Silksong NEEDS To Fix This Problem

Silksong NEEDS To Fix This Problem


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@squidking191 - 11.05.2024 01:51

Yeah, that happened to me, Got to soul sanctum and then stopped playing. Came back and it became one of my favorite games of all time.

@ZantarDoom - 11.05.2024 02:16

The only thing i would change in hollow knight is flukenest being 2 charm slots XD

@ivy4360 - 11.05.2024 02:17

This happend to me as well! first played hollow knight in 2020, quit after beating hornet, then four years later, i beat radiance and the game became one of my favourite of all time.

@ivy4360 - 11.05.2024 02:21

I feel like the game really picks up pace after meeting the mantis lords, that's the moment when the game clicked for me.

@tonywong8134 - 11.05.2024 02:42

Sometimes i think team cherry is doing this on purpose to build uo hype. Think of gta6.

@nojuslieliunga6498 - 11.05.2024 02:50

I played hollow knight and didn't stop playing because I'm just built different, also I memorized the entire map

@Onyx_is_emo - 11.05.2024 03:19

Ok definitely tomorrow

@user-mw1hf9jb4t - 11.05.2024 03:45

I think the first game to ever do the dark souls thing right was paper Mario 64 where the first battle was Op bowser fucking one tapping you after the 3rd turn with his fire breath. it both sets up exposition (not that you really need it in a Mario game), tells you the main objective and introduces you to the battle system. Paper Mario 64 was one of my favorite games growing up and I can't for the pmttyd remake to come out almost as much I can't wait for silksong. maybe when the thousand-year door remake comes out you can play it.

@ckeps5354 - 11.05.2024 04:07

The only problems they need to fix is giving us a got dang release date.

@d_eexe - 11.05.2024 04:23

boss cutscenes in silksong could be cool

@Pear341 - 11.05.2024 05:10

the current state of silksong fans "guys i had a dream that silksong got huge news on june 13 do not take this post too seriously"
jesus2: SKONG NEWS!!!!

@LeviPennington-vv2kq - 11.05.2024 05:31

I judge things like this based on how they function as an art, not as a marketing product. I personally LOVE the starting area and how much time you spend there before getting to Greenpath and experiencing the lively contrast

@LeviPennington-vv2kq - 11.05.2024 05:37

The thing I would change about Hollow Knight is Marmu existing

@vogel1776 - 11.05.2024 06:03

I started playing HK in the summer of 2020 during the pandemic. Our family was home A LOT. Bought HK after hearing about it from a few friends. I thought the game was slow and overhyped during the first couple hours, but after beating the false night and entering Green Path, I fell in love with the game. Took me 80 hours to 100% the game. 4 years later I finally 112% the game, which was deliberate. Game is still my favorite of all time.

@rootkitty1337 - 11.05.2024 06:38

pretty bad joke in the intro bro

@Bumpy-Man - 11.05.2024 06:40

They could start Silksong with a Pure Vessel fight.

@christophercossar1014 - 11.05.2024 06:58

I think one simple change that would make the start of hollow knight so much better would be just adding a door to the right with a lever on the other side. This would force you to go left and actually find the map guy 100% of the time, as on my first playthrough i got lost on the right side of crossroads for hours before finally discovering the map, a super crucial feature.

@babypalooza8218 - 11.05.2024 07:02

Happened to me

@jeshguin_the_final_one - 11.05.2024 07:25

You think turning away new players is a problem for Hollow knight? Try Rain World. Literally every single person I've seen abandons the game after an hour or two. Same with me. Came back years later and it is one of my favorite games right up there with Hollow Knight. Rain World also doesn't tell you ANYTHING at the start, but it's opening cutscene is beautiful short and tells you everything you need to know, try to survive, without any words.

@jeshguin_the_final_one - 11.05.2024 07:32

Honestly, I wouldn't change anything. I get what you're saying but I just love it for what it is and sometimes a player needs to get past their annoyance by quitting for a bit. Makes the return all the sweeter. Maybe that's just me though.

@infinitypowergaming2995 - 11.05.2024 08:11

I have that problem rn

@DragonMage155 - 11.05.2024 08:41

(Huge Ori fan here) how dare he bad talk my boy! /joking. In all seriousness tho, I'm pretty sure the beginning/tutorial is skippable.

@NekoBandito - 11.05.2024 08:54

I had the same experience with Hollow Knight and I didn't know a lot of other people did as well. Almost gave up during Greenpath because it was too difficult and I was enjoying the game less. Not sure what exactly made me pick it up again but I'm glad I did because this usually never happens with other games.

@TH_5094 - 11.05.2024 10:04

This is a supportive comment

@David111IsHere - 11.05.2024 10:24

I played HK for the first time in the summer of 2021 and wasn't really into it but I never gave up on it. I think what made me continue playing was the fact that I hadn't really played any metroidvanias up until then so I found the game hard and the challenge was enough to keep me around. At city of tears I started to really love it

@user-it7zj9ji8p - 11.05.2024 10:27

How did you just continue to play hk after a year? It's blasphemy! :) I would start over again(you must have forgotten some details of the plot of this masterpiece)

@theskedaddler - 11.05.2024 11:35

When I played hollow knight, I used way too many guides I feel, so when Silksong comes out I would like to play it without all that stuff

@boneappleyee8356 - 11.05.2024 11:44

Wait wtf that is literally my exact experience

@SpiderTodd - 11.05.2024 12:00

I think that kings pass was a great intro, but i feel like cornifer should have been in dirtmouth, and given you forgotten crossroads map for free

