Quickly Change Colors in a Photo with This Amazing GIMP Tool

Quickly Change Colors in a Photo with This Amazing GIMP Tool

Davies Media Design

3 года назад

93,906 Просмотров

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Sonia R
Sonia R - 08.10.2023 00:12

Love the Mini! oh and great instructions too!

ParshuGyanRam - 29.07.2023 06:19

Superb Tutorial

mini user
mini user - 26.07.2023 11:18

Hi, great tutorial as always. Thank you for taking our time to share this wonderful video!

D3mist0cles Gee
D3mist0cles Gee - 24.07.2023 03:13

Great stuff thanks

Vorname Nachname
Vorname Nachname - 07.06.2023 12:55

For me, it changes the color to gray for some reason, even though, I did not set the target color to gray...

Alex G
Alex G - 12.04.2023 22:01

You’re a genius, thanks!

Dave Smith
Dave Smith - 05.02.2023 01:05

I know it's me. I just couldn't figure this out. Needed to change something light grey to black. So confused...

Ibanez Player
Ibanez Player - 22.01.2023 22:13

I've tried to follow this step by step and it's just changing the color of the whole image rather than just a certain color I want changed. Maybe I'm missing something, but this is frustrating me to no end.

axisfiver axisfiver
axisfiver axisfiver - 29.12.2022 02:49

it might not mean much but thank you for the great tutorial, upped my memetics!

Licho Tropical
Licho Tropical - 27.10.2022 21:30

Jessss, I wich you tutor guys would get to the point insted of fluffing up the time on the video.

Learning Code
Learning Code - 16.10.2022 06:34

Thank you!

Silver Phoenix ∆ Plazma Moon
Silver Phoenix ∆ Plazma Moon - 16.08.2022 17:37

i need help plz. I've tried about everything. I've tried colorize, hue saturation. selecting all selecting non, alpha to selection, inverting selection.. duplicating layer... and lastly this mapping feature.. my picture won't use any of these features.. why?

Norm Vork
Norm Vork - 11.08.2022 08:34

I have a photo image with a model with red highlights only on her right side edge and blue highlights on just her left side edge of her body. I would like to change the blue to red also. I do get an odd violet gray stripe between the new red color and the natural skin tone. Is there an easy way to fix that?

Holly Stonebraker
Holly Stonebraker - 25.07.2022 20:00

Please explain how to convert to sRGB. Scoured the workspace with no "convert" box seen. No mention of "convert" in any of the dropdown menus. One minute into this video...and at a complete loss. Is this something that every boob should know?

Ravindra Lele
Ravindra Lele - 24.07.2022 05:04

Great tutorial

romeck jjj
romeck jjj - 09.07.2022 01:18

Hi, is there a way to change black/brown range of colors to eg more blonde ? i would be ideal to change hairs or lashes ?

Andrew Do
Andrew Do - 02.06.2022 03:11

If you want white or black, use mono mixer, grey works too

Andrew Do
Andrew Do - 02.06.2022 03:04

How do I get white

Breakn28 - 29.04.2022 17:40

how do you place black on the wheel?

Breakn28 - 29.04.2022 14:27

Any chance you have the same video but for Krita?

Vakaria - 11.04.2022 02:16

This was useful, but what about Color Exchange? How does that work compared to this method?

Foxcoder - 02.04.2022 15:20

thank you, a very handy tool for modify my game image assets

Dr. Maples
Dr. Maples - 19.03.2022 23:14

I appreciate how accessible your videos are. Looking forward to taking your masterclass soon. Thanks!

Tleloc Gaming
Tleloc Gaming - 17.03.2022 11:07

Awesome I love these tutorials!!!

Sydney Solomon
Sydney Solomon - 12.03.2022 00:16

Hi I am a fan, do you have a tutorial of how to convert a portrait into a caricature? Or can u recommend where I can find one. Thanks

MoreValue Plus
MoreValue Plus - 18.02.2022 11:10

very useful tutorial to change color quickly. thank you so much!!!

sdfsdgsdfsdf23423423 - 14.01.2022 00:09

12 mins is not quick

Digildon - 31.12.2021 11:53

Thank you so much

Piotr Jurkiewicz
Piotr Jurkiewicz - 27.12.2021 19:30

1. I want and change black to any different color.
2. I want also to be able to pin-point like with a picker tool
3. The shown method has fixed ranges and I need to have is soften.
Any tips? or plugins?
Any Gimp-God to help my lost soul? I'm new here but I remember that open source programs are stupidly powerful.

Clyde Cash
Clyde Cash - 22.12.2021 00:29

When I use the rotate colors it changes ALL colors on the picture. I have no idea what you're doing differently to get a targeted result. Not the most user friendly program I see.

Synthetic Chicken
Synthetic Chicken - 17.11.2021 16:16

Holy shit thank you so much, I spent like 3 hours trying to select layers and all that but this is 100x easier and effective for simple means. Thank you very much!

Oscar Films
Oscar Films - 16.11.2021 19:51

How do you select a certain color to select and change?

Paula Megadya
Paula Megadya - 24.10.2021 22:37

I am having trouble adj. colour. The car is a dark green and the untouched photo is more pastel green. I have played with all the color adj. to no avail.

Ttrakker - 24.10.2021 14:32

Nothing happens to my image. Colours are the same

Andy Reed
Andy Reed - 27.08.2021 11:31

So you can change the hue. But how do you change the saturation and value of the color. I need it to be white.

Souradeep Dey
Souradeep Dey - 02.08.2021 08:52

How to convert a range of colour to white or black?

Sage of Hearts
Sage of Hearts - 16.06.2021 07:08

Hey, I really appreciate this. This helped me edit a character portrait for my dnd game. Thank you so much!

TheCocoaDaddy - 03.06.2021 23:49

Awesome video! I had no idea this functionality even existed! Thanks!

Sunlight Moonbeams
Sunlight Moonbeams - 27.05.2021 04:36

great tutorial thanks

Vindix 007
Vindix 007 - 20.05.2021 16:44

Greetings from Brazil.

Busy B from Germany
Busy B from Germany - 19.05.2021 13:40

Where can I find the option that Gimp shows the Blending options dialog? I haven't found it right now. Is it hidden somewhere?

Carl dB
Carl dB - 04.04.2021 07:11

Very new to Gimp. You are making the introduction easy Michael. I watched a stack of your videos. I especially find reading through the Help Article Version on your website helpful.

MAXIMMORTAL - 26.03.2021 06:07

Thanks, Michael. YOU'RE the man.

Juniper Chew
Juniper Chew - 15.03.2021 11:41

Most helpful👍🏼✅

Teja Scholl
Teja Scholl - 20.02.2021 13:16

Good and usefull. Thanks

Rex Fenris
Rex Fenris - 12.02.2021 17:16

So what if there were 2 pink cars in the picture and I only wanted to change the colour on 1? Is there a way to isolate a section of a picture to only manipulate the colours in that section? Thanks

Charles Hacker
Charles Hacker - 08.02.2021 03:02

Amazing Job!

Scream Photographic
Scream Photographic - 29.01.2021 19:54

Hi Mike! As always awesome!

Just a quick question, how could I change the colour of just part of an image using the tool?

Should I draw a selection with free select, add layer mask? Then what? I tried earlier and nothing happened.
