How to Make Money with Plants in Your Living Room | Propagate, Grow, and Sell Plants for Cash

How to Make Money with Plants in Your Living Room | Propagate, Grow, and Sell Plants for Cash

Mike Kincaid

3 года назад

160,329 Просмотров

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John Kelly
John Kelly - 18.11.2023 00:05

Love your videos and all of your followers and their stories and comments too. I'm learning so much, getting many ideas, reading others experiences and stories and enjoying the good company here along the way. thank you everyone!-John's wife

Frank - 16.11.2023 17:58

Would there be a problem with licensing or patents when growing from seed or propagation when selling?

ivan dol
ivan dol - 07.11.2023 00:06

What size is your greenhouse size?

D T - 04.11.2023 12:24

Thanks for all this info… recently found out the Carolina reaper has been dethroned by pepper X new world record holder 😊

Gabriel - 24.10.2023 02:08

I've been waiting so long for a person to bring out the importance of money! It's so strange that I find you on a video about selling plants. I've been really obsessed for my entire life with the idea of providing the most value I can in return for value back. It's honestly not hard at all to understand, but people have been taught that it's wrongfully advantageous to be making lots of money. If a person is providing value for a good price, why shame them for that? It makes me very happy that I found somebody with similar morals, and somebody who can lead the way. Thank you for being you.

K ghost0311
K ghost0311 - 18.10.2023 02:50

$74 a day for 1 year is $27,010... pennies make dollars

Stan The Brand
Stan The Brand - 07.10.2023 05:36

Inspired to try it! Why not.

Anna Levenson
Anna Levenson - 01.10.2023 04:32

I totally enjoy plant propagation ❤

Joie A
Joie A - 29.09.2023 19:32

Hi Mike! Thank you for all this great info!
Would you recommend getting your plant dealers license or nursery license first, or wait until your sales becomes more steady?

Thanks again!

Virginia Goins
Virginia Goins - 10.09.2023 07:14

I seen 5 gal plants on walmart online sell for 430.
I can do that

acts4:12 - 06.08.2023 11:19

Excellent video 😃 I'm encouraged thanks Mike ! I love chillis and hope to learn how to grow and propagate them successfully. Keep up the great work 👍🙏

Errol Spykerman
Errol Spykerman - 28.07.2023 01:17

Mike great 💡 but how do l pack a plant too send too the customers please let me know

Erica Smith
Erica Smith - 26.06.2023 04:31

Was the info I needed to hear.😊

Cheknit owt
Cheknit owt - 12.06.2023 05:10

Keep it going bro!
Just keep on Speaking the Truth.
Rmbr…..Ziglar said “you can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want👍

Our Garden eggs
Our Garden eggs - 05.05.2023 19:45


Deana Canfield
Deana Canfield - 05.05.2023 03:17

Thank you Mike, great video and information, and I love your enthusiastic, can-do attitude. For me, the timing of this video popping up......a blessing and encouragement.

Michael Spires
Michael Spires - 04.05.2023 08:30

I love it . Chase the value to others instead of chasing the money for yourself, and the money will come. Total inspiration for me . Thank you !

Nightfall - 01.05.2023 13:07

Hi I wanted to start business from home but I don’t know how start.

Lois Dedopoulos
Lois Dedopoulos - 21.04.2023 23:57

Thankyou. Mike. I’m a a senior Living on not much. Be Lessed

Lois Dedopoulos
Lois Dedopoulos - 21.04.2023 23:49

Thankyou. Mike. I am pensioner who loves your comments. Thankyou for giving me a purpose to go on I am third generation on my farm. I live being there there are many thing needing repair. With little money. I stay because I want my children to see the beauty trees flowers. And yes. It not about money. peace and Blessings be withyou and family

D B - 16.04.2023 21:09

Knowing the owners of battlefield farms. People want to buy through a known name... Lowes, home depot, most people don't beleive they get a product unless they get it from a name brand. If your local and make a name for yourself then that's great... most likely noe days you will buy from a company like battle battlefield farm if in mid east cost. They were non sympathetic during covid and alienated many people to even buying in or around Unionville or Culpepper. The area was seen as racist. Most if not all thire workers were Hispanic. The refused leave and the areas covid rates went rampid... on the news culpeper covid rates doubled... I asses it to be basically from this location l who didn't allow leave for sick people. The owners are allowed to live as multi millionaires they buy luxury cars ansld build multi million dollar houses in the middle of county where the people they employ have nothing. Just Google properties like 2313 Clark's mountain rd. Those who create deserve to reap the reward,

D B - 16.04.2023 20:08

I grew a bunch of reapers years ago... no one wanted any even for free. I like plants, planting, propagating and just the fun of growing my own. It be nice to just get a return on a hobby that is enjoyable and a release of tension. I'd probably do it for free if things didn't cost so much. A hobby is different than a business because a business needs profit or it dies. America is not small business friendly atleast not anymore, they push most all the cost onto lower middle class and increasing making more risky. I always heard don't do anything as a hobby if you want to make a profit... now days every business has become a scam and if your not willing to be apart of the scam just make it a hobby and do it for yourself, family and friends otherwise the county or other, plus so many other scammers will make you wish you never started. Even people you met at work and thought you had a great friendship with will ghost you when they no longer can get what they want, cheap labor or knowledge to fix the issues they may have. It's sad and pathetic, but that's the world, especially now. Adding value has little to do with it... people want something for nothing so basically be a part of the scam of everything or don't even try.

