Invasion of China Guide - Hoi4 NSB

Invasion of China Guide - Hoi4 NSB


2 года назад

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@GregorClegane402 - 04.12.2023 05:39

I´ve watched the whole vid at speed x0.5 lol

@lucianocisneros805 - 23.11.2023 09:31

I always get no more than 5% surrender for china. How did you grt them to accept 27%? Was it cause you took Shanxi?

@lippi2171 - 30.09.2023 10:51

If you want to have a quick feeling of success with Japan, just start in 1939 and you can run through them fast with already existing landings, templates and units. 1939 default Japan is crazy powerful.

@bertvsrob - 21.08.2023 22:22

I am dogshit at this game. but I love it.

@ronlackey2689 - 11.07.2023 03:37

I had no idea you could toggle automatic upgrades on ships and I've been playing HOI4 for years. Thanks!

@ShinySalamence1 - 08.07.2023 09:43

How applicable is this guide for BBA? With the current BBA patch, I hear the light attack CA meta actually died. Getting the coastal defense designer still makes sense for the DDs tho. Military High Command also doesn't give army XP, so it seems like you really want to promote that general fast and get him to level 4 to start getting that XP. I assume you'd just grab the Illusive Gentleman with the PP instead.

One huge difference I feel like is the Zero. Is it better to just research the modules and make the meta fighter? You save 70 days on the focus and can go Supremacy of the Battlefleet to get a research bonus for 1940 Heavies, but it is 6 different modules. I'm also not sure how Japan's bonuses to fighter agility etc. stack up with the fighter meta. If you enable Zero production, then it seems like you get access to the 1940 small airframe anyway and can build a naval bomber as a "variant" of the Zero. In this case, I'm wondering if it's better to even put the Zero focus ahead of Supremacy of Will and try to power through China with smart encirclements and diligent escalation.

@SmashingCapital - 03.06.2023 17:44

I believe they removed the turreted secondary battery

@beardedangler77 - 22.05.2023 21:48

Thank you dude i want the learn japan navy

@frawding9438 - 13.04.2023 12:44

Why do people use Cavalry to naval invade if they have a big debuff to amphibious, whereas normal infantry doesn't? Doesn't that just make it harder to land?

@bombidil3 - 10.02.2023 01:39

I'd like to point out the best terrain trait grinding areas in China since you can get adaptable on most of your generals by rotating them through these areas:
1. Ranger: Province of East Hebei right where you start in China. This is the ONLY area where there are forests where you can be reliably attacked so don't push too early. Good idea to build airfields here too.
2. Hill Fighter: Province of Shandong (East peninsula) right by the port. It's the area he navally invades in the video. Just wanted to point this out because it's a great place to get the trait if you didn't get it in Spain or want it on other generals.
3. Urban Assault Specialist: Province of Shanghai, navally invade and push to Suzhou and Hangzhou. Because of how many provinces these cities touch, China will push hard which will rack up experience quickly. Both cities can also be supported by Shore Bombardment to help alleviate pressure. Navally invading here and in Shandong should give your marine general the Invader trait as well. I like to defend the cities with my marines to get them up to Lvl 5 veterancy too.

@gonzaloopazo7876 - 31.01.2023 05:53

My idea or BBA nerf JAPAN???

@juliusceaser7242 - 02.11.2022 08:16

Would this work with BBA

@sanderdas9401 - 02.10.2022 17:52

Do you train all your navy at the start, because I seem to use way more fuel than you

@electricatom2 - 23.08.2022 16:55

what do you guys think about making one mobile artillery just for break thrus and encirclements?

@batmunkhmlw3063 - 17.08.2022 10:58

I just push through Beijing. Once I have good 48 division and CAS on that front China collapses very fast in my opinion. So usually my war in China ends by the January of 1939.

@SilverKing96 - 12.08.2022 01:00

So what did all the templates for China look like?

@rundownthriftstore - 26.07.2022 09:43

So Marine generals take a long time to grind with very little return. The only viable trait is the one that gives extra supply grace, Naval Liaison just reduces the number of capital ships required to achieve the -25% shore bombardment bonus, so its only really useful for medium sized nations that have just a few capital ships. Just use a regular Infantry general. Also If you desperately need that extra marine supply grace in order to complete your invasion plans then you’re doing something wrong.

