AWS S3 File Upload + Lambda Trigger (Tutorial In Python) | Step by Step Guide

AWS S3 File Upload + Lambda Trigger (Tutorial In Python) | Step by Step Guide

Be A Better Dev

4 года назад

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Ayotomiwa Adebayo
Ayotomiwa Adebayo - 15.11.2023 11:06

How can i get the codes and materials you use such as: the transaction.json etc

deepak kumar
deepak kumar - 26.05.2023 12:05

How we generate this log in s3 bucket not in cloudwatch

Julio Cardenas-Rodriguez
Julio Cardenas-Rodriguez - 03.03.2023 15:48

clear, to the point, and useful. Thank you !!

codeinglife - 12.02.2023 06:37

Hello sir we have need S3 download request count my website

raj - 31.01.2023 09:45

Great tutorial

Vijay Yadav
Vijay Yadav - 12.08.2022 06:50

i am trying to write an xml file into s3 bucket using lambda but it is timing
out. Do you know what could be the reason?

Mohd. Gaus
Mohd. Gaus - 01.08.2022 19:55

Saved my job 💕

Ashwin Raghunath
Ashwin Raghunath - 11.07.2022 21:40

So I was able to trigger lambda based on S3:ObjectCreated by uploading a file. But what happens when the whole S3 bucket region is down? In this case, the file won't be uploaded to the bucket and won't trigger the lambda. In this case, what do we do to still process the file when the bucket region is down?

greendesertsnow - 04.07.2022 16:08

Lacks intuition so hard, kills brain cells trying to figure out.

Shailesh Kumar
Shailesh Kumar - 21.06.2022 06:20

Beware : reading and writing to the same S3 bucket can get your bill skyrocket . So just follow each step correctly or try not to upload the file again to s3.

greendesertsnow - 20.06.2022 02:17

extremely complicated compared to GCS

John Johnson
John Johnson - 15.05.2022 21:05

I enjoyed your video. Can anyone help? I understood everything but I didn’t get where he edited the codes. Is that a lambda app? I mean the black screen on which he edited the codes. Is that a third party app ? Can anyone help?

Chetan Sharma
Chetan Sharma - 05.05.2022 23:33

Can I get the complete code?
I have tried the same python code in the lambda function, that just is giving errors at cloudwatch.

Piyush Pal
Piyush Pal - 18.04.2022 19:29

Hey! I am facing an issue. My lambda function and S3 bucket both are in us-west-2 region but while creating event notification, I am not able to see my lambda function in the drop down list. What could be the potential issue?

dinesh kumar
dinesh kumar - 17.04.2022 14:38

How to configure email alert if daily routine based object is not uploaded in s3 object, can you help.

Kemosabe - 15.04.2022 17:20

thanks, good content

Gopiselvam R
Gopiselvam R - 09.04.2022 12:25

[ERROR] KeyError: 'Records'

Md Nazmul Hasan
Md Nazmul Hasan - 23.03.2022 16:42

The python code with some which worked for me.
import json
import urllib
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# TODO implement
bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']

key = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'], encoding='utf-8')

s3 = boto3.client('s3')

response = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket,Key=key)

text = response["Body"].read().decode()
data = json.loads(text)


transactions = data['transactions']

for record in transactions:
return 'Success!'

except Exception as e:
raise e

Jesica Dcruz
Jesica Dcruz - 10.03.2022 14:54

This video was helpful in understanding how Events work. I had a doubt- Is it possible to retrieve the file path of the object? How do we write a lambda function for storing the file path to a database that is triggered every time a put event happens in a bucket?

chill yo
chill yo - 07.03.2022 03:28

if i wanted to call that data variable outside the function to look at the data locally, how would that look like?

Simone - 04.03.2022 21:47

Nice, however it's missing a fundamental part, get response from lambda into your app. I can't find the way...

Chandan P
Chandan P - 03.03.2022 22:27

Thanks for the step by step guide. I have a question. If we follow this approach, the lambda will trigger every time a new file is created in s3. So, if we get 10 files simultaneously, it's going to invoke lambda 10 times. Is it possible to invoke lambda only once in such cases?

