Learning to Code at 50? Is it too late in life?

Learning to Code at 50? Is it too late in life?

Travis Media

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Christine Ilunga
Christine Ilunga - 26.11.2023 18:45

I am 63 and started to.code 8 month ago!

William Nalikka
William Nalikka - 31.10.2023 14:27

If sitting in an interview with my son is what it takes, I'll do that well. No problem at all

Terry Hatfield
Terry Hatfield - 02.10.2023 05:34

Suggesting that people over 50 are slower in the brain is the dumbest thing I have heard. If you can't learn programming at 50, then you probably would of did just as bad at learning to code when you was 20. I am now 54, and I was programming computers in 1984 before most cocky young guys was even born. I can spin circles around them. It has nothing to do with your age.

Tim Smith
Tim Smith - 19.09.2023 13:54

I'm 55 and am following the Travis Media Python and AWS Blueprint. I know this is a generalisation but AWS seems more applicable to working as an employee for a company whilst Python may provide more freelance opportunities. So, is it worth training in AWS given that realistically my main work opportunities will come from freelance work? What about subcontracting (AWS and/or Python) is that a possible option? The subcontracting opportunities I've seen are all for very highly experienced folk not somebody just starting out like me?

Mark - 06.09.2023 06:44

i'm thinking about starting at 30, just not sure if it will pay off after the blood and sweat are drained.

Heather Nolan
Heather Nolan - 19.07.2023 00:50

43 and just started. Let's be honest - companies do discriminate based on age. I intend on doing strictly freelance once I learn enough

anh nguyen
anh nguyen - 16.07.2023 07:24

i am femail and have systems engineering background. learned coding at 52. Now I am a senior developer on my team. I can train and mentor younger workers. You can do it too!

Ricardo Amaro
Ricardo Amaro - 05.06.2023 14:54

49 here with almost 30 in IT namely software development. with time one is promoted to team leader, project manager and moving in to managerial positions. One day someone decides you to old to be in the Tech industry and one founds reinventing himself... I am now in the path of freelancing doing some project management and trying to get some software development projects.

Vito Anania
Vito Anania - 01.06.2023 10:40


Sean Ring
Sean Ring - 30.04.2023 19:56

Great video and consistent with what I've been hearing.

Steve - 23.03.2023 21:28

I don't think it is all doom and gloom for older workers.

Anasthassia Murillo
Anasthassia Murillo - 13.03.2023 04:01

Travis says, if you are 50 y.o., you get 15 years to retirement.
Me 🤔, thinking about my aunt, who is 78 and still working and loving it, and not even thinking about retirement .

Terminator - 26.02.2023 00:26

Sounds like age discrimination. There is no reason a job such as in tech would be easier based on age.

Tom Bob
Tom Bob - 23.02.2023 20:26

40 learning to code and CS student. Thanks for real words I think also there a lot of lateral shifts that people can do having that life experience. I worked in non profits for years and learning CS and imputing that into an industry I have experience in is I think can be a less complicated move than "I am going to learn to CS and then apply for that JD job at google." So don't forget the lateral shifts if you are older, my thoughts. thanks for the great content

An Ordinary Man
An Ordinary Man - 11.02.2023 22:11

Try learning at 65. I am now employed as a contracting and coding my ass off. Wahoo.

Lenesro - 15.01.2023 03:41

Hey man, i'll be 34 this year and i was planning to freelance especially with chatGPT making it easier to learn how to code. What would be a good coding language to start on?

If anyone is interested doing business in the Philippines, just reply here. I hope we can work something up.

Palle Kjær Laursen
Palle Kjær Laursen - 14.12.2022 10:12

For a software company, hiring kids is probably more attractive because they can be managed like a herd and are more malleable. But for companies where development is done by a small team to support the primary business, experience and reliability does count a lot, and the average age will probably be higher, so it is easier to fit in, if you are a "grown-up".

