Final Fantasy 16 Review After Finishing The Game - Spoiler Free (FF16 Review)

Final Fantasy 16 Review After Finishing The Game - Spoiler Free (FF16 Review)


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Strider Zessei
Strider Zessei - 18.09.2023 08:15

This game is Final Fantasy in name only. I hope Rebirth can undo the damage it's dealing to the brand name.

Albert Sanchez
Albert Sanchez - 11.09.2023 18:58

I am about to buy it to try. Not enjoying 15 since i started trying it from playstation plus extra free games. Lol

Thomas Kast
Thomas Kast - 08.09.2023 14:37

I agree with everything said in this review. Well said. However, I'd like to add a couple complaints, the first being that for the first half of the game at the very least, the side quests are horrible fetch quests that add no value other than being a constant reminder that you are missing game content, and the second being that even in the main story there is a lot of downtime where nothing interesting is happening. This is also resolved by the second half of the game, but I don't like that one moment you're hunting down an all-powerful godlike tyrant and the next you're building a workshop for a little girl.
However, even with these cons in mind, FFXVI is a game I can highly recommend to everyone who enjoys action games, and is probably one of, if not THE best PS5 exclusive as of now.

EAchank - 22.08.2023 14:27

IMO its right there with FFX a very good Final Fantasy game

Sy Mac
Sy Mac - 11.08.2023 20:21

Any airship?

MN - 08.08.2023 20:23

Every time i read the reviews for this game i get confused and surprised... we are doomed. This is a boring game that deserves a lower rating!!!

JETLGGD - 07.08.2023 05:15

most boring game ive ever played

Kyle The Caregiver
Kyle The Caregiver - 30.07.2023 01:21

I don't want remakes I want remasters.. You don't fix what isn't broken 😢 I feel the days of Turn based and summoning (which is what final fantasy is known for) is dead and replaced with a new ADHD friendlier version.

R0B0naut - 26.07.2023 05:54

Sounds boring

HawkTM3816 - 25.07.2023 12:29

My friend kept talking about this game before release and he kept begging me to try it out. I wasn’t planning on playing it but I got on after work one day and after him telling me to play it for the 14th time I finally bought it. And I have no regrets, this game was amazing. The bosses, combat, music, cutscenes, and characters. I was going to give spider man 2 my game of the year vote but spider man will need to surpass this game to get that vote now.

Michael - 24.07.2023 02:01

Can't wait for it to come out on PC

skinnyg - 23.07.2023 20:10

4 or 5 hours in and this game is great

Man.Q - 23.07.2023 18:37

big contender for game of the year IMO.

Lil Moon
Lil Moon - 23.07.2023 02:51

This will be my first FF game I hope they release on pc soon.

Javier Arocho Vega
Javier Arocho Vega - 22.07.2023 16:59

Being so easy was my no buy, that combine with a bad movement of the character when out of combat.

Maybe in the future I buy it half of price and enjoy the amazing combata entirely!!!

It looks like a good game!!!

I liked the demo and is great to game demos of games so we can choose wisely what to buy!!!

It wasn’t enough for me to do it this time, but I am happy that is a great game overall for a lot of people enjoyment!!!


Darnell Williams
Darnell Williams - 18.07.2023 11:34

Every Boss was an end game boss!

Kevin Jang
Kevin Jang - 15.07.2023 14:36

I’m not a crazy gamer but decided to buy a PS5 in November 2022. I started playing this game and it’s pretty good!

Johno Blues
Johno Blues - 13.07.2023 23:00

Just finished the first ff.. thoroughly enjoyed it..tho i will give it a rest for a bit b4 jumping into ng+ i found the over the top particle effects during some combat sequences got a bit munch towards the end for my eyes..but yea had a ball playing it tbh

Dutch Ronald
Dutch Ronald - 12.07.2023 16:43

Vast geen Nederlander 😂 coole review 👍🏻

Skunt Man
Skunt Man - 12.07.2023 01:47

How has nobody put together yet that FF16 takes place in the same world as FF7? Even the maps are the same people, look it up :) Remember my name people, SKUNTMANNNNN the one who figured it out first

Isaac The Last N7
Isaac The Last N7 - 11.07.2023 16:42

After playing Elden Ring for so long this is a nice change of pace

Joel Irizarry
Joel Irizarry - 10.07.2023 21:12

Is it better than Diablo 4?

