15.2 Merge Data from Multiple Excel Files or Workbooks in Power BI (Power Query) | By Pavan Lalwani

15.2 Merge Data from Multiple Excel Files or Workbooks in Power BI (Power Query) | By Pavan Lalwani

Pavan Lalwani

4 года назад

47,471 Просмотров

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@ashutoshpandey183 - 21.08.2020 01:18


@odudabdul4152 - 21.08.2020 06:58

Hi Pravan , Again big thank you for the course. One doubt , could you please explain what is Use fuzzy matching to perform the match if possible.

@harshalpatil2111 - 27.10.2020 16:08

Very Nice Pavan.. This is really helpful. so precise, so informative.. Please keep it up and Thank you.

@iamshivarth - 22.05.2021 10:53

Hi, How to merge more than 3 excel files with one primary key. All the 3 or 'n' excel files are having same data. It should be dynamic.

@amanbhargavaofficial - 23.11.2021 06:39

Thank you😊😊😊😊

@checkmateatnet - 02.02.2022 21:08

video's are short and simple. planning, Designing series and executing must not have been easy. As a outsider we feel easy. Thankyou for creating series of video. Appreciate your hard work..

@யாழ்குறும்பு - 07.02.2022 16:34

If the table join was done with 'Power View' instead of 'Power Query', what would be the difference?

@யாழ்குறும்பு - 07.02.2022 16:38

Hi sir, Can one to many/many to many files be joined while data is being loaded instead of one by one?

@Sonu-rawat - 07.06.2023 10:00

Thank you

@fog2640 - 14.08.2023 15:07

finished practicing

@483_saurabhjindal6 - 09.09.2023 17:08

Sir when we apply left join
Then why is it not showing all records of left table.
It only shows the matching records (inner join)

@rajdeep471 - 26.03.2024 20:19

Can this be applied using folder instead of importing data using excel? Just curious.

@shabinashukoor7884 - 03.04.2024 00:57

Thank You! Does this method keep connection to original Excel files as source data? When info changes in each of the individual Excel files, does the PowerBI query update the info in the merged view? Also, can there be 2-way connection and updating? Can data be updated manually in the PowerBI view, and changes can be automatically updated in the original Excel source files?

@pramodk8267 - 15.11.2024 11:33

Hi Pavan,

In AWS quicksight, we can use two different datasets and controlled the visuals(from both datasets) by the same filter by using parameters. Using Parameters we can link two datasets and present all the visuals in the single page itselft and use common filters. Is it possible in Power bi?