@noobert5022 - 11.05.2024 12:11

Yoo cool chair not ironically

@leo_rl6321 - 11.05.2024 12:15

I think the very first part of Hollow Knight is one the best starts i've ever experienced in a game, and here's why.
I'm refferring to the very first area of the game, because i feel like Greenpath, is where most of the people started to be interested in the title.
So, why Forgotten Crossroads is so uninteresting for some people?
These are the points i think people would have for that claim:
-It's a slow ass start(neither a bad thing nor a good one)
-The blueish color of the area looks kinda boring for some and the enemies are repetitive
-At the beginnig of the game people loose themselves within the area, not even knowing how to get out of it and they leave the game
-Since there are no abillties, the game seems really slow, and people don't want to put that much time and effort in exploring an already boring area
-there are probably few other points, share yours if you feel like it, i'll try to get them answered
And this are my points:
-The start's slowness isn't that much of problem for me, although I understand why a lot of people feel the opposite way
-The blue's dominance into the Forgotten Crossroads color palette serves a purpose, as well as the enemies(this is an opinion)
They have to represent a long fallen kingdom, and the sadness of those places.
With that said, isn't blue the perfect color to display these ideas?
-Enemies are really important, since they have the task of making the player learn how the Hollow Knight basics works, and they also have an hidden purpose.
They make the player know the False knight's attacks even before their first encounter with him(for instance, the jumping husk that makes you learn how to doge the boss jumps or the giant guards with their shockwaves similar to the boss ones)
-This area is also linked to other very important areas.
And is the one you'll return the most to, during the playthrough
This are my points, thank you for reading my long ass comment.

There are probably some flaws in the comment, since english isn't my first language, I hope I made myself clear enough.

Pls read it, I put in it so much effort.

@kuroohazamak - 11.05.2024 12:16

This happened to me as well! I bought the game few months before I actually got obsessed with it, now its the best game ever for me. Im curious how theyll make silksong at the start of it (if silksong is real)

@ToxikDnB544 - 11.05.2024 12:52

Honestly I stop and think about the people who have actually passed away waiting this long for the game. It’s really sad to be honest.

@osobatalentu6944 - 11.05.2024 13:06

I kind agree, but at the same time it is what makes this game so good later, because you see how much it improves. It is like bojack horseman where the most of the season 1 was bad, but makes you comfortable with the series and they it is just going up from there

@_peepee_ - 11.05.2024 13:08

EVERYONE GO PLAY ANIMAL WELL!! for me it captures the same magic as hollow knight. ive played a lot of metroidvanias but this is the only one that fills me with wonder and excitement, other than hollow knight itself

@atanako8655 - 11.05.2024 13:18

no hate...but im really tired of videos on silksong

@Sheeshhhhhhhhhhhhh - 11.05.2024 15:57

Hi primacon, a recent download option was found for silksong but the release date is a placeholder so maybe release date soon?

@Vincente22 - 11.05.2024 17:09

Personally, I’m of the opinion that it’s actually the latter part of the game that’s paced worse- after the natural progression to city of tears and then I guess intuitively crystal peak, every door starts to open- which is great for the fun exploration aspect of it, but it also ends up becoming slightly rushed OR feels as if you end up discovering a land- exploring like a third of it, having to double back, and then repeating that process until the novelty of exploring each land fully (with only maybe a couple small areas to backtrack to) is kinda lost and it becomes more about just adding to the map. I will agree that forgotten crossroads is an extremely slow start but that run of the pilgrim’s way from greenpath through fungal wastes to city is just unbeatable and shows so much of the world at the perfect pace imo

@starwarsbunker - 11.05.2024 18:42

Super Metroid is the goat of openings. Between the intro text slides giving you backstory, and the opening level establishing the mission, the antagonist, and the WHY. From that opening, it’s hard not to be hooked right away.

Oppose that to Hollow Knight. Where all we get is a short intro of the main character walking, and a quick glimpse of something that we can infer is a boss. But that’s it. No story, no direction, no why.

@84bombsjetpack23 - 11.05.2024 19:31

I think people like you are the problem. All of this hype is the problem. Would've been an okay game if not for all this hype.

@artchannel4242 - 12.05.2024 01:37

I think the problem that people have with HKs start is that new players get lost. For some reason people tend to ignore what Cornifer says about their freshly-opened shop and, after exploring crossroads for a while, get lost and close the game. I think it would be better if Cornifer gave compass with the map. This would act as an introduction to charms system and make the map usable for new players.

@squarciatore2000 - 12.05.2024 04:38

It happened to me aswell and now I have the voidheart charm tattoed

@Li3mons - 12.05.2024 12:30

i found out about game 2019 but didnt play it, after few years i download it to try and you know what i loved it, bcuz of the gloomy atmosphere something like that, now im waiting for silksong.

@IanVelazquez-jk3tv - 12.05.2024 20:17

“Silksong coming out is like the second coming of Jesus Christ”

@fallenhuman2081 - 13.05.2024 12:37

Yeah absolutely right. HK is hard at the start especially when you don't know what you're looking for. The replay was almost more enjoyable haha. I loved speedrunning it when I knew where everything was

@InternetArchie - 16.05.2024 02:06

I agree completely, I have a friend who has no experience with metroidvania type games, so when I got him to try Hollow Knight he wandered around in the Forgotten Crossroads and after about an hour he quit, haven't gotten him to play the game again since.

@Primacon - 10.05.2024 22:08

What would you change about the first 1-2 hours of Hollow Knight? Also, Subscribe to support the channel!
