Dual | Official Trailer | Sky Cinema

Dual | Official Trailer | Sky Cinema

Sky Cinema

2 года назад

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@ellnino - 04.06.2022 10:11

Such a stupid premise.

@MrBearcatjew - 04.06.2022 11:21

Aaron paul cant act unless its in breaking bad

@allnamesaretaken - 13.08.2022 00:03

A bit slow, the acting felt wooden and no one seems to have any emotion as if they were all robots. Nothing really happens and when it finishes, it does so in a predictable way where many other clone type movies have.

@RosePink-tr8ig - 23.11.2023 22:53

Pior filme q assisti ....horrível.
A história em si é boa mais o filme é péssimo