MartyMar - 10.07.2023 01:20

20 hours in , lost interest. To be honest.

KazutoGamer - 07.07.2023 21:41

I love this game and it’s combat even so I just wish Square Enid does not scrap that classic turn base system that FF series rooted from, I am not blinded by bias and nostalgia as I also love this kind of combat, I just wish they do not forget it and wish other FF games have turn base system while other release have this kind of combat other than that this is a masterful execution of a FF game to its combat and specially its narrative as what All JRPG should be.

Kyle Mundy
Kyle Mundy - 07.07.2023 19:57

You consider this a game review?

IMPmaximuS - 07.07.2023 12:55

i believe u understated how bad the performance mode is. Yes it is locked 60fps in combat but when you explore the world in performance mode it is nearly unplayable due to the frames being very inconsistent. This forced me to play in grpahic mode but due to the 30fps being solid i got used to it after 1.2 hours

bravelybrave - 07.07.2023 10:37

Epic thumbnail

Armed Dem
Armed Dem - 06.07.2023 18:30

Anyone who likes this game only started playing at FF15 lol This is Devil May Cry for FF newbs

charmamillion - 06.07.2023 04:45

Welp after Yuna turned me into a bitch boy with real emotion, my manhood is finally back after x-2, and after a few hours of playing this. 😘😘😘

potatochobit - 06.07.2023 03:15

I liked FF15; not because the combat was good but I felt like I could relate and be in the story.
I have had enough of the old fashion fantasy genre.

Crow Plissken
Crow Plissken - 05.07.2023 01:37

How can you sai that the game deliver when the commercial show us the 75% of the game, game play never go to a point, it start super good, but seriously need a lot of effort to end this game in this way, the play game is actually far less than the cutscenes. and after 50% the story don't say anything. It deliver a disappointed end for one of the character that I was start to like a lot until Titan fight. After it turn pathetic as never see before.

GochuJang MLBB
GochuJang MLBB - 04.07.2023 06:19

This game was breathtaking. A cinematic masterpiece. It was a moving movie mixed in with an amazing gameplay. The whole storyline was riveting, character development was beautiful as well, a clash between ideals and values this game was truly life-changing!

Coolparapper - 04.07.2023 03:04

That titan fight was epic as hell

Jonathan Soko
Jonathan Soko - 01.07.2023 01:58

The game is too easy. Really good story, Cid is one of the best game charecters of all time and its got eikon fights that are way too easy drawn out and too long. The combat is great, but too easy. I finished the game using the STARTER equipment for the most part, upgrading made NO difference as you are op from hour 1.

Love the story tho, its fantastic and thats what saves it because it aint about the game play or challenge.

SoulEater - 29.06.2023 20:47

mid af

Damien Krawczuk
Damien Krawczuk - 29.06.2023 18:06

I'll admit i do love classic traditional ff combat, but this has got to be the most accessible game for any gamer thats interested in it and those Accessibility Rings are a blessed godsend, and for some reason this got me thinking about FF8, like i said i love classic FF combat, but could you imagine if FF8 got remade with FF16's combat structure? Good gravy that'll be sweet awesome, this game has to get Game of the Year, its story is awesome, music, ambience, sound design, good character arc's shocking plot twists, an incredible world to explore im completely in love with the game, and without Microtransactions and that always online nonsense, truly the best game ive played in quite some time

Igor Almeida
Igor Almeida - 29.06.2023 14:38

How is a fight with garuda spoiler free?

