Four Strange Universal Folktales [Folklore Documentary]

Four Strange Universal Folktales [Folklore Documentary]

Hammerson Peters

6 месяцев назад

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@SPQR748 - 03.04.2024 13:36

The greatest trick that the devil pulls is having religious leaders speak 🗣️ NONSENSE. The devil knows that in the long run people will use logic. For example if we are defining the word “Devil” as most religions define it then almost everyone who believes in any religion believes in a devil of some sort because most religions are dualism. So MOST of the world believes in the devil except for atheists and Jews.

@jackalope2302 - 04.04.2024 15:09

The 🦆 sounds in the third segment made me laugh out loud.

@wingedflyingforce5139 - 04.04.2024 19:40

oh, you are using the nothing-burger MODERN def of dragons which now is just another word for monster at this point.

@Oregonthistle - 05.04.2024 01:31

Wonderful! Thank you!

@dwellinj1513 - 05.04.2024 20:16

Ah, another informative and fascinating subject! You are so talented! Thank you for this!

@missfriscowin3606 - 06.04.2024 10:42

Well, I grew up at Loon Lake. Learned to water ski and fish and swim. I never ever heard the history of it. Thank you ☺️ very much for this great documentary.

@FrithonaHrududu02127 - 08.04.2024 08:28

Pukka, Puckwudgie, Buck,Bacoo

@SatelliteSoundLab - 09.04.2024 11:43

Why not talk about the modern Canadian demons like the RCMP who make women go missing mysteriously to this day.

@Wolfenhaas - 10.04.2024 16:46

Fantastic work as always!

@NicolasThomas-g1r - 12.04.2024 23:00

So what topic of the 4 where taken out ?

@blaze0rama - 14.04.2024 04:58

In Belize Tata Duende is a spirit who braids horses hair and seems startlingly similar to those you mention!

@successorofboris6663 - 19.04.2024 03:38

missing 411 the people who are found, can never seem to remember what happened or what. never heard their side of what happened.

@MarshaShelley-t3n - 21.04.2024 21:36

Really enjoy your videos! Thankyou!!

@ucme5302 - 23.04.2024 16:17

Did they remove your adrenachrone video ?

@CountryBwoy - 24.04.2024 03:02

The thing about the one shoe....? Every now and again I'll find a single shoe usually a woman's and most of the time its a child's shoe. Its weird, and often enough that I'm bringing it up....

@darrell3391 - 02.05.2024 02:16

Hi Hammerson, I was born and raised in Burin, Newfoundland. We have many French named towns but none of them are actually pronounced in their true French way. Petite Forte’ is pronounced Petty Fort, another example Port au Bras, pronounced Port-o-bra.
The little French islands not far from Burin called St Pierre and Miquelon were the focal point of much smuggling of liquor and tobacco right up until the 90’s when the RCMP started confiscating houses, boats and vehicles as proceeds of crime. Smuggling still continues but in much smaller and quieter circles. When I was in my late teens it was quite easy to purchase 60oz bottles of rum or whiskey or 200g cans of premium tobacco. A phone call, a query about the availability of “green paint” and a short walk was all required to purchase smuggled tobacco or cigarettes.
I enjoy your content immensely, thank you.

@RacerX888 - 04.05.2024 04:57

My family is from Antigonish, NS, and I can guarantee that it is a creepy place at night. Especially when you get out to the St. Joseph's Parrish area at night. Driving through those woods in pitch black is the eeriest experience. There is a cemetery in St. Josephs that has a light shining in the cemetery at night, but during the day, there is no light to be seen anywhere. I used to spend summers there as a kid and it was a very scary place to be outside in the dark. Lots of noises in the woods and very few houses spaced far apart.

@fiedelmina - 04.05.2024 12:16

confused now so the real reason for autism is goblins?

