NEVER TOO SMALL: Calm,  Bright Minimalist Apartment, Brisbane 35sqm/375sqft

NEVER TOO SMALL: Calm, Bright Minimalist Apartment, Brisbane 35sqm/375sqft


1 год назад

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@AnnoyingInflatable - 08.04.2024 09:07

Not liking the distorted lens to make the apartment look longer, is this supposed to be a real estate listing?

@apolloo3852 - 13.04.2024 00:52


@juliajulia2714 - 13.04.2024 19:15

Wine rack?))))

@Bashertxo - 14.04.2024 10:48

The stool in the study nook is going to feel uncomfortable within an hour. But the custom-made joinery is very calming.

@Sssssssssssssandy - 14.04.2024 10:54

You removed the wall to "increase the sense of space" to the entryway that isn't being used for anything but a passageway and access to the washer which you would want to hide... Then you closed the space further with the builtin. And like the other commenter said the wine rack is bigger than the fridge? Also who gets rid of windows? I feel like you could have done a corner kitchen and put the fridge next to the window, then add a wall divider and put the bench up to that. Also that bed is in such an awkward place for adults. I would have put it on the other wall with end tables and a dresser or desk facing the window. This just makes me angry. DId you put a mirror on a sliding glass door and an led strip? This feels like a weird hotel

Two shower heads but only a shelf on one side

@andrixmammana - 20.04.2024 13:18

really good job!

@shareboxx - 21.04.2024 10:24

Whether lying facing the right or left side, there's a wall 😅. Personally, i would prefer a super single in lieu of a double bed.
What if the TV breaks down one day? And no manufacturer produces that size any more?
It's my preference not to enclose appliances unless space is so tight.

@12gark - 28.04.2024 11:25

I'll never understand why in these small apartments you have a shallow shelf to use as a desk instead of having a folding unit in front of the TV.
Imagine the shelf for the TV is 50cm deep, you use 5cm to hide the cables, and then you have a folding shelf of about 40-45 extra cm that folds. When you are in tv mode, you have a normal setup, but when you go into desk mode, you get a giant screen and a desk that is 70-80cm deep between you and the TV/screen (40-45cm folding, 50cm fixed, minus 10-15cm of tv thickness).
You can even have the folding part come down from the ceiling if you are into smart home stuff.

@Janine6564 - 01.05.2024 06:24

What a beautiful space! I love all the windows and the older vibe they give. The greenery coming from outside is the bonus!! 💚

@nataliakumar6154 - 05.05.2024 02:09

apartment beatiful on screen but tough to leave in real life

@cecilung8722 - 08.05.2024 03:12

I like the built in bench mext to the kitchen unit amd rhe small fridge. it really saved a lot of space and provide a green view for meals.

@pauz6864 - 13.05.2024 03:40

This video made me realize how important is the illumination on any space, I think as a future architecture that we need to study this more on detail, because it can provide a cozy space and harmonious atmosphere

@sharonbennett9953 - 31.05.2024 17:09

well if trumps trial was rigged then solid proof is required so please where is the proof

@polopatrick3246 - 02.06.2024 06:15

as someone who doesnt do much home cooking, im sold, except for the bed squeezed between 2 walls.

also, i wish NTS would also include how the spaces are when its dark/night, and what lighting design were used.

@ahumanbeing812 - 07.06.2024 05:38

The architect said that relocating the kitchen might seem counterintuitive, because that meant we had to block a window. While where exactly they should relocate the kitchen too required deliberation, the need to relocate the kitchen and dining area was intuitive and the act was logical. In the original floor plan, the living area and the dining area were mixed together. Together, the kitchen and living/dining area took up more than half of the space of the apartment. To have more space and separate the dining area from the living area, apparently, something new needed to be done. That was the intuition there. Lining up the kitchen against the wall at the back seemed to be a good decision. Although that involved blocking one window, but that wouldn't limit the natural light and ventilation at all, because there was still a much larger window on the adjacent wall. The trade-off was well worth. Blocking an unnecessary window to relocate the kitchen and therefore creating more space was an intuitive, logical and pragmatic decision.

I really like the fact that oakwood was used throughout the apartment, as flooring material and for furniture as well. It really softened the sleek but also sharp lines that characterize minimalist interior design, making the space seem less clinical and more welcoming.

The use of mirrors is yet another smart feature. The reflection of the mirrors creates an appealing visual effect and the illusion that the space is larger than it really is.

There are many other commendable features. I think that overall, the renovation project was a success. I feel that I could totally live in this apartment.

Thanks for sharing!

