J.K. Rowling | ContraPoints

J.K. Rowling | ContraPoints


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ContraPoints - 26.01.2021 05:03

First they came for the celebrities

50-50 Grind
50-50 Grind - 02.10.2023 00:00

After this video I'm thoroughly disgusted with J.K. Rowling.

Erius Houston
Erius Houston - 01.10.2023 22:48

Wow. That was a snout full. 😮

Erius Houston
Erius Houston - 01.10.2023 08:20

I love the way Natalie gets and stays close to the bone

Jerdon's babbler
Jerdon's babbler - 30.09.2023 07:55

I’m wondering why the top row of candles are real but the bottom row are fake. Is that possibly meaningful?

y y
y y - 28.09.2023 20:41

how could you not break that coffee cup

Nick Scurvy
Nick Scurvy - 28.09.2023 15:37

But Stalin did nothing wrong and Rachel Maddow is a war criminal

Vraisairs - 25.09.2023 21:18

Who is she calling out for not reading?

Sarcasticron - 25.09.2023 01:11

When the first Harry Potter book came out, Ursula Le Guin commented that she thought it was fine, but the author came off a bit mean-spirited.
She saw it before any of us did. Such a brilliant woman.

Miles Dashing
Miles Dashing - 25.09.2023 00:54

It's so typical of Rowling that she would use the least-creative possible name for her anti-trans manifesto, "TERF Wars." Like, have you ever thought more than two seconds about a name, lady?

I thought she was a bad writer BEFORE it was cool to do so.

Amelia Hamilton
Amelia Hamilton - 25.09.2023 00:01

This video made me so anxious not because of the content but because I thought Natalie was going to drop her phone in the bath

Waii Tako
Waii Tako - 21.09.2023 10:53

You are so incredibly fabulous

CAI53R - 18.09.2023 01:20

Intrestingly enough I can conter any clame that gender is biological. I am a biological man however if you were to draw blood from me and examine the chromosomal DNA present in my blood cells you would find an XX chromosome layout. So yeah i am a pretty good retort to any biggot that tries and use thst form of argument.

banjy - 16.09.2023 06:08

this is a good af video but watching it after Joanne has fully committed to her twitter bloodlust makes me feel that intense sadness of watching a kid ask why rich people don’t stop world hunger

Graham Layzell
Graham Layzell - 16.09.2023 05:20

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

Cyclic Ozone
Cyclic Ozone - 16.09.2023 04:31

ContraPoints is a man. A gross man.

Zhanna Weil
Zhanna Weil - 15.09.2023 17:38

Psycho and Silence of the Lambs are actually based on the real life case of Ed Gein. Ed was a Wisconsin man with severe schizophrenia who made clothing and furniture out of women’s skin.
He would wear the women’s skin as a suit.

Evil David
Evil David - 15.09.2023 16:56

Moving from the southern states to the north eastern was eye opening. In the south the bigotry is direct and in in the north is mostly indirect. Made me realize the vast majority of the USA is racist.

Anish kr
Anish kr - 14.09.2023 14:53

Fatty with an eating disorder....

Hmmm.... Mom I think I found out your problem!!!! You aren't just a normal person who feels like rhey have put on weight, you're a fatty with an eating disorder. /s

Mom: You're adopted.

PoyoU - 13.09.2023 07:06

This video motivated me to wear a dress outside for the first time , fuck the terfs and fuck the biggots now i am proud of offensing theym

Velvet Blood
Velvet Blood - 12.09.2023 18:57


Dook Oliver
Dook Oliver - 11.09.2023 05:19

Piss on you.

Danielle Adams
Danielle Adams - 09.09.2023 12:58

JK Rawlings needs to be locked up for her hate against us all!

Vermillion Pengu
Vermillion Pengu - 09.09.2023 06:52

I want that fucking bathtub.

Naoise Quealy
Naoise Quealy - 08.09.2023 21:15

This video is weird, why the hell do you actually think that jk Rowling is transphobic for giving a reasonable statement.

ARAH - 08.09.2023 02:14

Would never have guessed u were trans. And I mean it as a compliment.

Antas Cless
Antas Cless - 06.09.2023 22:23

If I am not wrong, Buffalo Bill was present in Hannibal's book that came in before the Psycho.
(Allegedly based on the sone real case? Idk)
(Lol, and theb you mentioned the Silence of the Lamb)

Perceptions - 05.09.2023 07:26

Essentially, you are with us or you are against us… no middle ground. You are a bigoted homophobe if you are against rewriting all language to appease the minority. We must all change what pronouns we use when referring to someone so as not to offend them. But dare anyone anyone be offended by being called a Birthing person they are a Bigoted homophobe!!! What happened to the day when trans people went about their day fitting into society without starting a war over nothing? I am in JK’s boat, I want to be accepting but anything short of being trans yourself is considered a bigoted homophobe…

Boris Badaxe
Boris Badaxe - 03.09.2023 14:01

JK Rowling is absolutely right! 😊

Alkalion69 - 02.09.2023 06:32

Quiet, Nathan.

