pytest: xfail vs xpass and all test statuses (beginner - intermediate) anthony explains #260

pytest: xfail vs xpass and all test statuses (beginner - intermediate) anthony explains #260


3 года назад

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Paul Jollet
Paul Jollet - 24.05.2023 14:09

May you explain, how to combine @pytest.mark.skipif with multiple @pytest.mark.parametrize, so that only defined parameter-combinations are skipped?

confus - 05.09.2022 19:16

"windows behaviour"? I thought you were American O_o

Ejay - 10.06.2021 04:33

The standard library's venv or virtualenvironment?

I notice you use the latter and not the former.

Any particular reasons why? (I have heard speed but haven't tested)

Yoav Caspi
Yoav Caspi - 18.03.2021 12:48

Are you aware of xfail implementation in Java?

Jakub Červinka
Jakub Červinka - 18.03.2021 12:00

Now a video abou how XPASS is related to XMASS. Ho ho ho...

Akshay Mestry
Akshay Mestry - 18.03.2021 09:16

Hello Anthony, could you please explain what should/could be the ideal project structure? I know this could be a subjective context and very well has its own perks as per the development is concerned but what I'm expecting is how the decisions should be made while starting off with a new assignment. Should one follow Django-esque, one with a global config file based approach or something like Pytest where there's _pytest and pytest modules. Also what be the merits and demerits for each case... need some serious enlightenment from you. Also what is xdg? I've seen it babi's source code.

Jonathan Shapiro
Jonathan Shapiro - 18.03.2021 06:15

Thanks for the video Anthony! I am curious - have you thought about doing a video on how you implement pytest in a a CI pipeline? Something like Flask / Pytest pipeline would be really useful and I haven't seen a lot of good tutorials.

Cheap Home Tech
Cheap Home Tech - 18.03.2021 03:07

Is the point of this so that you don't have to code the test? Just make it a placeholder. Kind of like a todo you might put in the code? So you are automatically reminded of the functions that need to be completed but don't labor on making the test scripts accept them as they are?
