Biden Declares War on Democrats Calling on Him to Drop Out, Denies Polls Showing Him Losing

Biden Declares War on Democrats Calling on Him to Drop Out, Denies Polls Showing Him Losing

The Humanist Report

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@GreenGardenGamer - 09.07.2024 21:55

so everyone browbeating voters in the comments: you cool with Democratic lead g o side just because it's blue rockets instead of red? Are you ever actually critical of the people who are meant to represent you not corporations or foreign govts? You're cool with all that?
Seriously yall are just as bad as the original MAGA and it's a fucking shame that yall prefer to punch down instead of up.

@anvior45 - 09.07.2024 21:59

Trump spouted out stuff like 9-month abortions that is complete bullshit and Biden did not respond. He said that Biden and the dems are for aborting 9-month old babies... And Biden said or did nothing in response. A 2010 Biden would have snapped back in half a second, 2024 Biden just looked lost and confused.

@zippytrippy8344 - 09.07.2024 22:01

Its not just Biden though. Look at 538. There were recently polls testing multiple dem candidates. Newsom, Harris, Al Gore, Hillary, Shapiro, and even Bernie Sanders all lose to Trump.

@grantjeffcoat3142 - 09.07.2024 22:14

He's gotten used to denying reality (See: US Support for Israel for more information).

@SammyHamawi - 09.07.2024 22:28

Trump also works for aipac.

@puttingthethotinthottbot - 09.07.2024 22:59

I want to vote democrat- and I will down ballot- but I'm not voting for either of these geriatric flybags

@user-hk9ej4iv4q - 09.07.2024 23:39

why you worried so much, there is no-one better

@user-hk9ej4iv4q - 09.07.2024 23:40

he beat trump once ,should be able to again

@sayheyguy - 09.07.2024 23:41

I've always called Biden Diet Trump

@user-hk9ej4iv4q - 09.07.2024 23:42

trump would haven't won in 2016 if all the bernie bros didn't sound just like you sound now

@user-hk9ej4iv4q - 09.07.2024 23:43

they said the french would go fascist but everyone stuck together

@Ramxenoc - 09.07.2024 23:58

If he wins we avoid project 2025. If he wins maybe he dies in office and we get his vp for pres. I don't think polls really tell everything because there's all the people that don't answer in these polls, but who knows. I think the best counter to trump and Biden's denial is for everyone to continue talking about Project 2025. I think we have enough people that wouldn't want that shit to vote for Biden even if he's almost in the grave already.

@SC-wb2bq - 10.07.2024 00:54

Australian here: WTF is happening to America that Trump is even an option? Hell a rock would be a better option than Trump. We've had elections here with shit choices, but sometimes you have to choose the least worst option

@johnwright5126 - 10.07.2024 00:54

Pride cometh before the fall

@1serious0mfr - 10.07.2024 01:17

Oh jesus christ this is scary

@OpalDruscilla - 10.07.2024 01:42

This guy isn't exactly keeping me in fear of the Orange man these days.

@daredoggo - 10.07.2024 02:10

Alright. We deserve Trump. You people are pathetic.

@daredoggo - 10.07.2024 02:14

It's YOUR FAULT, Mike, if Trump gets in. Plain and simple.

@daredoggo - 10.07.2024 02:14


@daredoggo - 10.07.2024 02:26

Why don't you and so many others understand that the very moment the DNC would open up the candidacy (if they did), this is the first step in getting Trump into the Whitehouse? You literally want to shake up and divide the party and be picky about who says the best things (when you can't trust ANYTHING anyone says in a campaign) during the riskiest election the United States has ever seen. BASICS. FFS.

@yolyprog2561 - 10.07.2024 02:33

Riden with Biden all the way

@yolyprog2561 - 10.07.2024 02:34


@whitewarwolf - 10.07.2024 02:59

Bro said there was a primary when they canceled them.
We didn’t get a chance to vote you old MF

@lolaowls2825 - 10.07.2024 03:17

Realistically, it is not Biden's fault, I think that his family and close friends should had adviced him: Pass the torch! Now, it is too late. As Bernie Sander said, it is not a beauty contest!!! IT IS POLICIES. One party is not as criminal as the other party is. Do not vote for the criminal!!. Dark horizon for USA, but, yes vote for Biden, yes probably Biden ...will be succeeded by a more energetic democrat (Kamala, Newson, someone!!)

@handlewithcare1234 - 10.07.2024 03:34

No, Joe, you didn't "carry an aweful lot of democrats the last time you ran, we carried you. Many of us do not intend to do it again.

@johnsunlight - 10.07.2024 06:02

This situation was 100 percent foreseeable. Biden and the Dems should have picked a VP capable of replacing him, instead of choosing a PC candidate that polls worse than he does. The long term damage that WILL be caused by 4 more years of Trump is entirely the fault of the Democrats.

@CMD619 - 10.07.2024 06:45

If Biden stood up to Republicans, Joe Manchin, and Netanyahu the same way he’s standing up to fellow Democrats now, then maybe so many voters wouldn’t be so disgusted with him.