Travis Leonhart
Travis Leonhart - 28.06.2023 22:57

Upgrades are pointless I feel I’m going to play through again on new game plus I really hope the upgrades etc feel way more impactful in FF mode

Chris Bellville
Chris Bellville - 28.06.2023 20:51

After the ps1 era I was kinda done w ff then I played the demo for this and was in

gaystatue - 28.06.2023 18:06

elitist fire
hell fire parody
by: pontefix RPG HERUS

🎶sanctus indies et quirky turcia🎶
(saint indies you are quirky turkeys)

melior es ergo omnis triplex ludua
(you are better then any triple A games)

Sanctum indies
you know im a conoseuir
of my collection I am justly proud🎶

oh Quan amitiosa
(oh how pretencuis)

Sanctum indies
YOU KNOW they are so much better than the
normie, commun,pastiche triple A🎶

then tell me YOSHI P
WHY MUST IT SOIL Sakaguchis work🎶

they brought
they play it🎶

Ifrit defile in unreal engine.
I see him weeping looking like a vermin 🎶

its no final
its not a fantasy
they ruin my franchise 🎶

this vitriolic
speach now
i must give🎶

damn yoshi pi
it is westerner normies that will pay

it's all your fault
if in square enix plan,
he made the triple A more comercial then indies🎶

protect me Chrono trigger
don't let 16 sell well or else I swear I will never buy a game from you again 🎶

don't let her in the zengist of video games

give it low scores Mata critic and let her taste the scorn of the internet or else let Deltarune conquer it all!



but how.....never mind you fool!

I spread the word I spread the word even I have to burn all gaming media

it's not final
it's not fantasy
now 16 it's an action game🎶

you are not turn based
and now you must burn

SAKAGUCHI have mercy on square
YOKO SHIMAMURA have mercy on me

but 16 will fail or video game media
will burn🎶

habib ismail
habib ismail - 28.06.2023 16:26

Journalist mode 👀

MedalGearSalad - 28.06.2023 05:13

I bought the physical version on impulse. I'm debating whether or not to return the game.

maikel doom
maikel doom - 28.06.2023 00:47

if 15 and 16 go in one whit open world that will be the game for ever

OvenMonkeyGaming - 27.06.2023 18:10

the music for boss fights is why I keep raiding in ff14 its so hype

Neonmirrorblack - 27.06.2023 14:27

I feel like I just don't understand what video games are anymore. I've been playing them since around '86 regularly (very first time was at the age of three though with our home Pong system before that), and I just cannot grasp the appeal for certain modern trends. Specifically the ridiculous amount of cutscenes and "walking and talking" sections. The pacing of this game is just so awful, and it's not even an RPG anymore, but an action game. It's basically baby's first Devil May Cry/God of War, and I'd be fine with that if the pacing actually matched those games, but it's not even close. It's not even open-world, but has the same garbage pacing as any modern open-world game. Instead of playing a video game with cutscenes, I'm playing a movie that occasionally lets me take control of the character.

Capn Phuktard
Capn Phuktard - 27.06.2023 13:27

Ive been looking for the two 3D castlevania games and can't find them anywhere.. Thankfully they put them both in this

Deus Fortier
Deus Fortier - 27.06.2023 10:41

This review feels oddly disingenuous.

I don't say this because FFXVI is bad. I don't have any personal agenda against the game.

I say this because whenever you bring up what could very well be a valid and reasonable critique (such as cut & paste side-quests which is very disappointing for a modern RPG, or frame rate dips which have been widely reported), it is immediately glossed over with phrases such as: "it's ok because it gives you the opportunity to explore the world" or "it didn't affect my enjoyment of the game".

"The only issue I think some people might have with the game is that it's a bit too easy".
Really? That's the only thing?

Even if it's the best game of the year, this review feels like pandering rather than a fair and balanced analysis.

Katharina Hacker
Katharina Hacker - 27.06.2023 10:15

I've been playing FF since the first generation of Playstation. Back then, cutting scenes were the absolute highlight and it has stayed that way for me. This game is insane. The story was told breathtakingly. I felt the characters every second I played. And side quests aren't really popular in any game. What's to come? Get here, bring there and kill this. I couldn't put the controller down. 10/10 points thx square enix

Kevin C
Kevin C - 27.06.2023 06:27

This game is amazing!!! Having a blast!