Sharkdog11b - 11.04.2023 20:29

Money is freedom and money in excess allows you to better serve others, people that think “just getting by” is a humble way to live are wrong it’s actually selfish. Just getting by and living “humbly” is selfish and selfishness is evil. Being wealthy and serving others to me is Christ like. Nothing makes me happier than having excess money to be able to use to spend a few hundred dollars getting a massive amount of groceries for a struggling family and secretly dropping it off on their doorstep or giving a leg up to a homeless person that’s obviously not trying to take advantage of people or a family member so on so forth, if we’re not here to better this world and ourselves and serve others and provide for our families what’s the point in being here?

Janine Shideler
Janine Shideler - 08.03.2023 22:25

... like a gun, of itself ... it doesn't do anything... so is money, now power of its own!

Kaye Murphy
Kaye Murphy - 15.02.2023 17:55

I have been propagating my leaf of life, plants and prickly, pear, cactus and there’s nowhere around here to sell plants. Please give me some advice… Thank you.

tattooninja - 12.02.2023 19:28

Great stuff but I can't believe people still say "19.99" instead of just "20"....That's crazy! 😆

JOSE REYES - 04.02.2023 15:45

Alright when’s the best time to try to grow garden ie from south texas

Chris Schenkel
Chris Schenkel - 30.01.2023 05:07

Religion is the root of all evil. Money is fine.

Ebony Gibson
Ebony Gibson - 29.01.2023 09:30

Well said Mike you always speak the truth 👍🥇
Thank you Blessings for you and family for 2023 💗🙏🌈❤️👏💫✨👍

MainelyButch - 21.01.2023 23:45

Where do you buy your seeds?

Berghaus - 14.01.2023 15:14

Mike's enthusiasm is literally pouring out from my speakers..... I don't even grow peppers but I'm thinking about that now, damn.

Zepheniah - 11.01.2023 02:44

I need a Johnny the Rooster sound button to punctuate my homeschool lessons. 🤣

Scandinavian Pride
Scandinavian Pride - 29.11.2022 00:54

$74.00 I could eat tonight.
I'm considering growing heirloom tomatoes seedlings next spring for resale (unsure the breed). I live on coastal SC and would like your opinion on the heirloom? This will be my 1st time doing something like this. So I'll most likely being a "sidewalk vendor" until I feel things out.

Gopal Vyas
Gopal Vyas - 20.11.2022 18:25

Like your words 👍

Linda VanderVeen
Linda VanderVeen - 08.11.2022 16:15

How long before the cutting gets potted or planted?

Janice Lawson
Janice Lawson - 05.11.2022 13:26

I grow plants and give them to friends. I produce tomatoes, courgettes and beans to give them away. It’s the growing I enjoy. I grow flowers for pleasure and pollinators.

I love these videos.

First Name
First Name - 28.10.2022 17:44

Mike you’re looking like some of those young rapper kids with the cash money in front of the camera 😂. Cool 😎 🙏👍💯

Andrea Riegler
Andrea Riegler - 21.10.2022 17:44

I have been a horticulturist for 20 years. Propagation is my passion. Tropicals/cacti/succs. The free info you give out on these v logs is an asset that only needs to be plugged in to in order to get there. Knowledge of your product, a solid (but tweakable) plan, a lifelong passion for learning and willingness to do so are keys to success. Thx for the online sales info, as online is a new frontier for me. Looking forward to learning more from ya--

Lorrie Williams
Lorrie Williams - 09.10.2022 05:46

Hey Mike! You are terrific! Found your videos by mistake. Started watching how to cut and regrow my Bamboo plant,
Now I've been your videos for the last 10 hours!!

Edith Arriaga
Edith Arriaga - 18.09.2022 07:05

Amen Thank you so much for the information I'm so much enjoying it I want to start selling my plants

Richard R
Richard R - 13.09.2022 21:59

Thank you sir. I hate when people say money is the root of all evil, you made me smile when you educated on the correct verse. Look forward to watching more of your videos and subscribing.

Disclosed - 30.08.2022 00:57

The love for money is the root of all kinds of evil

Lea L
Lea L - 29.08.2022 04:48

The more good people that have money - the better off we'll be. Keep making money good people, you'll do good things with it.

Timothy Jones
Timothy Jones - 27.08.2022 22:13

Hey Mike... I have seen a few of your videos over the recent months. I enjoy your style and your content. This particular video was worth a comment. Good job in showing people how to turn a buck. Well done...

Chris Flight
Chris Flight - 26.08.2022 00:19

Ok, so I spoke too soon

Chris Flight
Chris Flight - 26.08.2022 00:17

No, THE LOVE of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

ofelia jimenez
ofelia jimenez - 12.08.2022 04:16

Hi this time you nail it i love and enjoy growing plants but i dont seal them i wish i can do it i live on SS and i know what you mean.
If you see mi garden you will love it any thing in there is green lots of work but i enjoy olso love to try different things .
Love your videos and i learn from you.
Thanks a lot

baba - 01.08.2022 14:32

money grows on trees
