Why was Modern Warfare 2's Campaign SO MEDIOCRE

Why was Modern Warfare 2's Campaign SO MEDIOCRE


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@valooool - 04.11.2023 21:02

Play mw3 its dogshit compared to this

@Tanmanhologram - 01.11.2023 13:39

You just spent 90% summarizing the story.

@roanokemedian1138 - 29.10.2023 05:57

I cared more abt rodriguez than any other character in this game

@bigbluej01 - 24.10.2023 19:24

Watching this video 11 months later I realized there not gonna kill off any main characters because they want to add them into the multiplayer

@saiyan_angel9596 - 28.09.2023 20:42

mid vid

@thisworldneedsacleansing4714 - 27.09.2023 04:49

The only missions i didnt have fun with were the car mission and the fucking obnoxious tank fight

@KA-vs7nl - 24.09.2023 05:22

Every piece of media coming out these days is cringe inducing and bland.

@DemosKratos - 20.09.2023 01:12

new generation only loves roblox and minecraft according to this video so go play roblox cod is a game that beyond your comprehension

@Ranthenan - 15.09.2023 04:39

The mission Violence and timing wants to be like uncharted so bad

@SirNoticules - 04.09.2023 08:50

MW(2019): "There's no picture?" "Never."
MWII: Ghost shows his face to literally everyone

@imbaroud5273 - 15.08.2023 08:09

it just full of hollywood like actions with shite story that are cliche and predictable, they even put some bromance while ghost doesn't talk that much in the OG version makes them really mean business, and they added some dad jokes while they're in missions urghhh fk me, it's just boring for me, the reason why i paid it just because i wanna play online with my friends that's all.

unlike OG mw2, i would said that OG was so powerful with hans zimmer epic music, stories, the speech on loading screen with multiple transitions, characters are mystery especially ghost until you search the wiki, character development especially antagonist like general shepherd and makarov,

edit: and who tf is hasan?

@Demonsthatyousee - 14.08.2023 02:06

The cartel in wetwork are literally just some of the AQ dudes you can see in some missions

@stephaniedibello2150 - 12.08.2023 10:26

I thought the camping was great, though I will agree It has flaws…

@deslardesslok - 12.08.2023 03:45


@deslardesslok - 12.08.2023 03:45

8:45p.m. 8/11/2023

@Idontevenknowman779 - 08.08.2023 01:50

Where are the shooting setpieces in this game? Why tf i mostly see sneaking around lmfao

@Idontevenknowman779 - 08.08.2023 01:35

This nigga plays like a e3 trailer

@TTVLordGoose - 24.07.2023 23:54

funny how mw1 2019 dosen't work now activision did a pretty good job

@ZlXer0 - 20.06.2023 03:55

The only thing about it is the graphics. MW2 2009 had a better story

@AliBazz - 20.05.2023 12:59

Mw 2019 mw 2022 and vanguard are nowhere near cold war, villains forgettable nobodies

@Ihateyouyfga - 12.05.2023 15:28

They ruined our boy soap

@freaksay61 - 08.05.2023 10:35

I loved it when Price said "We are the ghost team." and ghost-teamed all over the place.

@nich2632 - 25.03.2023 09:30

Some missions were kinda weird to me with the tone, we get these super realistic military sim missions where we infiltrate homes stealthily with our squad and then a few missions down the line we’re jumping from car to car and hijacking and then later we’re fighting a tank? Idk maybe it’s just me

@HunterMKnight - 21.03.2023 12:52

What I was mainly hoping for in MW 2022's Campaign was that all the (admitedly hit-and-miss) story setups that connected Black Ops to Modern Warfare and the threat of a Modern Perseus after Warzone Verndansk events (Warzone Intel literally involved Adler's Son hunting for Perseus during the events of Warzone) I was hoping that we would get a continue to that whole plotline we were getting repeatedly teased about.

2022's Biggest problem though is that it is mainly trying to remake the Grand Hollywood-styled More-Actiony presentation the Original MW2 gave, 2019 was remade with the focus on trying to Mirror CoD 4's vibes (in which it nailed very successfully), but sadly they didn't keep that vision for 2 and instead tried to be a Mirror of MW2 but I was honestly not looking for that.

I will never stop praising how Modern Warfare 2019 absolutely nailed its starting presentation with it's first mission immediately followed by a very realistic Terrorist Attack, and then a subtle yet gritty as hell Infiltration Mission, then thrown into the usual kind of CoD Mission that we are so used to (Shooting all enemies then moving up to the next section of the level rinse and repeat, I know the first mission does that but its so quick.) even when we're in the stereotypical CoD Mission there is always something that definitely mixed it up like making sure you don't hit evacuating Citizens, fighting in complete darkness with only Flares to help you, in indoor combat like The Embassy the enemies really utilized the area around them, using the Glass covers that are almost invisible to their advantages.

The most noteworthy thing I could take away from the full combat missions is that there are Armored Enemies...whoop de doo.