@spiveyg89 - 10.07.2024 07:57

I'm sorry but the idea that we're all surprised that he declining in age is an indictment on the American people. We chose this. We knew he was going to get older. What did you expect?! Regardless if people don't vote for Buses will get Project 2025 in spite of him. If the democrats were smart they would have pumped Harris to take over two years ago. But they didn't. Trump didn't do himself any favours either. There both in decline. Why can't anybody realize that both candidates are shit?!!!!

@anticorporatists9959 - 10.07.2024 08:09

I'm wondering if were not for giving weapons to Benjamin Netanyahu that we would be this worried about Trump being president again

@amaddenmind4597 - 10.07.2024 08:24

Trust me trump second term is gonna be great don't guys let these guys scare you for nothing

@barrysnyder930 - 10.07.2024 11:30

Democratic Party is dead..☠️💀😵🪦just like the American whigs in the late 1850s

@SKAPT80082 - 10.07.2024 14:01

Theres a word to describe an unshakable belief despite all the evidence to the contrary, its called psychosis so id argue Biden at this point is psychotic.

@lilmoe4364 - 10.07.2024 15:34

I've changed my mind on this.. not because I love Biden or because I don't think he is in decline, but because I think people are giving the masses too much credit. Sensible people look at Biden and say "no way," but I think that to the primitive, tribal masses, a party shakeup is actually worse than a semi-demented candidate.. that's basically the thrust of my argument.. that people are tribal and vote for the party as much as the person, and that the perceived instability of a party that changes things up before the election would be more detrimental in the minds of the masses and ultimately cause more fear and hesitation than a declining candidate.. sure hope I'm right, because it looks like this is what we're stuck with

@paulgoudfrooij6561 - 10.07.2024 15:35

But what are you suggesting? Who would make the decision on who would replace Biden? In the US democracy, the primary voters decide who becomes the nominee.

@midnightrain789 - 10.07.2024 16:08

He needs to get tough with Benjamin in Israel. And, get tough in spending 20 Billion to fix homelessness. Since,he's sent more than that to Ukraine and Israel. How about getting tough with getting descendants of slaves our reparations?!!! Biden isn't tough at all!! He's scared to debate Dr.CORNELL WEST!!

@karmaisreal111 - 10.07.2024 16:35

People need to chill out a little bit. 😂

@thevarietychannelofyoutube4769 - 10.07.2024 17:48

The idea that he needs to drop out because of one bad debate performance is the stupidest thing I've ever heard so, I'm glad he's going after them. And polls are constantly changing

@thevarietychannelofyoutube4769 - 10.07.2024 17:49

Also, none of the Democratic candidates that you could choose from are radical and cruel enough to say that the people on October 7th got what was coming to them so your not gonna find anyone you'd actually like

@eshaanreza832 - 10.07.2024 19:32

When your candidate starts falling down to the opponents level, that's a sign you fucked up.

@RealTalkWithRickyPaquiot - 10.07.2024 20:49

If Biden would've said in early 2,023 that he would drop out of the race then I can get behind him on that.

But, saying that President Biden should drop out while we're ONLY 4 MONTHS into this election is in fact, ludicrous.

@Kit-se3zs - 10.07.2024 21:10

Yeah Joe you "won" some primaries but what the hell other choice did voters have??? It's rigged for you against us!! 😡😡😡

@FlashframeFilms - 11.07.2024 05:38

You know, if come this Monday, day 1 of RNC convention, Biden got together with Dems and announced an all out push for a M4A bill, they’d be back up in 1st place within 24 hours. You can never count on dems to come up with the brilliant idea of doing something for the mid class to earn popularity & votes.

@kathykennedy6746 - 11.07.2024 10:30

If Biden leaves the White House he won’t receive any more bribes from China.

@marykayryan7891 - 11.07.2024 15:18

Just to be clear, "cognitive decline" is not a given in aging. Joe Biden is a person who is experiencing cognitive decline. I recently had a friend die at 99 years old. She had been writing her weekly article for our local newspaper that week. She was sharp as a tack. But physical decline is much more likely to be a given. My friend had to have a walker to get around her house. And the job of presidency requires both mental and physical strength and resiliency. I can hardly think of a more grueling job, nor one that matters more to the health and safety of the country and even the world. Joe Biden does not have what it takes for such a grueling job and his unwillingness to admit this is either gross arrogance (another white man in America) or a sign of his cognitive deficit. He is literally willing to sacrifice the country for his own ego. Joe! You've done your bit. Step aside and let someone more capable run.

@TheStinger-yd8ic - 11.07.2024 19:45

It blows my mind how Biden, and the Democrats, aren’t worried at all, does Biden really think Trump is gonna let him live out the rest of his days in peace? Do they really think Trump, and his supporters, are gonna leave them alone?

@christianalmon4117 - 12.07.2024 19:14

Nah Biden stay in the race. So you can hold back the other Dems and Trump can beat you :)

@iMakePlaylists365 - 12.07.2024 22:46

Stop it. You are trying to destroy the country with your useless conjecture. I miss giving you views ~ I won’t watch this propaganda though. Just wanted to leave a comment and a thumbs down on this one.
If Biden loses~ I hope you regret this anarchy you’re trying to keep going…

@dorenerussell2668 - 20.07.2024 06:22

I love Joe
