How To Quickly Mute Television Commercials

How To Quickly Mute Television Commercials

Peter von Panda

3 года назад

12,752 Просмотров

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@was1f. - 28.07.2021 01:40


@SarkarMotion - 28.07.2021 10:16

Who named this product "mute daddy"? Honestly!

@reviewingmama1293 - 28.07.2021 20:28


@ShishirTanwar - 29.01.2022 18:44

More like Unmute daddy

@shadowbannedbyyoutube415 - 20.02.2022 04:27

Eh?.......Just do as I do and use your tv remote to mute ads.

@danmadrid8227 - 06.03.2022 01:35

Lame.. So add an extra remote for another regular mute button that is inaccurate. Get this junk off here.

@larryh.5645 - 17.05.2022 14:52

Lmao Or just press mute button on your tv remote and unmute when commercials are over. Dumbest device in the history of consumer electronics. I’m upset that I cannot get my 5 minutes of life wasted on watching this back 😂🤣😂

@dsymms8527 - 17.05.2022 21:54

Love it. Silence the annoying fear mongers once and for all.

@quetzal3000 - 23.05.2022 04:35

Think about it...

@hardwin82 - 28.06.2022 11:25

that's so cool

@mickistevens4886 - 09.07.2022 16:25

So it is only an "unmute daddy" ? You still have to mute.

@natashanonnattive4818 - 28.07.2022 18:21

I hate them

@nathanchiaro5399 - 10.08.2022 08:32

Wow so worthless! It takes more work to do that damn thing than just pressing the mute button on the TV remote, lame ass garbage!

@vickisanders6279 - 13.08.2022 03:39

This is just dumb I can mute commercials myself

@ChrisKirtley - 25.08.2022 14:56

Surely got to be a more sophisticated automatic method?

@williamredding8903 - 05.09.2022 01:27

It's too big. Another object to misplace like remotes. BUILD it is a finger ring or bracelet.
You will make a fortune.

@aliceryan9502 - 24.09.2022 15:59

With all the tech savy people in the world, someone should be able to invent a piece of equipment that you install on your TV, that recognizes commercials, and blocks or at least mutes them immediately. I'm so sick of the new commercials, that try to brainwash people into thinking the scenario they are showing is normal life. I also can't stand the medication advertisements. Much of the time, I don't even recognize which illness it's supposed to aleviate. And the line, "tell your doctor about it". Wouldn't your doctor prescribe it, if he thought it was better than what he currently subscribes for you? The commercials want us to be "pharmaceutical sales associates" without pay!!!

@MichiganPeatMoss - 19.10.2022 00:06

2022: I'm surprised there's actually a product for this, since the media companies would most likely fight it tooth and nail. I was searching for DIY as I suppose a lot of folks developed their own solutions "under the radar", with no intent to market a product.

@MichiganPeatMoss - 19.10.2022 00:11

2022: My dad wired up a toggle switch to our family TV in the 1970s, so the passion for muting commercials has deep roots for me. :) There was a time a few decades ago in Radio Electronics Magazine that attempted variations of this with simple electronics. Of course it was never 100 percent accurate. I think AI could be employed but would still require regular "training".

@soozies.7048 - 07.01.2023 01:15

So just use your remote to mute it. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

@suzytung216 - 13.03.2023 15:59

I click on the link provided, it took me to Amazon, but it says product currently unavailable. kindly advise where can I purchase this item.


@Boeing767DriverAA - 06.06.2023 22:00

My Samsung TV automatically mutes commercials with out having to grab another remote

@keving1776 - 09.10.2023 04:51

Unless something does it automatically there is really no point. Loved watching it unmute for the annoying Toyota commercial. I invented a better device. Its called the "Brick Daddy". When you're annoyed by a commercial, you chuck the brick at the TV.

@elizabethlester2478 - 08.12.2023 04:16

I can mute it myself that’s stupid

@slicksnewonenow - 21.12.2023 00:51

Why do you suppose it's called T.V. PROGRAMMING?

@MrTomNguyen - 28.12.2023 17:29

is this still being made?

@brad_neal - 14.01.2024 20:05

WTF? Why not just push the mute on the tv remote? What am I missing?

@eduardoaguilar3675 - 26.02.2025 06:51

so stupid! then you deal with the damn mute thing all the time..