Daniel Frain
Daniel Frain - 02.09.2023 03:15

Isn’t the root cause of all this fear? If I saw you in public, I’d think…. Wow! Check out this attractive woman! Then to later find out that your biology makes me question my own sexuality. Now I have to contend with my attraction to an “unethically” gendered person. It’s pretty scary shit, ya know…. Introspection. Also knowing full well how frowned upon such an attraction would be in society. Essentially, it makes people uncomfortable. So instead of just dealing with our individual shit, the strategy is to eliminate the, I guess, stimuli? I dunno, I think we all need to quit trying to control our environment and simply be ok with ourselves, however we find ourselves

Mike_phenix - 01.09.2023 21:38

Lol what an absolute fool. she makes a point of soft bigotry being defending something while viewing themselves heroically against attackers but are hurting people. You know progressives openly hate on white people, heteronormative behavior, and anyone that has wrong think. While viewing themselves as defenders heroically saving marginalized people...while ya know being racist, attacking women, and even attacking free speech when it's against any point they have which is pretty fasict but somehow you're the good guy

figadodeporco - 29.08.2023 04:02


Dan Ignazio
Dan Ignazio - 27.08.2023 07:15

The tarp behind you is really nice, where can I get one?

kaisoep - 27.08.2023 01:13

Watching this video after a fight with my slightly transphobic mother who demanded I show her proof of JKs crimes and who accused me of making things up. I already knew a lot about this topic but I'm autistic and don't remember things when I need them. I'm gonna send her this video and hope she watches the entire thing like I did because it explains the bulk of JKs controversy so well. Maybe she'll see this comment and read how I experienced the fight. We made up and I was nice about it, since I wanted to put myself in a position where I feel safe: an adult talking to an adult instead of a parent talking to a child. So mother, if you're reading this, please for God's sake learn to communicate the way you preach and stop lashing out at me or half ignoring me or taking immense pity with me. Neither of these three ways you talk to me makes me feel heard or understood or loved. You hide your insults behind concern and think that way I won't notice them, but I do, I just can't fault you for it because you deem yourself innocent and good.

WHERE'S SHELLY? - ERIKA - 26.08.2023 19:12

TERFS are also the lunatics who claimed that all sex is rape, because it damages the vagina (sometimes). Also, doesn't everyone know JK has lost her mind by now? And the entire Alphabet community got caught up in all that "I'm good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it people like me," that the political discussions all got sunk. It became about feelings and such, but that benefits bigots. They can't argue on matters of freedom and rights of the individual, because they're the bad guys there.

The Gay Agenda is now the Trans Agenda, and y'all out her converting, a behavior exclusive to religion and other cult organizations. They can't fathom not devoting your life to converting others, so we must all be doing it too.

Also getting the vibe JK Rowling might be a case of the lady doth protest too much me thinks.

EDIT: Psycho was about a real person, though, so it's not really a trope.

sea otter
sea otter - 23.08.2023 21:20

One more comment on this video, about direct and indirect bigotry, is on the topic of witchcraft.
There were two seminal texts published in the 15th and 16th centuries that approached the topic of witchcraft. The Malleus Maleficarum by Heinrich Kramer, published in 1480, and Daemonologie by King James VI of Scotland and I of England, published in 1597 in the wake of the Scottish witch trials. The Malleus Maleficarum is openly contemptuous of witches, and you can feel the vitriol pouring into every page as Kramer suggests the systematic oppression and even murder of witches. King James approaches witches through a debate between two people, Philomathes, who is for witchcraft, and Epistemon, who is against. The general tone is a kind of "concern" about witchcraft, less about actively discriminating against it and more about defending Christianity, calling out whatever the 16th century version of cancel culture was, debating about witchcraft in the marketplace of ideas.

Pince Pike
Pince Pike - 22.08.2023 05:40

I see no difference between your description of the 'indirect bigot' and the trans activists who weilds the 'phobic!' stick, making themselves look like tthe humanitarian saviours of the world

Tú sí
Tú sí - 21.08.2023 21:04

I find this video so necessary... And somehow you find how to do it even with some humor. I find it amazing. It will be my referent video to send to people who still say these "facts" as if they were not harmful. Thank you for this clear analysis from the bottom of my heart, Natalie. And also sorry about haters... You seem like an understanding, empathetic, compassionate person. The world needs more people like you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Suscribed! <3

cecil le
cecil le - 19.08.2023 19:58

while we're on the topic of the bathroom debate, i consider myself a bathing enthusiast and that tub is cunty

Sandra Shane
Sandra Shane - 17.08.2023 02:18

Usury is FRAUD. That's why everyone is poor. Because of USURY!!!

Gatsu Of Montecristo
Gatsu Of Montecristo - 14.08.2023 19:26

And i quote "Somehow, white women swung their Gucci-booted feet over the fence of oppression and stuck themselves at the front of the line."
- Bill Burr

Nathan Haslam
Nathan Haslam - 13.08.2023 19:02

“Can this video just be about baths” GIVE US THE LUSH HAUL