One last thing to note something I absolutely hated was the line, "Terrorism is good for business." from Valaria, no the fuck it's not, that just puts more eyes on you (Not that there fucking wasn't before lol)

@dskdev - 18.03.2023 06:45

im glad you pointed out the blonde cia lady trope i mean damn she is discount karen

@doktor3196 - 29.01.2023 02:14

Max Max Fury Road mission. Painful

@Dark_Kevlarian - 16.01.2023 11:26

Nah, Marvel is better for what it is...this was the Fast & Furious of video gaming. "Illegal to hold a known terrorist." Uh huh...sure, just let him get away in the story and have that conversation with a wire tapped phone call instead. But "we can't hold him, it's illegal," even though the mission entirely is very likely off the damn books? Yeah...okay. Complete and total lackluster. And the "betrayal," was lame too. PMCs declare they're taking over the base, holding your men, and letting you go and...you decide to fight then and there? Versus using the resources you KNOW you have in place just for this sort of thing and the backing of a rogue, makeshift legionnaire group? Sure, that's a smarter idea, let's fight in the driveway instead!

Game made no sense honestly. Characters had seriously watered down motives, there was not a single consequence or pressure from the outside world. It legit felt like a video game story instead of a story in a video game. It was a totality of blandness and non-existent character or plot development.

@HXD007 - 31.12.2022 15:35

It’s good, but it feels so short

@ShantoShmento - 17.12.2022 06:02

I enjoyed the campaign, but I did also think it was mediocre... and the most annoying mission was gravez in the tank. WOW, they could have totally scraped that mission. Terrible.

@edwardsallow9350 - 10.12.2022 04:49

I could list flaws in this mess of a campaign all day but one major thing that really bugged me is the fact that there are literally no stakes at all.

The original, you had characters dying left and right. Sometimes in an instant. The finale of every game had a huge cost to it and ended on a satisfying but somber note with Price likely being arrested after losing most if not all his comrades over the course of the trilogy. And I haven't even mentioned MW2's intro with the bad guy from the last game literally winning and the third world war which leaves hundreds of thousands dead.

In this game I hardly have a shit about the characters cause they never felt in any real danger. I thought Rodolfo was gonna die in his first mission but he didn't. The game removes every element of tension and potential loss which just makes it seem like a cheap action movie. I'm sure I don't have to mention the predictable missile launch abortion in the final mission

@Laxneee - 07.12.2022 17:32

Gameplay was fun, story was ass and too short. Felt like they wanted to do more of it but wasn’t allowed or something. Definitely not worth 70€, wait for sale. MP? Almost same as MW 2019, just different maps and added few things. Again, just wait for sale.

@XeiDaMoKaFE - 04.12.2022 22:00

Its just bad by the fact that it requires you to step the right leg on the right spot every second in veteran , if you step outside the invisible X each moment you dead even if the move is safe , just pathetic

@XeiDaMoKaFE - 04.12.2022 21:47

Mid ? Is just bad

@CluckYou21 - 04.12.2022 21:16

Campaign was 5/10. The mission where you are jumping from truck to truck within the convoy was beyond ridiculous.

@PieroMinayaRojas - 02.12.2022 18:25

What's even worse is that they forgot about the MW 2019 and Warzone set up, it's now basically a reboot of a reboot.

@donavonbrown4735 - 25.11.2022 09:21

Campaign sucked cause how they have the story written....141 was completely unnecessary like shadow was already there and they clearly had enough men to do all this with out 141 and graves character did a complete 180 for no reason

@fordo1119 - 24.11.2022 21:57

Idk why Russia is supporting AQ either, in mw2019 they were enemies with everyone but here they're more like hezbollah instead of al qaeda

@Quantum1244 - 23.11.2022 17:27

I genuinely thought Laswell was gonna be the enemy considering she suspiciously knew a LOT about where AQ had their shit and how they didn’t just execute her on the spot

@stevenelliott508 - 21.11.2022 09:02

The stealth missions are goated and you can't take that away from me sir

@Toocoolforschool573 - 20.11.2022 20:19

I liked the campaign wish we got more missions like it made me think outside of the box sometimes story needed more overall I don’t think it lives up to the og MW2

@bettermanners4173 - 14.11.2022 13:31

8.2/10 good campaign. Bad ending, fun survival sections

@veggiechunt3014 - 14.11.2022 03:15

Feel like this campaign wasnt connected to the first in anyway besides task force 141 being created and farah convoy mission. Villains were weak and only connection they had to mw2019 was “al-qatala bad guy”. No tie in to zakhaev or al-assad (which warzone butchered and ruined btw). And if my memory is right wasn’t Russia fighting against al-qatala and all of a sudden they end up being allies in the campaign, weird. Hassan sucked, graves was wayy better but the reason for the betrayal was weak and the boss fight was so bad

@vidbot4037 - 12.11.2022 18:42

Don't forget all the cringe talking... They should add a realism switch for the audio.

@aqua9141 - 12.11.2022 03:06

That one mission where the final boss is a tank before that there were empyy tanks and they said lets climb over the wall lmao

@chander7920 - 11.11.2022 22:35

I feel like it was too short

@TheDavisFactor - 10.11.2022 16:45

The Fire from above from Graves mission was needlessly convoluted. It was not fun at all. The sniper level sucks as well because it is much easier just to go to the buildings and clear them out from the ceiling.

@gejamugamlatsoomanam7716 - 08.11.2022 18:38

Modern warfare 2 2009 had a great campaign, this year's one is worse than vanguard
