5 Secret No Man's Sky Features Revealed | Trade Routes, Frigates, Freighters, Day/Night Cycles

5 Secret No Man's Sky Features Revealed | Trade Routes, Frigates, Freighters, Day/Night Cycles


2 года назад

175,262 Просмотров

Deep Space Travel Network: https://www.deep-space-travel-network.com/
Kanaju on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kanaju4

No Man's Sky contains hundreds of features ranging from useful to novel, from must-use to obscure. However, it's simulation also includes a handful of official features not detailed in any patch notes. From additional frigate repair opportunities, to freighter bridge customization, to worlds where the sun never sets, these secret features offer new and sometimes useful experiences to those who stumble upon them. Luckily for you, I stumbled upon them myself and would love to share these hidden features with you in this list video! I hope you find them as interesting as I did!

Gameplay captured on a PS5 console running No Man's Sky OUTLAWS 3.80+ and LEVIATHAN 3.90+.

6 No Man's Sky Features You Probably Missed: https://youtu.be/4E2wqNqnJ7Y

On this Episode:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:16 - #5 Trade Routes
00:03:03 - #4 Real-time Frigates
00:05:09 - #3 Freighter Bridge Customization
00:05:56 - #2 Melee Boost
00:07:15 - #1 Nightless Worlds
00:10:05 - Outro

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Music: Driftmaster by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com


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@lonelyPorterCH - 21.01.2024 15:16

Melee boost and frigates I already knew^^

@dankdill8286 - 12.09.2023 00:32

As for the lines between planets that signify a trade route, I don’t think they’re obsolete, I use them to find a path to a planet or moon when I can’t find them lol

@madhatter1787 - 28.08.2023 18:58

I love everything about this video. Always cool to learn some new things about his amazing game. By the way this Kanaju sounds so much like Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man.

@ye_wonker - 28.08.2023 17:53

i think i learned about #5 from the in-game tips about spaceflight or trading, so it may not really be a secret feature

@Yousadclownofaman - 19.08.2023 01:53

Theorizing about the Gek, Vy’keen and Korvax cultures would be cool! I don’t see enough speculation or theory-crafting about them.

@stanvanmanen1703 - 13.08.2023 22:58

By just using a melee strike in cold weather where you move super slow you can move faster

@trentr9762 - 13.07.2023 01:35

I've based on a planet that has around 6 seconds of night. Always found it to be strange

@LincolnLagers - 06.07.2023 21:25

How do you do a melee strike on Xbox controller? I want to be able to use the sprint jet pack move but I don’t know how.

@JeremyDeere - 19.05.2023 20:52

How cool would it be if the random frigates warping in to a system you're in were actually owned and on missions from other players.

@checkeredstar13 - 10.05.2023 06:54

Don't know if said.. but a lot of these planets will change based on where you are as well .. I had a planet where the north pole stayed daytime all the time.. but when I went down to the equator, night time as per normal cycle

@dalemarshall2935 - 05.05.2023 02:14

I play on the ps4 and got of lock ups. I found that getting rid of bases you dont use. It seemed to become alot less frequent. But stll happens especially when your at the end of a mission. So frustrating.

@dalemarshall2935 - 04.05.2023 22:44

Love the home made sun dial im gonna build one with the current time and see how or if it holds up to actual earth time. Very cool!

@henrymac77 - 03.05.2023 18:14

I thought I had the frigate game down, but the little nugget about being able to visit them on route because they exist in real time is incredible. Totally going to do it, going to send out some underpowered expeditions next time just to see how it goes.

Also the bit about the NPC's on the bridge is incredible, I hope we can still do that, but I wonder what the way freighter bases work now

@DTPxWildcat - 30.04.2023 07:18

My homebase planet has 3 suns 3 different colors so its never dark

@UKGeezer - 29.04.2023 01:10

Being a new player, this whole game seems like one big secret to me.
Love your nms vids by the way and the way you talk as well, you have a relaxing voice.

@SuperHansburger93 - 27.04.2023 14:14

The best places to find nightless worlds are systems with multiple stars. Because they have several light sources, planets will have more surface area that are constantly exposed to light. This is perfect for using solar panels without batteries, you're too lazy to look for EM hotspots :)

@apahtlicasas - 25.04.2023 20:41

Picking up the white orbs on the atlas station will teach you Atlas words much easier to fill the encyclopedia

@AceMaverick - 25.04.2023 17:16

Wow now I need to find a nightless world!!!

@SurvivalofUS - 25.04.2023 06:51

I figured out how to add all S class pilots to your squadron. If you travel to a wealthy system and recruit the first person, they will be S. But you must travel to another system to get another S rank. I tried recruiting the second guy a few times, and they always turned out to be trash. But traveling worked every time, you can use teleporter as well. I now have all S class gek in sentinel ships. Lol

@raymonddallaire653 - 23.04.2023 10:20

Haha wow never saw them trade routes honestly gonna have to see if i can find even one in a system xD

@Speed-Of-Light-By-Meter - 19.04.2023 07:24

Not sure if this is a new kind of storm in a recent update, or that I just happened upon it now after 1,000 hours, but gravity storms are a thing. It's the closest you can get to unlimited jetpacking across a planet - literally jumping between mountains.

@sydneysmith1521 - 13.04.2023 10:38

I land near the equator so, if I build a base, I can deploy solar generators that charge my base batteries frequently. Most times, I do not find a power source.