Josh Holden
Josh Holden - 11.11.2022 06:24

If you can code you have work. This guy might be low energy at 34 but that's not everyone.

M19 Y
M19 Y - 08.09.2022 21:24

It is unbelievable to me how much age discrimination out in the open going on in IT field. Meanwhile industry keeps complaining about not being able to find quality and qualified people to fill those jobs BUT TURNING DOWN QUALIFIED PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE 40, 45, 50, or 60 YR OLD, SMH

Christopher Felton
Christopher Felton - 01.08.2022 20:51

Thank you...this was good for me to see. Being a 51 year old and no tech. experience, what are your thoughts on getting into QA testing?

History Hong Kong
History Hong Kong - 16.07.2022 09:58

May I ask even you learned some code. It is important to consider that would you be hired by some company to get a stable career path or income? Or the scope of the coding is extremely wide and difficult so it takes unbearable efforts to learn in a continuous way?

History Hong Kong
History Hong Kong - 13.07.2022 07:32

May I ask how can primary school substitute teacher make a career change at midlife crisis please?

Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton - 11.07.2022 08:27

Just turned 50 two months ago. Female. Will be graduating with my BS in Computer Science next year. My memory and ability to learn concepts are stronger now and still keeping pace. What changed was my attitude and adopting a healthy lifestyle. It is possible!

JS - 18.06.2022 00:29

What about remote?

Lilly in the Field
Lilly in the Field - 09.06.2022 08:04

Hi Mr T. What about starting at 44 😬😬

William Castro
William Castro - 08.06.2022 16:53

Hi Travis, I am 48yrs old and I've been coding since December of 2021. I kind of been on and off with technologies like SQL learning how to query data, creating a database, creating a table and learned the fundamental principles of basic query when searching a database. I also learned a lot of the fundamentals of programming with Python not all, for about a month and a half. That is when I started my coding journey on December of 2021. Getting to the point I am excellent at HTML, I am decent at CSS, I know the fundamentals of CSS using flexbox, and positioning elements. For real life world experience, I've worked as a lead, and I've even been a supervisor for about almost 2 years. But I primarily worked in customer service. Deep down I would love to get a job in the industry, but I am also open to the possibility of working freelance or even temporary contract work. But I don't know how to start, and I am not a businessperson? I don't know how to sell myself like a brand to people and offer them services so well. But I am the type of person that when I put my mind into something I am capable to seeing it to the very end.
My question is how do I start freelancing or finding contract work? I would love to dive into freelancing now, I think I am ready. my HTML and CSS skills are good, but my JavaScript skills are weak, but I know the fundamentals and I know how to manipulate the DOM by creating H1 tags and styling them using only JavaScript. Sorry for the long-winded rant and thank you.

muhammad aidid
muhammad aidid - 05.06.2022 07:22

What is the name of the music that was played

K D C - 12.04.2022 03:22

I think that it depends on what you learn. I knew this old guy (who I think was approaching 60) who was hired by Accenture recently. But then again, he had several years of Salesforce experience. I think that things like architects would be open to "older" people (since it is experience that would make an architect good in the first place).

robin vermillion
robin vermillion - 25.03.2022 09:27

im 60 and have been learning python for 2yrs now. just recently started codecademy a month ago. im half way threw the python course. theres still a bunch of stuff to learn on the codecademy course. ive made python programs at work to make my job easier. im a electronics tech . knowing how to code has helped. freelancing sounds like a good avenue. to pursue. freelancing in your profession might work even better . so if your a doctor. your a doctor that can code.

Paul Brown
Paul Brown - 24.03.2022 00:28

This guy is misleading you , you cannot make a career out of CSS. You can have a job, but there will be no career out of it. Rinse and repeat.

