FFXIV - The Healer experience

FFXIV - The Healer experience


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TDE 44
TDE 44 - 21.10.2023 04:20

Healing is a lot like retail, in that it’s a necessary service, a thankless job, and you come away from it a little bit more disgusted by humanity each time~

Zbysiex - 15.10.2023 04:30

the healer experience:

do nothing for 15 mins

Morgan Briggs
Morgan Briggs - 01.10.2023 00:25

Look, healing may be constant suffering, but at least I don't have to deal with my crippling tankxiety while playing AST

Seth Van Rook
Seth Van Rook - 11.09.2023 22:18

That first scene i TRUE'd myself into outer space

Samantha Harris
Samantha Harris - 05.09.2023 20:06

Oh I feel this pain...

Jhorii - 27.08.2023 15:26

From my testing, the only job that can "heal" a kill mechanic is a Paladin.. if they decide to take the damage for another player that player won't die to the mechanic... Because the paladin has more hp, they just take a lot of damage but can survive if they do the mechanic

Someone - 22.08.2023 23:50

Everything I know about tanking I learned by healing. I am probably a better tank than about 60% of players. Learning healing on the other hand... was learned by healing, tanking and even some dpsing and I am still a scrub in comparison to a lot of other healers...

Abculatter A
Abculatter A - 18.08.2023 14:28

Eventually, as you become a grizzled veteran of healing, you inevitably develop a god complex and goddamnit I CAN AND WILL STOP THIS RAID AND TURN IT AROUND, IT'S YOUR TIME TO ADJUST BITCH

Casper Oliver & Co
Casper Oliver & Co - 14.08.2023 19:31

Oh gosh as a fellow Viera healer I feel so SEEN 😂😂😂

Phantom CrusaderHD
Phantom CrusaderHD - 11.08.2023 18:15

So I started playing ffxiv pretty recently, I spent all of my time up until the last 2 weeks playing dps (specifically, machinist and summoner) and ended up picking up sage as my first healer job. Long story short, I now have a massive case of healer anxiety and feel obligated to say "sorry" to my healer at the end of every dungeon, much to their confusion.

Gray Star
Gray Star - 08.08.2023 14:01

Then only time I have used superbolide is when the rest of my mid are on cool down or more often I fat finger the key. Arms length is my beloved.

DAoC Nostalgia
DAoC Nostalgia - 14.07.2023 18:49

Just gotta use the right tool for the job.
When playing with noobs, shield healer is a nogo.
AST I find the best tool for duty roulette because of infinite mana, super powerful hots, lots of instas, lightspeed+neutralsect=healer frenzy, gravity is better than holy when needing to actually heal.
Shield healers really hurt in the overall efficiency and emergency departments, and AST really excels at it
SCH does improve a lot at 84-90, though.

Stephline13 - 07.07.2023 01:20

I'm a WHM main. The other day I'd just queued up into P11 and about a minute into the fight the other healer suddenly DC'd. The group had a bard and a dancer both throwing extra healing in to help out, but there was no RDM or summoner in the party for backup raises.

We made it through with only a few deaths from people not dodging mechanics but otherwise no real issues. THAT is why I like healing: It was VISCERALLY satisfying to manage that situation and keep everybody on their feet, knowing it could've been a problem but wasn't. I got to use my toolkit! I got to do the thing my class is built for! It can be hard to explain why it's so fun sometimes because if you're doing your job right then ideally nobody really has a reason to pay attention to how much of your job you're actually doing.

Wormwood main
Wormwood main - 04.07.2023 23:00

Maybe its just me but like actually doing my job. If i can go the entire dungeon without the chance to do any dps because im healing the whole time, i love it. I feel seen, i feel heard, i feel appreciated; even if im not.

If im pressing the same two buttons over and over again... Fml.

black citadel9
black citadel9 - 25.06.2023 06:12

I'm a tank. Usually my experience is cycling most of my CDs, hardly taking damage whatsoever and being told that healers don't like me because I'm "boring" and "safe" and they have "nothing to do" (these are the same healers whining that Dark Knights are squishy and hard to heal and they can't DPS because they are too busy babysitting them)

william chicas
william chicas - 24.06.2023 22:55

The only benefit of being a healer in my book is you get to choose who gets the heals and who doesn't. Sure I'll be called toxic but hey, it's my job to heal the party, not stupid people who hurt me.

Cal Alaera
Cal Alaera - 05.06.2023 08:05

"Heals you know you're supposed to dps too right?"
"Yeah if the tank could maybe start dodging the puddles and not be near death for one GCD I'll get right on that"

Ammy - 04.06.2023 11:58

Reapers have an intimate relationship with death; we are good at killing things, but we are also killed a lot. I've been saved by healers more times than I can count, but it's apparent that there are healers who are tired of dealing with me, because they sometimes leave me dead for a long period of time.

WarGiver - 02.06.2023 07:08

as a fellow SCH main I approve this message. (for some reason I find WAR and PAL tend to do their Mit correctly most of the time, while GNB and DK tend to not, no idea why, I have noticed this is generally the way)

Sera Lucii
Sera Lucii - 31.05.2023 11:05

As a dragoon main who often switches to redmage to help with reviving if I know people will die frequently I totally feel called out. I don't often jump to my death on accident, but when I do it's in the most stupid ways.
Though with Pandaemonium 12 I saw more healers learning to fly than anything, leading me to backflip to restart

Hawkblast 99
Hawkblast 99 - 21.05.2023 14:02

Hmmm, Now that think about it, Healer IS like being a parent...

