notice any permanent changes in your body? Like a reduced waist without wearing a corset? Love your silhouette!

@1elpolloloco5 - 04.12.2012 10:49

I am really curious as to what your body looks like now. Do you think you could wear a bathing suit or belly shirt or something so we can see your stomach? I would like to see how it affects your body if you are comfortable with it.

@travelsahead - 12.12.2012 10:56

your beautiful and intelligent

@Wolfspirirt1997 - 07.01.2013 20:52

Hi is your corset spiral steel boning or flat steel boning?

@squiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - 15.01.2013 23:06


@chelseachainsaw3247 - 20.01.2013 08:16

Honestly, you are not attractive at all with a waist like that.

@sm26801 - 20.01.2013 13:33

Shut up Chelsea! This is just so amazing!!! I love your videos! Thank You for doing this! I'm so interested!

@sm26801 - 20.01.2013 13:47

This is like a Dream come true! I've just found your videos,and I've been sitting here for Hours watching them over and over again.

@3131BROWNE - 22.01.2013 06:43

I weigh 157 lbs. can you tell me what size corset i should get?

@FutileGrief - 24.01.2013 02:52

You look absolutely amazing!! Great corset shape!

@2urita - 26.01.2013 21:40

Where do you buy your corsets???

@fantasystorm1 - 09.02.2013 20:30

36-24-36 ;) real big ass.. real big hipe haha lvoe that song

@Timetraveler1111MN - 11.02.2013 23:19

Your lovely, a graceful women and enjoy history, beauty, and quality; I love that. Victorian styles are attractive and like to mix with modern. I think your waist is a bit small (okay really too tiny) in the center and first thing I noticed in the video; your organs will be effected/affected. Wear it out more darling.

@itsbarbie2015 - 21.02.2013 04:50

what does your body look like with out the corset!?

@16Marigold - 26.02.2013 01:30

how tight is too tight? won't it eventually start affecting your organ positions?

@TiredWitch1992 - 09.03.2013 22:26

if you corset, after a while if you keep going tighter your floating ribs will be pulled into the hourglass shape and most of your organs will be pushed down. Most of the time you organs will just flatten out to your new body instead of being pushed around.

@TiredWitch1992 - 09.03.2013 22:29

You need to measure the circumference around your actual waist to get the size you need, its the space just under your ribs and just above your hips.

@aarulf - 11.03.2013 05:17

the way her body is, her ribs and organs have probably moved

@Noora450 - 01.04.2013 09:28

when girls size of shoulders bigger than the size of the ass its really sound not nice

@alicelethbridge8549 - 03.04.2013 07:58

they move naturally with you own body shape as it changes throughout life and with the corset, and as many people say, it all about knowing your own body. when you are pregnant as your bump gets bigger it pushes your lungs up and your heart on its side and its all ok as long as you don't over do it

@TherOveron - 16.12.2013 02:34

Very beautiful. It looks well proportioned and natural on you. Please ignore the rude (and probably jealous) people! If this was not good, I'd suppose pregnancy is quite a bit worse.

@loopy0127 - 18.10.2014 07:13

You are gorgeous....and look sexy as hell:)

@feroxman - 25.11.2014 10:55


@labananiere - 28.07.2015 00:58

Je  t'ai  déjà  vue, sur  vidéo,  tu  est  fort jolie, les  cheveux ont  allongé.  Surtout  ne  va  pas  au  coiffeur, ils  ne  savent  que  couper et teindre, c'est laid.

@libation14221 - 08.11.2017 08:44

Damn.......if you were wearing that out I'D NOTICE! Looks great.

@manfredkleist7966 - 03.02.2022 13:30

Very beautiful!
