Health Insurance For Early Retirement - Here Are 4 Options

Health Insurance For Early Retirement - Here Are 4 Options

Prana Wealth

3 года назад

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Mabel Phelan
Mabel Phelan - 14.10.2023 22:26

I'm struggling in this market. Stocks that I have held for months and made profits from are not behaving the way I'm used to so I’m quite indecisive on how to tackle this market, any advice would be grateful.

Alex Lai
Alex Lai - 07.10.2023 16:16

Is there a way to contribute more for HSA beyond the catch-up option? Can both spouses contribute to it if only one spouse is carrying health insurance for the entire family?

Asus Memopad
Asus Memopad - 05.09.2023 16:13

"Health Cost Sharing Ministries" is a word I am not hearing here. They may sound religious, and they may not be easy to find, but they are one of the most efficient healthcare funding mechanisms available in the US.

Susan Nico
Susan Nico - 31.08.2023 15:26

ROCH DUNGCA-SCHREIBER helped me achieve my retirement goals with her personalized advice and support.

Sumi Tomo
Sumi Tomo - 27.08.2023 02:50

Each option is worse than the other....Anybody not living in USA wonders why americans couldnt figure out the free universal health care available in the rest of the world, ohh I know why. Americans are brainwashed that free healthcare is a terrible idea by the insurance lobby at DC. . Even when your country offers free healthcare there are private hospitals too, so yes rich people would still get pampered. Free health insurance is more effocient because you eliminate all the middle man known as insurance companies and all associated paper work. Plus government can balance health budget much easier than single individuals because of a statistical law known as "Law of Large Numbers"

LYN Will
LYN Will - 15.08.2023 23:33

Great news. I will contribute more money to HSA. Thank you

L LKG - 12.08.2023 16:31

It's a Catch-22. I need medical care to stay alive, but I need a W-2 job for high quality affordable medical care, but the job's killing me.
I'm in my 40's, and I could afford to retire now if not for the health insurance issue.
An ACA family plan is ridiculously expensive and all but the platinum plans are dog 💩 (high premiums, very high deductibles, very high max OOP, and limited networks that don't cover the halfway decent docs and hospitals in my area). And the platinums are INSANELY expensive and still don't cover many of my needed specialists.
And I can't build my HSA as I max out contributions and spending every year.
I think my only hope is to try to find a super easy job (even if super low paying) with good benefits and see if I can survive another 7 years until our kids are all off the plan and my husband (self-employed) qualifies for Medicare. Or 5 years if I pay for COBRA for the last 2 years...

rlhaff3 - 06.08.2023 02:04

Obamacare plans are no more expensive than any other GOOD plan available... this is a common mistake, kinda surprised you don't seem to be aware. The ACA is for those who have lower incomes, so most get a VERY good discount and end up spending very little on a plan, or a low fair price compared to other good plans outside the marketplace.

Chad Simpson
Chad Simpson - 04.08.2023 18:46

How about semi-retirement? Retire from your regular full-time job if you can and get a part time job somewhere that provides full benefits. That way you can supplement health insurance and add a little supplemental income until you become eligible for Medicare

Water Bug
Water Bug - 04.08.2023 15:23

I retired 21 years ago at 45. Was so lucky Obamacare came along. I keep my reportable income below $15k/yr so I qualified for Medicaid. Gotta live in an expansion state and I moved to AZ. $0 cost/copay/deductible. What surprised me was how much I loved Medicaid. A private company manages the account and for some reason they provide better service than any insurance company I've ever used. Never had a problem finding a hospital or doctor.

Next surprise was having Medicaid qualified me for a free smartphone and plan (LifeLine). Recently it qualified me for free home internet (ACP).

This has saved me about $130,000 so far. I haven't taken Social Security yet, haven't needed to and I don't want to lose my health insurance. At 65 it did convert to Medicare, but same deal, $0 cost/copay/deductible. Nice having no stress about "what's my deductible?", choosing plans, etc...

Another nice perk is because I keep reportable income below $5k I don't even have to file income tax. April 15 no longer means anything to me.

I didn't have a pile of money. I've funded retirement 2 ways.

#1 reduced spending. House paid for, self-insurance the house, hobbies are things that cost nothing or almost nothing, walk almost everywhere. Total spend has been $600/mo for the past 10 years..

