How to use GrooveSell and GroovePages to create a Product, an Orderbump and an Upsell Page (2022)

How to use GrooveSell and GroovePages to create a Product, an Orderbump and an Upsell Page (2022)

Kathy and Rob

2 года назад

3,256 Просмотров

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@vincentdowd - 06.04.2022 17:31

Thanks for the video, a few quick questions. First, can you share what site you used to create the product with the computer screen, cell phone etc? I had one and can't find it....also many people say we should use wordpress and plug ins due to SEO, does groove use anything to make it easier for people to find our site and info?

@dreambilliionaire2150 - 28.04.2022 06:12

Nice and thorough video Rob... i am figuring out how to use this for affiliate products ... however i am bit confused about using this strategy for integrating groovemail...

Like. how to create lists for buyers, cart abandonment , sequences and basically integrating full fledged groovemail to the journey ...

Thank you !!

@GuyReactsChannel - 26.05.2022 07:28

Hey question for you.

What happens, if you have more than one frontend product, and more than one upsell in a product funnel ?

How does the main product groovepage know , which upsell page to go to after someone buys the main product ? Or is that indepenent of the product funnel in groove, and more just whatever the next page is in the groovepages sidebar you showed?

@robertogalvan5887 - 30.06.2022 12:12

I absolutely love your video! Thank you so much for taking the time to make it for noobs like me ❤️🙏

@apondulalseo. - 02.07.2022 21:38

Awesome video

@Serenitebiz315 - 13.07.2022 09:08

Great video. I have a page from which I'm selling 6 physical products. Hot sauces. Do I create a "main product" for each flavor?

@biztechninja - 15.07.2022 07:12

This was a great video. Thank you so much for walking through each step.

@ReggieMontinola - 25.07.2022 00:32

Thanks for the training... I just signed up under your account... how do I get the bonus?

@davidpatrickgreen5319 - 16.09.2022 17:11

I noticed that when you are pasting the tracking links into the body of the main page, you were pasting the proof widget info. only one paragraph below the other tracking info. but David Lemon explicitly mentioned pasting it two paragraphs below in his 'imperfect action challenge'. Not sure if it matters but FYI.

@davidpatrickgreen5319 - 16.09.2022 17:51

That was really good. Do you have a tutorial that then shows how the customer gets access to groove member post purchase and how those bumps and upsells can be used or not used as membership levels and what the benefit/detriment of using straight upsells/bumps vs membership levels is. I did an upsell which upgraded membership level and it was wonky.

@4dingbat - 01.12.2022 17:14

This is the most clear explanation of how to set up pay gates that I have seen. I am selling short stories. In Groove member, I can access the URL for the story from Groove Member where the PDF story files are stored., Is that the URL that gets pasted into the, "edit product" >> "Contents" >> "Sales Page" section. GREAT JOB on the video, So many folks are so good at this that the message gets lost in the explanation,

@momfit360life - 15.12.2022 06:27

Great video! I have two questions: 1- can you confirm that an upsell is meant to replace the main product? and 2- for a membership that has a monthly, 6-month, and yearly price point: do you recommend creating 3 funnels for each or 1 funnel with the price options?

@raulvalle403 - 27.01.2023 22:25

Great Video!!. I want to show 4 items (2 ebooks, 1 affiliate link and one "to be announced attraction) on my page. That is, no upsells or downsells, How do I change my site to do this??

@MrPCApps - 27.06.2023 02:18

your not doing much as groove.

@MrPCApps - 27.06.2023 02:20

Even website not working

@thethomaspersson - 18.07.2023 11:58

Thanks Rob. I would never have figured all that out by myself. :)

@cintiacin8526 - 04.11.2023 20:45

Thank you so much for this video, it was exactly what I needed! Thanks to your tutorial my first product is available for pourchase!

@timdaniel3698 - 27.12.2023 03:45

This was a great video, thanks!
