Who is Best in Final Fantasy I-XV (minus XI and XIV)

Who is Best in Final Fantasy I-XV (minus XI and XIV)


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@elpanafugo3464 - 12.01.2025 19:00


@XstickbuddyX - 12.01.2025 20:45

you should do a tier list for golden sun, could do characters and or djinn

@GentlemenofAction - 12.01.2025 21:02


@stellaflare9658 - 12.01.2025 21:10

Did you ever played FF6 at all?

@YesMan-ez1mr - 12.01.2025 22:13

Oh wow, this list has to be your most ambitious yet! Very well done!

@thehater6189 - 12.01.2025 23:26

Umaro is at least mid tier for me

@raulrojas9253 - 13.01.2025 00:20

The final fantasy 7 section throwed for a Loop, like seriously the God tier sections are just wrong for how much effort you have to go.

Final Party should be Cloud, Yuffie, Cid/Barret.

You should make a FF 14 jobs tier list at some point.

@tcrobot - 13.01.2025 00:33

Is/was Final Fantasy the most famous gaming franchise in the world? One of them certainly. Personally, I would say the mario franchise is/was the most famous.

Question though. What tier would Aeris be if she was available all game?

@astamanista9447 - 13.01.2025 02:27

White Mage on the same tier as Geomancer and Dancer is... what?

@derekminna - 13.01.2025 03:02

Super fun to watch but objectively some of them are really far off.

@aspieatheist6040 - 13.01.2025 03:12

Three fighters and one red mage? That's a very expensive build, and while the fighter/knight can equip the best weapons and armor in the game, there is only one of some of them, so your second knight will have to have worse equipment.

What about the red mage for FF III?

Gau can equip the Snow Scarf in FF VI as well, and Umaro comes with it.

@alexm2528 - 13.01.2025 06:16

Do you recycle your scripts? You say the exact same stuff as other videos when you talk about a game previously discussed. Example being your FF2 discussion of how broken it is once again has come up again word for word.

@hvhs01 - 13.01.2025 07:07

Mog, Gau and Umaro can all use the snow scarf.

@bicarbonateofsoda117 - 13.01.2025 07:55

Wanna say thanks for your videos. I'm always looking for the best team in rpgs just cos theres a lot of characters and most have hidden things that make them great but its not obvious.

Like for ff12 everyone online and their guides just say pick whatever it doesnt matter, and I'm like, yeah no i want to be strong and not waste my time with bad jobs or characters. So i ended up getting the invisible bow for everyone and just broke the game. Fun for op run but wasnt the intended way, might do another run but without that and actually using op jobs and gambits etc

@bytewizerd2712 - 13.01.2025 09:07

So much of this was wrong but it was a good video!

@WilliamScavengerFish - 13.01.2025 10:03

I think ive figured it out. What is a final fantasy game? It is a game with the name final fantasy...that is all. The name itself means nothing. Its name recognition without anything to really back it. So each game should be treated like an individual game instead of being apart of a vast franchise...linked only by 2 words.

@jasperlovellette8455 - 13.01.2025 12:05

For FF7 yuffie and cid should both be above cloud imo. If I could take him out, I would. His weapon depends on him being healed up for it to do good damage, where as cid you just have to keep his mp up, aka don't use him for spells lol. Yuffies damage is based on how strong her enemy is, so she hits hard on anything that it matters for, as well as not needing long range materia to stay in back row. Barret for sure the best character, but Vincent requires Way to much grinding and has to many other backsides to make him Godtier. Love using him as a mage, but I'd put him in next to cait sith. Best team would be Cloud, Barret and Yuffie. But Cid would easily replace Cloud if he wasn't required. I use my cloud as my mage since his damage can fall off if he's smacked, where Yuffie and barrets don't and they both can stay in back row without the materia slot

@Ghalion666 - 13.01.2025 12:12

I always found edge to be much squishier than Rydia. Maybe it's due to low magic defense compared to her? Maybe it's due to female specific armor being good and me giving it to Rydia before Rosa (because she's squishier?) I honestly don't remember why, haven't played in ages. I just know I had to rez edge way way way more than Rydia.

@arrogancy - 13.01.2025 20:00

Commenting as I get through this video, but Edward is God-Tier in versions of FF4 where he can get to the endgame like the remaster on mobile. There's a goofy exploit where he can hide and attack from the hidden state, making your party pretty much invincible.