Paul Brown
Paul Brown - 24.03.2022 00:27

You may not be too old to learn to code...but can you take the stress of being a working software developer? It's easy to write a bubble sort on your weekend off. Try fixing someone else's poorly written broken code by tomorrow morning. Not 20 lines of code, 10000 lines of code. how about you do that then someone else rewrites your code because it's sh1t, yes you solved the problem but this guy is further up the ladder and takes your understanding and rewrites you code, fixing some minor issue you had ... and takes all the credit. Enjoy.

yadira vernier
yadira vernier - 17.02.2022 02:28

Big big big thank you!!!!!

michael deng
michael deng - 13.02.2022 09:02

Im 34 yrs man live in vietnam.I have learn python and django framework for two years. But in vietnam almost 99.99% of tech companies they don't use django for work.
Is django going to obsolete?

Jorge Lizárraga
Jorge Lizárraga - 10.02.2022 22:57

the same difficultie is for Canada?

Partly SImpson
Partly SImpson - 28.01.2022 16:27

results matter not age

Luis Ortega
Luis Ortega - 14.01.2022 09:56

Good advice, thanks for the info

NullPointer - 08.01.2022 08:35

Much harder the older you are? No not really. It depends on the person. In fact I think I pick up new concepts much easier than when I was in my 20s just due to my experience. I am over 50 and in the past 6 months I have learned CSS, HTML, Javascript, React, and Redux. I am already creating new websites that only do front end. Currently I am learning Typescript as well as backend tech and am well on my way to creating full stack apps. Granted I have two STEM degrees so I am geared for this sort of thing. But to say you cannot do this over 50 is just bollocks. In fact I would say with my diverse experience, which comes with age, I find it easier, NOT harder to pick up new concepts. It just depends upon the person.

N'zit Fouani Filakembo
N'zit Fouani Filakembo - 08.12.2021 14:25

Thanks Travis, I learnt something very important to day. I have indeed 49 years old and taking Computer Science at University to have my own Company, so your advices made me more confortable.

Kirill Gusev
Kirill Gusev - 28.11.2021 06:19

52. Spent 20 years in QA but never wrote code myself. Lost a job in reorg where I was moved into dev org and manager expected the same level as a developer with 20 years of experience. When I left lot of my colleagues gave me this pep talk about sure you can switch to development. I'm going though some code school classes and it really tough. Affects fam too. So if job search is going to be even tougher than class... oh well..

Jmay - 30.10.2021 16:02

Make sense, I'm going through uni now, I'm 38

Victoria Sydney
Victoria Sydney - 13.09.2021 16:44

The suggested resources couldn't be downloaded. All you did is make me sign up for your newsletter. Lovely video, regardless!

ca8050 - 24.07.2021 03:30

I have been doing the self-taught web developer thing for about 6 months already but at my age, I'm sure my only path is free lance which is what i expect. Oh, my age is 75. At present my HTML and CSS are advanced but still a work in progress. My initial goal is a year or so to be an expert level with HTML, CSS and JS. if it takes longer, that's okay.

Paul Wattson
Paul Wattson - 11.07.2021 12:13

Just don't say you are 50..lol. Try looking 20 years younger as me..lol

Tyson Roten
Tyson Roten - 07.07.2021 15:41

I am 50. I have worked with, installed and handled multi million dollar telecom contracts. The company I worked for did a lot installs in big hospitals. I did a lot of work on these jobs, then I got into multimedia and A/V. That was very technical.
Lost the job due to injury and some life issues. Now I am looking at returning to school. I have some college courses basically the stuff one takes for compliance. I am torn between integrative health and learning to code, or get back into technology. This video was a good and realistic expression thank you.

Found My Niche
Found My Niche - 02.06.2021 18:32

How long would it take the average person to nail down HTML & CSS?

Celsius Fahrenheit
Celsius Fahrenheit - 23.05.2021 23:39

You need about 3 years to become a licensed plumber, then you hire a helper and start making money hand over fist. Nobody cares about age.
The Ultimate Guide to State Plumbing License Requirements - PHCEid