#2 Slow flipping my house. I buy a fixer, slowly fix it up and sell after at least 2 years (average 1 every 7 years). $250k in cap gain is tax free for a single person ($500k married). Don't even have to file any income tax forms when I sell a house. The designing of a remodel, the landscaping and even the hard work are things I enjoy. Plus it helps keep me healthy. Because I'm retired I don't have a deadline. That's the difference between job and hobby. If I don't feel like working on the house I don't. I also have time to collect salvaged building materials for free or extremely cheap. The house I'm working on now, from studs in, remodeled with about 95% salvaged material. This is superior material because crap material isn't worth salvaging so only the good stuff survives.

Working on house #4 now. Plan to move to SE Asia next.

ClockFixer 1964
ClockFixer 1964 - 01.08.2023 18:34

Healthcare insurance is the biggest RACKET/SCAM our there!

Patriot Republic
Patriot Republic - 25.07.2023 16:43

Get yourself a good sun tan, put on a Biden teeshirt, take a trip to Mexico and walk back into the US as part of the Democrat illegal invasion. Get your free health care, phone, food, housing and a free plane trip with tacos and cerveza to the US town of your choice.

Atish Banerjee
Atish Banerjee - 20.07.2023 14:52

Cobra is a really bad idea

Henry Thomas
Henry Thomas - 15.07.2023 10:23

Your videos are very useful and provide lots of information. I have received lots of help after watching this post, please continue to share this kind of information. Thank you.

Eva Marie Health Coach
Eva Marie Health Coach - 23.05.2023 21:31

how much?

Mobilemoke - 23.05.2023 06:42

Excellent video 👍👍

Jay Koo
Jay Koo - 03.05.2023 08:05

COBRA is a misconception, it is expensive to use cobra cause people dont realize they will have to pay 100%. The HSA is great idea, it's a pretax contribution.

Brian Williams
Brian Williams - 23.04.2023 02:48

Help, here is my situation, household of 2, only 1 income =90k, current employer sponsored insurance =800 per month with both in household. How can I remove one person from company insurance that will reduce monthly to 160 and get separate insurance for other household member.

Simone - 20.04.2023 17:32

I just learned that short-term health insurance can last up to 3 years in some states so it's another option for early retirees.

suespony - 23.03.2023 04:27

Seems like it would be cheaper to just get on Obama care rather than using a cobra

John Gallardo
John Gallardo - 22.03.2023 07:11

I thought I was going to hear some useful options 😢

John Gallardo
John Gallardo - 22.03.2023 07:04

COBRA. Yikes!

Monolithic Fishmonger X
Monolithic Fishmonger X - 08.03.2023 15:43

I wonder how much the bronze plan ACA would be.

Kathy A
Kathy A - 08.02.2023 00:05

Why would I pay triple or quadruple premium cost after retirement trough cobra?

Susanna Bruemmer
Susanna Bruemmer - 23.12.2022 04:36

Retirement Portfolio is an amazing way to save for your future. I have been using it for a year now and it has managed to make me some great returns on my money. The investment options are also fantastic, with a wide range of possibilities to suit everyone's needs.

Jack Dreddle
Jack Dreddle - 22.12.2022 22:55

Young people pay FICA taxes. Seniors are greedy welfare mooches.

12vLife - 22.12.2022 12:29

Can HSA funds be used to pay ACA premiums too?

Deanna Spencer
Deanna Spencer - 05.10.2022 22:02

All Stores 900,000 Please Lower the price of all Brands of Military Equipment and Local for All Brands of Health Ins Products and Production Cost Now 900,000 That's Too Much $$ 900,000 Now The Whole World 900,000 Now 🙏 🤲 🕍 🕌 ⛪ 🛕

John Fijak
John Fijak - 11.08.2022 02:28

great content Patrick! What are your thoughts on spending 90% of your time in other, cost effective countries in early retirement to manage healthcare costs between 60 ish - 65? Any inputs as to why it is or isn't the right way? For example, there are global healthcare plans for roughly $4.5k annually for a couple 59&60, with some options to add some US coverage(typically 15 or 20 days per year and only major medical)...

Peter Harrison
Peter Harrison - 07.08.2022 05:25

My cobra payment was about 55% of the full self payment I had been making before I was forced out of my plan.

Khaled Amin
Khaled Amin - 02.08.2022 14:06

Thanks for all the detailed information you have provided in this video. I like your way of explaining every point. Keep sharing such great videos in the future also.

