Food Delivery App with Flutter, the BLoC Pattern and freezed

Food Delivery App with Flutter, the BLoC Pattern and freezed

Max on Flutter

7 месяцев назад

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Let's build a Food Delivery App with Flutter. As we build the food delivery app, we will handle state management using bloc with the flutter_bloc library, and we will generate the code for the core data structures of the application using the freezed code generato.

00:00 Introduction
06:00 Data structure with the core local package (and freezed)
16:10 Restaurant and Food Category repositories
32:03 Home BLoC with flutter_bloc
39:52 Home Screen UI for the food delivery app
55:30 Modal bottom sheets for the food delivery filters
01:32:00 Restaurant Details BLoC with flutter_bloc
01:39:00 Restaurant Details Screen UI


#flutter #app_dev #cross-platform_apps #flutter_tutorial #flutter_for_beginners #food_delivery_app #flutter_food_delivery #flutter_food_ordering #flutter_food_delivery_with_bloc #food_delivery_flutter
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