@prequelanimations539 - 18.07.2022 00:07

thanks so much
do you have a spain grind video?

@mtadol2 - 14.07.2022 16:13

Tried this strat out but all the ports are guarded by troops, cant even land on china.

@diaz1949 - 13.07.2022 23:18

great content

@WakeMeWhenItsOver - 04.07.2022 09:00

Just subbed. Thanks for the great Japan guide, you’re a real teacher!

@BeastandBird - 02.07.2022 06:54

2 questions, how do you grind hillfighter in Spain? And what DLC are you using I wasn't able to change the fleet designer.

@kyallokytty - 15.06.2022 03:07


the civilian trains decision is temporary? how long does it last?

@MustangWWII - 13.06.2022 09:55

I never knew how easy it was to invade the US as Japan. I did it on my first try with absolute ease.

@SmashingCapital - 10.06.2022 20:46

i dont understand anything you did at the end with the navy but i hope its not that important

@SmashingCapital - 10.06.2022 20:21

is there a way i can get sinkiang to be in the peace deal too?

@SmashingCapital - 10.06.2022 02:36

damn of course i wasnt as lucky as you when getting attack skill on my generals

@SmashingCapital - 10.06.2022 01:44

i did everything like you did but i dont have range to manually move my task forces to shore bombard

@SmashingCapital - 09.06.2022 15:22

dude how did you get your traits so high so quickly man i suck

@SmashingCapital - 09.06.2022 13:18

did you make a video about the us early conquest?

@TheLittleHoller - 06.06.2022 02:32

How the hell do you have Hillfighter on this guy in January 1937? It takes forever in my game to grind this trait with just 4 Divisions

@marthvader14 - 21.05.2022 19:31

Heavy cruisers don't get any bonus from the basestrike doctrine though

@er5269 - 15.05.2022 22:38

I always thought that it was ridiculous to take -5% stability for a handful of trains because I had no idea it was temporary.

@savobursac1148 - 06.05.2022 05:11

Can someone help invading USA? I land right next to San Fransisco but I can't defeat the division that is guarding the city. How do I do this? Do I need marines or just default divisions can do this?

@dualrotorhelicopter - 05.05.2022 02:52

Does having no fuel not have an effect on naval experience gain from training?

@Pekskeh - 03.05.2022 16:37

As Japan, there is honestly no reason to not take the 4 mills you get for 30 pp in the decision tab. It is one of the best decisions in the game imo

@sld1776 - 25.04.2022 12:32

What if you get naval access from El Salvador? I did it to invade Mexico to get the achievement. Not sure if you need cruiser subs in that scenario.

@gaberobison680 - 15.04.2022 00:26

What are you doing with your 2nd army of 12w? Shouldn’t they be part of naval invasions not cav?

@gaberobison680 - 14.04.2022 21:11

What do you think about releasing Korea as a puppet? It provides you with a 2nd steel source so you can import ~70 steel for 2 factories. It also provides a Tungsten source for early to mid game and more factories!

@gaberobison680 - 11.04.2022 21:28

Kongo class is a really good template though, historically it was one of the best battlecruiser designs and in more RP navy games I like using them as carrier escorts

@1stWarlord - 10.04.2022 01:21

One way to get the AI to attack you is to just train while on the frontline.
Edit: Also i think you could have gotten 100 free PP from the americans.

@Sigmagnat650 - 06.04.2022 02:07

Thank you! While I have a lot of time in HoI4, I would only consider myself a casual player. You explain a lot concepts clearly and detail a lot of things I haven't seen elsewhere. For instance, I hadn't heard before that parking fleets for shore bombardment doesn't consume fuel. Definitely got a sub out of me as applying your information has made the game more enjoyable.

@VitorOliveira-sk8dz - 31.03.2022 15:15

I didn’t really understand why you went so slowly with China war, could you explain it to me again ?

@wildquill8455 - 28.03.2022 04:29

Thank you so much for this video. I was trying for way too long to take China this quickly. I think the biggest thing I was missing was the field marshalls and just how much they add. Thank again!