@Boosharoo - 12.04.2023 21:19

I have tried to land on the poles of planets sometimes but it never does anything :(

@WysteriaASMR - 13.03.2023 18:21

I found a planet in eternal twilight, the sun never rose too far over the horizon so it was pretty much always night time

@jivepsilocybe993 - 23.02.2023 00:16

I still use the trade routes. It's just easier imo

@Chewie571 - 24.01.2023 11:31

New player here. Loving these videos! Learning a fucking ton

@1MoTimeRound - 28.12.2022 21:11

Been playing over 700 hours.... Had seen people doing the melee boost, but never knew how. Thanks for pointing it out.
However, it seems that the power jump can also be used to attain the same speeds. My jetpack is on the spacebar, and I just do a quick double tap which kicks off the jump and jetpack.
Just tested it and they both seem to go the same speed.

@Guapter - 28.12.2022 12:55

idk about other players, but for me this is useless coz this "secrets" is not secrets at all. Secret cant be secret if its very obvious

@GiveNoContext - 26.12.2022 14:50

I once found a bubbling moon that when you entered the atmosphere the camera changed to black and white

@kyleb8670 - 13.12.2022 22:45

Melee boost tip: Do the normal melee boost, but stay low to the surface, and while maintaining momentum skim the surface while doing another melee boost. This will cause you to skip across the surface much faster than the typical melee boost.

It works fantastically on low grav planets.

@brendonkiri5727 - 08.12.2022 17:09

Boring video old stuff sounds like you have a virus in your voice

@bsg75husker - 02.12.2022 17:28

can you quick pre- check a 24h day planet with photo mode and look at the suns(s)? id really like to discover one of these.. great vid btw <3

@bsg75husker - 02.12.2022 17:24

i cant build inside the cic/bridge. only in the first section doorway a little. Whats the trick here? :) txxx

@Theoneandonlyguy - 16.11.2022 22:51

I just got jumped in a trade route yesterday and I learnt the importance of my fleet
I know it’s 60k to go thru but I’m stingy lol

@AspieMemoires - 11.11.2022 20:45

I remember when I first started playing and discovered the melee boost. I was just messing around with physics and went “Huh I wonder if” and it worked.
Later i remember playing after a few months with two random players and after about ten minutes I hear “How are you going that fast everywhere what are you doing?” And showed them how to do the boost. Lol was a huge mind blown moment for them and was hilarious for me to hear over the mic.

@Glostahdude - 11.11.2022 19:11

That planet with eternal sunset is due to the rotation of the planet around the sun. It’s in a perfectly flat spin.

@gone_mad-tryagainlater - 11.11.2022 03:18

I accidentally mele boosted once, but I could never replicate it after that day for some reason

@nailonthewall - 31.10.2022 08:31

You should change your channel’s name to “wasting 10-20 minutes with useless content ”

@rbutga - 25.10.2022 01:50

Not sure if it is one you left out but you almost showed it in the video. If you land on one of your frigates when it doesn't need to be repaired the captain gives you a reward. What it is depends on the type. Industrial gives you minerals, trade units, exploration a point of interest, and combat gives you a salute. Never have seen it documented and was surprised when it happened. I was going to take a picture on a frigate when it happened the first time. Now I visit all the time.

@scottnp17 - 24.10.2022 11:26

I miss when the melee boost was broken by an expedition and it was unlimited

@johnnyzen4282 - 22.10.2022 01:44

Before you could scan for trade hubs I used to use the trade route lines to find out where they were. It definitely wasn't easy trying to figure out the exact pinpoint spot where the route started as it faded out when you got closer to planets but it was the only way...shit was rough back in the day 🤣

@kacheek9101 - 21.10.2022 04:33

I just recently started playing (now that No Man's Sky is on the Switch), but I did notice the day/night thing and was mad impressed. The two examples that come to mind are: the first planet I built a base on, at least the area where I built the base, is twilight/night most of the time, so I ended up building an extra solar panel. Also, I once went to a moon that I hated because it was one of those planets that had freezing conditions at night, but it was almost always dark there because the planet it circled was waaay too big. The poor horizon/sky was practically all planet

@blakespot - 20.10.2022 21:29

I believe you can find the "poles" of every planet out there and experience the forever day (or night), if you land in the right spot. I saw a guide to finding the poles of a planet, followed it, and there it was. Have a few bases at pole points that are forever-twilight.

@Pietromagg - 11.10.2022 16:32

So I went to Hinumer and...turns out there is now nighttime on the planet...I was so ready to build an outpost here too...beautiful world though!

@labeljr88 - 03.10.2022 22:44

been playing this for 2 yrs on and off. Some how I never knew about the melee jump lol. Definitely could've helped in the earlier stages.

@KillerXTV - 01.10.2022 09:11

I learned a lot from this, thank you from a somewhat new player!

@bossie7063 - 22.09.2022 01:01

Um I think you need one more glyph symbol otherwise no one is going to be visiting your constant day cycle planet

@dylanoleary1404 - 17.09.2022 11:52

the 4 planey i ever found was this horrible dead rock which looked blue and black from the sky with lost of islands but when i got there it was completely red like the entire time and all the ground was rock , no grass just rock and basic fauna horrible early impression of the game , i havent been able to find nice planeys like the one you shown in the beginning the video which is very upsetting
