How to fix freezes lag Baldur's Gate 3

How to fix freezes lag Baldur's Gate 3


3 года назад

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Stormbow - 22.11.2020 17:07

Vulcan vs DirectX 11 does not matter. Game still freezes frequently.

Lettuce Play
Lettuce Play - 11.10.2020 02:39

I'm using Direct X11 as well. But have you still been encountering the freezing for about 10 seconds (sometimes no sound, other times with sound), and then continues. It doesn't lock up, just freezes every so often (from time to time) and then continues. Seems to be linked to the music of the game and possibly sfx? Sometimes when there is no sound, my party moves without walking animation, they just glide across the screen. When the sound comes back on, they walk like normal again. Has this happened to anyone?

Lucas Barros
Lucas Barros - 09.10.2020 20:27

iam using DirectX 12 on my pc. Is that ok? or should i get the DirectX 11 instead. It is still a bitty laggy

Sydwase - 07.10.2020 07:58

This fixed my issues, thank you!

ZaFrostPet - 07.10.2020 07:18

Other options you can try is disable steam default overlay in settings and disable shadowplay overlay in Nvidia Gforce Experience, if you are using nvidia