@fiedelmina - 04.05.2024 12:36

little Betty was most likely sexually abused, probably by the same criminals who raped her sister. She was kept and abused for a few days then let go in the forest. when she was found she was in shock. Being very young, she couldn't really understand what happened to her and repressed it after a while, not remembering and seeming happy again. Probably had some mental problems later as an adult. It's also possible that the criminals were not the neighbouring boys but some vagrants who also milked the farmers cow but remained hidden, movin on after the events.

@beadingbusily - 07.05.2024 02:39

If I wanted to hear about your church, I wouldn't have clicked on 'folktale'. Such disappointment.

@dennisburt4614 - 19.05.2024 04:24

Just more to confirm our reality is notwhat we believe this is alla matrix type of reality ones and zeros Bibration and electricity make up us and everything we see everything was spoke into existance whats that tell you to speak is just vibration

@tinymetaltrees - 28.05.2024 06:18

Nigh invulnerability?

@emilybaker2556 - 29.05.2024 01:06

I've liked your channel for a while for its fascinating folklore, but gotta say I'm majorly disappointed in the third segment of this video. I had hoped you were sensible enough to dismiss the insane idea that vaccines cause autism, but apparently not. The rest of your content is pretty interesting but this is a massive letdown and frankly makes me reconsider my enjoyment of this channel. To the rest of the commenters loving the anti-vax propaganda in this, you're all nutjobs, please stay indoors.

@loadingmikke7451 - 30.05.2024 15:02

In scandinavian folklore, we had the little people. They could be mischievous if not fed by the farmers. But if fed, they would bring luck to the farm and protect it.
I've experienced two bearded humanoids while sleeping in some woods when i was a teen. I was gonna sleep in my sleeping bag in the woods, as my mothers car only had enough space for her and my little brother.
Before closing my eyes, i got this thought that i was gonna say out loud:" Tell the animals that i wanna be left alone. Im just sleeping here and will be going when i wake up!"
Then two bearded humanoids stood maybe 2 meters away from me, in wool clothing and red top hats appeared. Smiled at me, and said in thought:"hihi, we will tell them,hihi!"
And they disappeared as fast as they appeared.
I just thought okey, thanks, and fell asleep.
Those woods and entities felt genuine, and it felt like a protected part of the woods. I showed it respect, and they showed me respect.

@loadingmikke7451 - 30.05.2024 15:05

Even though im a new christian, i dont think all entities in this realm and beyond is dark and demonic. Caotic neutral, yes, and serves a function in this creation.

@Podzillla9012 - 11.06.2024 03:47

Aww man, what’s up w the anti vax quackery ??

@Podzillla9012 - 11.06.2024 03:47

Aww man, what’s up w the anti vax quackery ??

@artbyamyk - 24.06.2024 11:02

I live in West Hartford, CT

@itzakpoelzig330 - 26.06.2024 22:20

Another explanation for "changelings" may be celiac disease. When parents first introduce solid food, the first food given to baby, then and now, is usually some sort of grain based matter. If the baby turns from a sweet, rosy little cherub to a screaming, furious, colicky gremlin, it might very well be because their GI tract has been thrown into chaos by gluten.

Celiac disease wasn't understood until the Dutch famine in WWII. Wheat was scarce, so people with celiac disease actually had the opportunity, for the first time in their lives, to go a few days without bread. To everyone's astonishment they got better, and then when the famine was over and they reintroduced bread, all the symptoms came back.

That was when doctors finally got a handle on what causes celiac disease, and figured out how to treat it. Prior to that, no one had ever caught on that wheat (and rye and barley) was the problem because bread was "the staff of life" and no one ever thought to question its perfect beneficence.

Before WWII, children with celiac disease were usually diagnosed with the vague term "failure to thrive." They didn't grow, they became pale and weak, their mental development was delayed or even went backwards, and they almost always died before reaching adulthood.

(I'm not at all discounting the modern problem of quackcines. I have seen that damage happen right in front of my own eyes and I know that it's very real.)

