What's REALLY Happening inside Disney Treasure Kids Clubs!

What's REALLY Happening inside Disney Treasure Kids Clubs!

Ashley Wright | Pixie Dusted Mom

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@glorytoGodloveKristen - 03.03.2025 22:06

Oh my gosh. So cute!!❤ Would love to go on a cruise one of these days ✨

@jaimec9801 - 03.03.2025 22:30

Those girls just livin’ their cruise life. Love it! ⚓️

@sarahsudduth2077 - 03.03.2025 22:56

How cool! I don’t think my daughter would ever leave the kids club 😂

@DMinAllston - 03.03.2025 23:02

so cute! my son will have just turned 11 when we sail on the Magic this summer ! He'll be so sad he can't go there. Also, not sure if you saw on the new lookout cay show on Disney plus but at the end they show Dean and Bella in the sprinklers!

@CM-gv4gc - 03.03.2025 23:23


@Haileysbeeuty - 04.03.2025 00:23

Do I have kids? Nope. But here I am ❤😊

@Abcdefg12345hijk - 04.03.2025 00:44

You may need a Disneyland trip for Thunder 💁‍♀️

@DisneyMomLife - 04.03.2025 03:48

We love the open houses!

@Brittany.Anderson - 04.03.2025 05:10

I personally don't like how the Oceaneers Club ages are 3-10. I would not send an 11 year old to the tween space.

@tigger31086 - 04.03.2025 05:21

I think it's very cool that you teach your girls to count to 5 when washing their hands. I see so many parents just letting their young children decide, not caring if they really clean their hands or not.