Arjun Rajapppan
Arjun Rajapppan - 21.02.2022 09:36

This video really helps. Explanation and demo are so precise. Please keep doing this great work.

shahnavaz - 02.02.2022 07:17

Thanks for precise video.

Tech with Raj
Tech with Raj - 06.01.2022 15:45

name 's3' is not defined at line 10 in lambda function
Anyone else got the same error?

Sri Aditya B
Sri Aditya B - 03.01.2022 06:38

How to handle if there are multiple files dropped in S3 at the same time where we need trigger one glue job? How should we handle Lambda here? Any help is appreciated.

Ray M
Ray M - 21.12.2021 17:03

I am not sure why you made a video if we are supposed to guess what write or click on!! What is that? Lowest quality video setting on your computer?!😅

Timmy Zheng
Timmy Zheng - 20.12.2021 10:46

Thank you, this is very helpful. Quick question: if I am about to use Step Functions to run a few lambda functions in a batch style starting by a CloudWatch schedule event, but I also need these lambda functions to wait until particular S3 objects are uploaded to run. How does the S3 trigger work, will the lambda functions wait until they get S3 events?

Mightye666 - 08.12.2021 19:19

can you please include ur source code in future videos so I dont have to type too much. pls and thx

yourgflikesit - 24.11.2021 14:48

That clicking sound you make with your mouth is fucked to listen to every 5 seconds.

Tony Fraser
Tony Fraser - 21.11.2021 05:37

Thanks for this! I quickly fought through a couple of issues with imports and such, but woot this hit the spot! As soon as I got your demo running it was only another two hours for me to get the same running in sam. Now I just gotta figure out how to cloud formation that s3 event trigger into a sam CF template, and viola!

Siba Skye
Siba Skye - 19.11.2021 18:08

I want to trigger a lambda for a file that’s two layers down in the s3 bucket (I.e s3/folder1/folder2/my-file.txt). How do I configure the lambda to ingest only files put in folder2?

Root C*
Root C* - 06.11.2021 22:54

where is the code ? where can we download it

Shubham Singh
Shubham Singh - 21.10.2021 15:41

Exactly for what I was looking for.

vishnu vs
vishnu vs - 12.10.2021 14:02

Hi sir, thanks for the tutorial. i finished this tutorial.
but i have one scenario of json validation, while uploading a json file in the bucket using lambda it must be validate. i dont know how to do that

lalit da
lalit da - 22.09.2021 08:31

@Be A Better Dev
Hi, Thanks for the video. I have a question, let's say we have a application that let user upload a file which goes to S3 and the file is processed by lambda. So in the event when user A & user B uploads a file to S3 with a negligible time difference, which file is processed first file from user A or user B? so basically, does S3 maintains the order of file to pass it to lambda to work on? Please guide. Thanks.

John P C
John P C - 21.09.2021 07:54

Do you prefer windows or mac?

Rashmi Venkatesh
Rashmi Venkatesh - 20.09.2021 16:34

Thanks for the video, I follow your videos as they are very nicely explained. Request you to please upload a video on how AWS sagemaker works?

matthew yong
matthew yong - 08.09.2021 05:12

I still reference old content and WOW, the explanations and video quality have come a long way in just two years.

Balaji Velaga
Balaji Velaga - 22.08.2021 09:40

Where is the Code, you could have put in the github.

prabesh M
prabesh M - 12.08.2021 12:23

Can i take "screenshot" when the snapshots are created ?

abhishek kumar
abhishek kumar - 09.07.2021 01:51

I want to add cloud watch content to my rds table after Lambda is triggered. Is it possible and if yes How

Edmund Chua
Edmund Chua - 27.06.2021 07:49

where is the script? also you edited it, how do you expect a newbie to know what to do? thank U

lokesh karnam
lokesh karnam - 19.06.2021 18:16

Unable to find the phyton code in description, if you don't mind kindly share the code....

Clear Thinking
Clear Thinking - 11.06.2021 11:21

Very well explained.

AmjD S
AmjD S - 03.06.2021 08:17

Duno why people would dislike such a nice video

Diana An
Diana An - 20.05.2021 19:36

My lambda is triggering but i am getting error in getting the bucket name. Key error. What I have to do?