@ghazaln - 08.06.2024 07:13

This was fun 🤩

@rodrigoreyesmacias8507 - 12.06.2024 10:14

That's hardly a kitchen but I suppose that the owners are not big fans of cooking and they eat out a lot. The one thing I can't stand is that clositered bed, I would feel like a prisoner if I were to sleep there and I bet the cleanig is very difficult.

@yuyasi - 12.06.2024 17:58

keanu that u

@winchangkou - 21.06.2024 04:24

thats great. but how much you spend for this Reno

@ROHITKSINGH107 - 21.06.2024 19:59

definitely need to make more storage

@rachelraimi19 - 01.07.2024 02:33

I love a carefully edited space, but spaces like this, however calm and airy, have absolutely nothing personal about them. I find them sad.

@adangarcia1059 - 13.07.2024 10:28

Por qué habla así??? 🤭🤭🤭

@Lolinucha - 14.07.2024 08:24

super limpio y luminosooo elegante con toques alegres 😍divino 🍀❤

@avish692 - 21.07.2024 22:42

Removing a window?!! I’m sorry that’s just stupdism.

@OlgaCudassier - 12.08.2024 16:20

The wine rack is a joke. Wine should be kept in a temperature-controlled and datk place, like in a cave.

@julierafferty219 - 14.08.2024 18:40

I would just really like to know how you change the linen on a bed like that

@charlenerobertson-zb4dn - 19.08.2024 11:33

Looks beautiful. Comfortable & classy... The dining nook is super but I'd make best of the window view by customising an L-shaped sofa😊

@carlosgravil3325 - 06.09.2024 18:00

Nicely designed spaces and finishes. I feel he could have done a bit more in the dining space. Nice bathroom

@markmatthews8675 - 07.09.2024 00:38

Love the apartment. As a New Yorker I love small, practical spaces and hoping to have something similar in Australia one day. Although I don't understand why a giant wine rack would ever be a priority in such a small space. For me would probably have a tough time deciding between placing the tv be on top of the storage unit in the bedroom or leaving it in the living area. Anyways great work! Will definitely be looking up this design firm when I buy my own small space.

@hilly971 - 07.09.2024 01:58

That is a lot of wine.

@YvonneOldfield - 11.09.2024 23:33

I think it is really very lovely..calm with soothing colour palette 😊

@ForlornCreature - 17.09.2024 16:09

what a nightmare

@grownmantravels - 28.09.2024 09:19

Bloke looks uncomfortable….moves like an elderly lady.

@lyncollier6222 - 06.10.2024 08:02

The tiles in the barhroom were so cool, grey ones are just boring.

@leptir7110 - 14.10.2024 13:09

@jyndocu - 18.10.2024 14:55

massive wine rack gives me alcoholic vibe.. replace it to bookshelf! I guess the client couple doesn't cook at home but drink then shower together..? I'd love to sit next to the window forever tho

@douglasyong6939 - 18.10.2024 17:49

Privacy? Security? Perhaps the property has perimeter fencing

@angelavasiliu3968 - 24.11.2024 16:43

Nice one. The double shower is a bit of a strange request but…each to their own.

@ForTheFLOL - 08.12.2024 00:47

Very nice. Very demure. Very slow.

@alexandrasmith1533 - 08.12.2024 09:58

A bigger wine rack than the fridge, ok then

@johnnym5356 - 13.12.2024 18:53

This is some rich ppl shit 🙄

@DM-ol9ne - 21.12.2024 07:18

I suppose some people like this, but filling an art deco apartment with fibreboard seems worse. Also, wine fridge but no dishwasher, are they nuts?

@Husky16 - 29.12.2024 00:22

This is probably one of the better small designs. Love the minimalist aesthetic

@user-ep3ck5re4o - 30.12.2024 22:42

How do you deal with flying insects re windows ?

@bmyra - 04.01.2025 06:21

Yet another place where it's nearly impossible to change bed linens.

@Wagtail-j6l - 07.01.2025 09:57


@Nouseforadog - 15.01.2025 12:28

I can imagine the designer be like, yeah fuck having a normal sized fridge I want AT LEAST 60 bottles of wine in here, and everyone at the office be like hell yeah

@philipmullins5185 - 17.01.2025 20:58

Things that I think make a small studio more pleasant to live in. Having a really good view with large ceiling to floor windows otherwise it may feel very claustrophobic, a good size food preparation bench, a good quality stove, a good size fridge with a frozen food section, a very comfortable office chair to use when using the computer, a large size bed that you can walk around and access easy as it is also easy to make up, a bathroom that is fairly spacious and having a bath in the bathroom is a bonus, soundproofed so you can't hear the neighbours or outside traffic. Also having high ceiling is a really good.

@viviennara3430 - 09.03.2025 07:15

Should have made a bigger space for the fridge and smaller space for wine 🤪