Why Me
Why Me - 23.06.2022 01:22

In the richest country, lots of folks are slaves to their jobs close to golden years just because of HI

Jacob Chandter
Jacob Chandter - 22.06.2022 17:17

very good info

Pete Kimble
Pete Kimble - 21.06.2022 17:26

Where are the links you said would be shown??

Robert Smith
Robert Smith - 20.06.2022 05:20

Well none of these work for me. 32 years in law enforcement and got great pension, but very expensive health insurance. County give me 600 a month to pay for insurance, but the plans are super expensive. My plan for a family is 2400 a month with a 6000 deduction. Tried Obamacare but I make to much on my pension. Cobra was more then the plans and I would not get the 600 a month if I used Cobra. I do use an HSA to pay for medical stuff and write all the premiums off at end of year so its not so painful. Only choice till 65 is for me to get a job with benefits or just go without medical and use free clinic down the street. Aint America grand!

Nature Preserve Life
Nature Preserve Life - 03.06.2022 19:41

If you have ample post taxed savings to live off of, isn't there effectively a better fifth option after age 55 and that is Medicaid?

Annie Williams
Annie Williams - 27.04.2022 10:48

Another invaluable channel, will definitely explore more videos from you, sir. This will help me plan my parents insurance, thank you!

NX - 22.03.2022 03:06

One Question please : for early retirement, having or no the health insurance is a personal choice, I understood that BUT, is there a Medicare PENALTY for not having health insurance ? So if a retire at 60, and do not buy any health insurance to 65, will be there a lifetime medicare penalty ?

Tony Alexio
Tony Alexio - 28.02.2022 15:45

Medicaid is free, Dummy!!HAHA

Tracy Siddall
Tracy Siddall - 28.02.2022 04:36

If one spouse provides medical insurance for the family and retires at age 66, can the other unemployed spouse apply for COBRA?

Jesse Fletcher
Jesse Fletcher - 25.02.2022 23:49

I retired USAFR and recently found out that when I begin drawing retirement pay at age 60 that I am eligible to enroll in Tricare Prime or Tricare Select for a premium of only $54/month, and at age 65 when I enroll in Medicare that Tricare will automatically convert to Tricare for Life which acts as a substitute for the Medigap or Medicare Advantage supplements and that Tricare coverage costs $0/month.

Ed Rodgers
Ed Rodgers - 10.02.2022 00:40

Socialized medicine starts in the US at 65. Do not retire early!!

Phatgirlgreetings - 05.02.2022 20:38

I don't see any mention of Medicaid? If you didn't save anything your whole life,worked very little at low paying jobs ,and are still under 1300 a month you can get free insurance from our government. I'm think I should just quit my job now at 50. Get free health insurance, food stamps, free cell phone and heat assistance.While my body is still able to still go do things. People wonder why no ones working anymore and companies can't find help. Why would they?.... so we can get reamed in retirement because we did was right our whole life?

Harry P
Harry P - 03.02.2022 00:20

Very good information and my largest concern as to sorting through coverage as I want to make certain I’m covered before leaving the work force.

Robert Smith
Robert Smith - 02.02.2022 08:46

I pay 2500 a month after 32 years working. Gov gives me 500 towards premium but its a disgusting amount of premiums and i hate it. I cover me, my wife and my 21 year daughter. When i reach Medicare age I can use 50 percent of the 500 to pay towards medicare so its worth holding on. If it was me I would not have health insurance i would just pay cash.

Inquirer 101
Inquirer 101 - 18.01.2022 11:20

Cobra is a big rip off. There's no valid reason for premium to be so high.

Trump Is a confirmed cuck
Trump Is a confirmed cuck - 17.01.2022 02:09

My option: dual citizenship and moving to Germany. I'd move now but since I'm not a native German speaker I'd have a hard time finding a well paying job.

Deepsea5 - 10.01.2022 18:28

For the military veterans out there: you might be surprised to learn that you possibly are eligible for health care through the Veterans Administration. A call to your local VA office, or visiting the VA website, will help determine your eligibility.

Jim Farmer
Jim Farmer - 03.01.2022 00:31

I'm glad you really stressed the importance of the HSA accounts. It's especially valuable for people on Obamacare because withdrawals from HSAs to cover medical expenses doesn't affect you subsidies and contributions to HSAs will reduce the income that is used to calculate your subsidies.

Ron Worley
Ron Worley - 15.11.2021 01:12

Excellent information...thank you!!
