Gay Teen Takes Life After Norman Council Meeting

Gay Teen Takes Life After Norman Council Meeting


1 десятилетие назад

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NORMAN, Okla. -- A Norman family is mourning the death of their son, who killed himself after attending a city council meeting last month where council members were asked to recognize October as LBGT Month in the city. The council approved the resolution, but it was the "toxic" debate among his neighbors on the recognition of gays and lesbians' contributions to society during the council meeting that led Zach Harrington, 19, to commit suicide, his family said. "Sometimes, I think opinions should be kept private and they don't realize how much hurt they are doing because words last forever. Memories never die," Van Harrington, Zach Harrington's father, said. Van Harrington said based on the writings his son left behind, his son indicated his struggles on equality in a society filled with hostility toward gays. "(He was a) carefree, really, really happy young child and when he was confronted with his future and how difficult it would be, I think life got more strained for him."


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