Demagogines - 19.05.2023 21:27

Ironic. Green dps can save the lifes of others, but the doom stack on ourself we cannot Esuna.

Empress Moni
Empress Moni - 19.05.2023 06:52

my only experience as healer is blasters t in yo kai watch 3, I haven't touched any of the healer classes (yet) but somehow, I relate heavily to this
edit: ive played a healer class now, and I understand fully

Lamppost 🦕
Lamppost 🦕 - 18.05.2023 16:27

I just had my worst healer experience ever. Dungeon, with a monk and a summoner. The tank and the monk started beefing, because the monk was aggroing enemies ahead of the tank. And then I was kicked from the dungeon. The tank and the summoner then sent me Tells apologizing for kicking the wrong person

BM03 - 17.05.2023 00:43

lol ok noob iv done this pull b4 im not new and also super broil is a summoner spell not gunblader lmao

Cosmic Brownie
Cosmic Brownie - 16.05.2023 19:02

I mained every healer from arr free trial up until the last raid tier where I swapped to blm. It was a refreshing change of pace but I think I am ready to come home and feel the pain

Qrogan - 15.05.2023 19:25

-> gnb doesnt know what superbolide is


vidmanandrew09 - 12.05.2023 21:05

Being a Healer in a Light Party is sometimes so hard cuz the Tanks are always running out of my range as I’m trying to heal them.

I don’t understand why every Tank is always trying to pull all the Aggro at once when it can be a better time for all if you just kill the current number of enemies before going for the next!

Stop speed-running! You’re supposed to be the wall!

Syrus Stellar
Syrus Stellar - 12.05.2023 15:15

Picked up healing recently and the only thing my fc teammates said that stuck if me:
"Now i get to decide if you live or die"

Sulfuras - 10.05.2023 16:44

"You need to do the mechanic." Put that on a t-shirt

Fallen A3579
Fallen A3579 - 10.05.2023 02:05

My catchphrase is “Stop running away I’m trying to heal you”

Matt Voelker
Matt Voelker - 09.05.2023 05:39

There's something deeply satisfying about warning someone 2-3 times about a mechanic, and just deciding its not worth the mana. I dont get that power from dps. And while i CAN pull aoe-prone enemies to the casters as a tank, its just not the same.

evan wise
evan wise - 08.05.2023 02:37

join my party you'll hardly need to heal my war fear nothing and slay all

Mirai Hi
Mirai Hi - 06.05.2023 01:35

Green bunny that makes me feel good

dragomageus - 04.05.2023 22:49

I have all 4 healers to lvl 90. Does that mean I know how to play them? No I do not. Ill stick with throwing fire balls at the bad guys.

Chipotle過熱 - 04.05.2023 20:44

That GNB is Xeno 😂

borntodie297 - 03.05.2023 22:41

As a healer who tries to tackle savage/ultimate content, I grew a bit of a jaded side on this.
Sometimes I have group or static members who panic cause they not topped into certain mechanics.
Funny enough, from first feeling like the parent of a group too, this has been a funny development.
Since now i'm basically "Yes you where not topped, but you did not die, so get rekked my calculation was correct" XD

Bakubread - 03.05.2023 22:27

the absolute most fun part of healing is when everything goes wrong and you have to scramble to save the party from almost certain doom. god i love healing.

Riarui - 03.05.2023 22:11

I was a hardcore healer main, every single one maxed to 90. Now I am a gunbreaker so I can just do fun combos with fast queue times :3

Majestic Chris
Majestic Chris - 03.05.2023 20:16

"Why do you play healer?"
"Queue times."

Whitemage Serenia
Whitemage Serenia - 01.05.2023 23:56

OUCH! Right in the feels >< you nailed it. I've pretty much experienced every single thing you mentioned lol, only difference is, I usually raise asap if I notice someone go down (which in turn results in RDM/SMN/Co-Healer wasting MP on a raise too... lol) but that's just gonna happen from time to time

Food Dood Games
Food Dood Games - 28.04.2023 21:10

Bro why do you sound like my friends that are healer mains? They always so busy telling me what to do as I grunt into the vc while I pull.

Tea Edenia
Tea Edenia - 28.04.2023 04:33

lol nah you just like being the parent of the group I kid I jest

doomoftheend - 26.04.2023 17:13

The BM in all of these is pint, right?

180Kchan - 25.04.2023 00:29

"I love healing i think everyone should try it" translated for non-healers walk a mile in my shoes you jerks

LazyVanny - 24.04.2023 12:21

As a tank main, I always respect my healers.

Yes, I use everything from reprisal to nebula. When I play healer, I fear the bad tanks and the guy that yells to pull more but our tank can't handle it. Then he runs forward and forces us to chase him, and the chat is angry at the running off DPS.

Dankerus - 23.04.2023 07:37

Based Scholar main, i support your endeavors.

Feather - 20.04.2023 22:16

As a SCH main: Yeah.

Yunru - 20.04.2023 15:15

AH I remember this one time we had a wall-to-wall puller. It got so bad the DPS and I just stood there and watched him run off, then run back.

Mia - 20.04.2023 07:49

I'm a WHM main, all the way from ARR to EW. I think healing in this game is like working retail: everyone should do it at least once so they experience the horrors we do.