@HeerHalewijn - 05.07.2024 19:56

Why start with Christianity? Wouldn't comparing proto-semitic myth with new world myth make more sense? Identify the archeogenetic lineages that contributed to both populations to see if there's a common inheritance. We know that Indo-European myth and new world myth share common myths from the Ancient North Eurasians.

@Hamilton1982 - 08.07.2024 14:02

In my family, which is Acadian. We have a unique ghost story passed down over many years. My great grandfather one night heard his horses in the barn acting up, and kicking the walls of the stalls. Hearing the noise, he went outside to notice light shining out from the barn windows. Calling to his brother, who was sitting by the stove smoking his pipe. Both men loaded their guns and ran up the short hill to the barn. The story goes the horses where acting terrified and very loud. The light was escaping the barn around the large double doors by any and all gaps available. As my great grandfather's brother made ready his weapon. My grandfather opened the door. To his brother and his own surprise. The light simply disappeared. Lighting a couple oil lamps that hung on hooks just inside the door, they went further inside expecting to see a thief. The story goes all seven horses where facing the barn outside wall and shaking. Their backs were soaked in water from sweat. It was then when my great grandfather's brother noticed the tails and mains on the horses, they were all braided in the finest and tiny of braids. Both men stood in shock and confusion. The following day, my great grandfather spoke to his neighbor, who was new to the community. The family was of German decent. The German family said, "Fear not that's just fairy's." Over the years, my family has concluded that the fairy's came with the German family. Who really knows. There is more to this, I just wanted to share the basics.

@christianpnorris - 10.07.2024 23:55

Good job!

@ufoscriptorium - 24.07.2024 14:28

i am a ufo researcher from germany and also deal with historical traditions. we have the same “stories”. maybe it's because of german emigrants in canada, or because the same phenomena exist in canada and germany. until the 19th century we even had reports of bigfoot-like creatures... 🖖🖖🐵🐵

@prinpelletier7754 - 02.08.2024 01:40

What was with the bizarre anti-vax meltdown moment? Truly bizarre behavior

@HarryMarsee-fw9ot - 07.08.2024 19:27

Your understanding of demons is limited. The fallen angels already have bodies; but, the demonic spirits do not have bodies.

Before Noah's Flood there existed nephilim. The nephilim were the result of fallen angels mating with human women and produced half breeds (half fallen angel and half humsn. These creatures were cursed by God. They were the massive giants of old. When they died in the Flood, their spirits began to roam the Earth looking for human bodies to possess. They are totally evil, just like their fallen angel fathers. They have the same fate as the fallen angels, they will be in everlasting hell fire. These entities, mating with the fallen angels THAT ARE STILL ON THE EARTH (see Genesis chapter six) know their fate and now their goal is to corrupt as many humans as they possible can to bring then into hell.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that none should perish; but, all have everlasting life, John 3:16. We are that important to Him and that precious😊.

@cndngranma8436 - 11.08.2024 00:21

Wehidigo (Nehiyawan or Inninew (Cree named from French)

@georgemcconnell5405 - 16.08.2024 05:54

Wow I was excited for the controversy only to discover it has nothing to do with the paranormal. The controversy in question is over vac*quack*cines... people are so fragile that one's beliefs on vaccination is enough to get videos pulled.

@jaycryptidtrooper5302 - 26.08.2024 15:13

Psycho kinesis is what causes poltergeist activity! The brain is an immense source of power and is barely understood!

@Christflames2025 - 28.08.2024 04:38

Self serving Jewish and JeSuit, not Jesus, propaganda

@JessicaWilliams-h5r - 04.09.2024 00:31

Sanford Villages

@shaftomite007 - 17.09.2024 11:54

Oh man, I didn't know you were at anti-vaxxer. That's really disappointing.

@jodyeyre9840 - 19.09.2024 17:46

❤ keep up the awesome work 👍