@arrogancy - 13.01.2025 20:24

FF6 is waaayyyyyyyy off. It's not the magic stats that are the most important by the end game, it's speed and exploits. Just do the math. Setzer with both dice + offering makes him do unblockable and no weakness matters damage to everyone, no matter what - He an do up to around 40k in ONE attack, which outdoes dualcasting Ultima which does around 20k at max stats. Shadows speed and being able to do a default 9999 damage means he will actually be doing more damage than your mages. Celes/Terra are the other top tier for endgame - Celes for having the best sword in the game that ALSO casts holy after hitting, meaning you do 20k damage per hit and Terra for dualcasting Ultima.

@younesakdah1803 - 14.01.2025 01:36

Roses are red, violets are blue,

I see an unregistered hypercam 2

@steelparadox - 14.01.2025 12:34

Bro never rank ff8 again. So far off the mark lol. Quez is god tier. Card mod is THE game breaker. That's my main issue lol. Making a video on something you don't know seems silly.

@inosheekachomm5792 - 14.01.2025 13:01

Not a great tier list imo. Picking and choosing VERY different versions of each game just doesnt make sense. Especially because the pixel remasters have been out forever by now. Basing tiers off of overflow glitches and grinding characters to 99/523725476 killing blows, while ignoring instant win effects that can be easily manipulated also just doesnt make any sense. Tifa can beat ff7 12 times before barret reaches overflow a single time. Who can deal the most damage after 160 hours of gameplay and who is best are very different things. Maybe the list is not bad, but instead poorly named. One game you use infinite grinding as the reason something is overpowered, the next game you say a character is shit because you have to farm forever to make them strong... Based off of research? You know who has the lowest natural stats in EVERY category in ff10? Tidus. He is factually the worst main character in all FF games.

@mschmalfeldt - 14.01.2025 20:10

Clive is simultaneously best and worst character in 16

@NoGreatImport - 15.01.2025 04:56

The information you gave for FFXII's release is completely wrong. The initial 2006 Japanese release didn't have classes either. In 2007 (after the US release), they got a Japan-only re-release called the XII International Zodiac Job System, and that's what the Zodiac Age is based on.
There were some changes to the US versions that did make it somewhat easier (like non-player characters missing with spells causes them to not lose MP), but a lot of it was for rebalancing, and there was even more rebalancing in IZJS and ZA.

@KamelGuru - 15.01.2025 16:12

Edgar's late game potential is kinda meh, but he is amazingly useful in the first half of the game with Noiseblaster rendering every nonboss encounter into a joke

@VerycoolEsso - 18.01.2025 14:00

Bros is wrong on almost all the entries lol. Not just the opinions that are wrong. A lot of facts here are wrong too.

@prodbyANT - 18.01.2025 15:04

You say Tidus correctly, don't worry.

@robd6837 - 18.01.2025 18:10

FF1 preferred team...

Black Belt
Thief/white mage

(Thief more often than not)

This allows you to maximize equipment you find in the game, without overlapping or making other characters take second Best Equipment such as two knights would mean one of them can't have Excalibur and would have to take masamune or something which is not a downgrade but you can also get that sword to the Red Mage or the ninja preferably if you run the thief idea.

Also, Thief versus White Mage, all comes down to the ninja versus the white wizard. The ninja allows you to have a second cast of fast, which is pivotal to getting your team off the ground for Boss fights.

The Red Mage has your other cast of Fast early on, you have the defender sword which cast ruse, you have the knight which cast ruse, three castings of each of that spell and that character becomes practically untouchable.

The fast spell on the black belt, plus if you play a new edition where temper actually works you can stack it on the black belt and one shot anything you come across, including chaos.

Otherwise, on a level 50 black belt, on the original, with fast, you can actually one shot the original chaos as well.

After about level 30, the black belt outclasses everyone for raw damage.

Because of the glitch with the armor, equipped the opal braclet, the ribbon and the pro ring, on the monk as soon as you can get those three together, level up once and his levels of defense will match his actual level as intended instead of the equipped equipment, which will then make him able to resist all the spells like a champ.

I also hold on to both heal helmets in the heal staff and find spots to put them on each player even if I don't use them all because if I need to, one person can attack and three people can heal to conserve resources.

@sirsmiteful6285 - 24.01.2025 09:23

Are you doing a Metaphor tier list by chance?


@Stanimalistic - 25.01.2025 06:53

It wasn't the company that was closing, but it might have been the last game made by Sakaguchi

@nitrobossman9552 - 11.02.2025 19:47

Lightning is the best hand down ❤

@KaDis14 - 11.02.2025 20:20

One of the most entertaining and interesting videos that I have seen in a long time

Good job, sir!

@darian235 - 06.03.2025 12:17

Bro, in FF6 Edgar can use the atma weapon or ultima weapon. That alone pushes him into the top tier
