Finding Dr Mary’s story 9 years ago saved me from a life of sorrow after losing my 16yr old granddaughter.
I am eternally grateful for her story. Thank you Mary much love to you !
You are sharing an amazing story...
ОтветитьThe phrase" getting into heaven " is such a terrible statement...stop spreading such misinformation...this is to the interviewer.
Heaven exists all around us and we are never denied access to it...we live and create it through our connection to the living Source God that created this world...we are never withheld from is through OUR choices we make.
I like Mary Neal and have done her suggested life review but honestly I find the subject of a God more hassle that its worth a lot of the time as its usually ambiguous, opaque, frustrating and throws up more questions than answers. I found no certain times of a presence of a divinity. If God is real it makes you wonder why such a being doesn't make themselves straightforward and known. Everyone knows an Elephant is doubt, or a doubt...but God...out comes all the ethereal, opaque tosh.
Ответитьthank you, Dr Mary for coming back and doing your inconvenient laundry list. I presume one of which is telling your experience, that could have tarnished your reputation as a woman of science. God bless you more.
ОтветитьI believe in life after death. But, something doesn't add up. In the spiritual realm we are comforted and upheld. It is much easier to lose someone we love suddenly than to live in fear of it's inevitability for years so why would we be told that there. I worked with 4 year olds, only at around 9 could they envisage being grown up . A 4 year old understands tomorrow and maybe 6 months ahead so her son was very unusual. She is clearly a sterling person but we cannot read the mind of God. I wish her no ill and am sorry about the anguish she went through on her child's death.
ОтветитьMary Neal is the real deal. Down to earth. No embellishment. Never tired of her NDE testimony. Thank you for posting this interview !
ОтветитьWould love to hear more detailed information likewise buildings, nature people, families, animals and much môre.
ОтветитьI wish Dr Mary had gone a little deeper on what happened to her 9 year old. My 11 year old son just passed away 4th March, he has always been healthy, suddenly a very rare condition called HLH took my baby boy. We are grieving and that's what brought me here,watching your testimony is helping a lot.Thank you
ОтветитьI feel utterly hopeless in my life. I have made such a mess of everything. I have been praying but I want/need to get closer to God as I still feel there is no hope for me 😔
ОтветитьI want to believe.. but there's some real nonsense in the bible, and I think it has been corrupted from what it was originally intended to mean.
There is incest, and homophobia - I think on the TV programme The West Wing the President berated a right wing conservative female evangelic radio host, and the President has belief himself, but he points out in the bible, where it says two people should be killed because they lay down next to each other wearing the wrong textiles?
And to use your metaphor Mary, what happens if someone blocks your route, as the lady unwittingly did her canoe, and you Mary had to go down the less safe route instead?
I've spent decades putting myself out to do the right thing, and most of the time people haven't even met me halfway.
Worse, the police have criminalised me time and again for having the 'integrity' and 'courage' to fight for not just my rights, but others?
Now I am facing "3" court cases for doing the right thing.
People too often speak of spirituality, but only on their own terms.
If we truly believe in spirituality, we should apply these values universally.
I actually think I am Athiest now. Having been open to, even desirous of the potential of a God being real, reading scripture, meeting religious groups, listening to MANY ideas and individuals debate it, one thing stands out in all of it. What kind of a being would expect, even suggest, dedicating their lives to a being for which there's zero real evidence of apart from nice stories, a few poems and the will of wishful people ?
It throws up many more problems than it answers. If anyone was asked to commit their families livelihood, their health, the roof over their heads etc on something so devoid of evidence or credibility, then this is an absurd proposition, which true friends of anyone being asked this would be deeply concerned about said family getting involved with it.
So many believers seem to have to do so much mental gymnastics to convince themselves a God is real, the bigger question should be, what kind of a being would make themselves so obscure, unprovable, in a world of 7 billion people with all our issues, pain and troubles. This God can create life but never proves themself to be real against ANY doubt apart from 2000 years ago a book says, never answers a prayer, is eternally vague, relying and expecting deep personal faith on something as likely to be myth, Fairytales and the like ?
People can be 'good' without an ambiguous, obfuscating framework built around what seems like thin air. They're probably better off without it as well.
I wonder what her thoughts on reincarnation are . Why doesn’t someone ask this direct question ? Many NDE survivors are absolutely convinced there is reincarnation,it would be interesting to know her perspective on this .
ОтветитьMary bo you read or answer these msgs.
ОтветитьHow many years ago did this happen?
ОтветитьThe interviewer obviously doesn’t fully understand the lessons behind NDEs. Getting into heaven is not earned. Everyone gets into heaven
ОтветитьThank you Dr Mary! I love to watch ALL your videos as my soul resonates with you, and know that you are a true woman of God, and speak the truth.
How I thank God for allowing you to come back because we are all Blessed by you being here for such a purpose and time is this 🙏🏼♥️🕊️✝️🇬🇧
Jesus/God is real. Heaven is real, Hell is also real. Let's call it what it is. This testimony is awesome. It's a choice either Heaven or Hell. Choose Jesus and by doing so, you are choosing life. Not choosing Jesus, you are choosing death, Hell. Period. You can choose these simple truth or you don't. The choice is yours and mine. Thank you for sharing.
ОтветитьFor what I heard from her, she do not believe that it is import to make a decision and accept Christ as a saviour! Make me feel she think all of us can go to heaven, this can be a stumbling block for many in this world. She definitely need to go to the Bible to really understand the truth. 🙌🏼❤️
ОтветитьWe choose Love.
ОтветитьThis was a wonderful interview. It’s nice that you didn’t interrupt her and let her speak. Thank you!
ОтветитьHis name is Jesus ❤🙏
ОтветитьI watch Dr. Mary.Nea's l videos, and that's how I end up here.
With all due respect, lady, if you believe an 8-10 yo child is a sinner and find pride in this, I feel sorry for you and for all those will come on your path.
Mary Neil is my favorite ❤️ Thank you Mary!
ОтветитьTrusting God's promises? What are His promises? The bible is full of flaws and falsities. So how can we know? Please don't answer this with stupidity.
ОтветитьGod said you don’t choose me I choose you read your bible
ОтветитьReading book now. Wonderful.zar
ОтветитьDear Doctor, please how were able to know you stayed upto 30 mins in water, since you had no time with you, bk I heard one will die after 10 minutes under water.
ОтветитьGod is real, Jesus is real, heaven is real and hell is real. The Bible, from 1st to last word is the absolute truth. God talked to me 3 times in a clear voice, and I listen to His whispered voice constantly. It is such an adventure while I'm here on earth. He gave me work to do for Him. Special things. And I know that I know it was/is from Him. Seek Him, and you will stand in absolute awe!!!!
ОтветитьThis has been a subject I have always believed. I’ve been reading off and on about NDE’s. I’ve read many books. I was a part of my husband’s death experience which was so traumatic and difficult.
I knew he was going to Heaven and tried to help prepare his soul. It just was a difficult job I felt divinely guided to do. I felt I was guided to help him without my own knowledge, the his mine Angels were helping me.
This was not an NDE, it was an experience we/I had.
Before my brother died, he had two visitations from the other side to tell him why he was leaving earth and transitioning to heaven. He was so happy, we were guided to have a “going away” party for him. This was a gift from God to all of my family for us to experience.
I’m a believer! 🙏💙🦋
Thank you 💙
This has been a subject I have always believed. I’ve been reading off and on about NDE’s. I’ve read many books. I was a part of my husband’s death experience which was so traumatic and difficult.
I knew he was going to Heaven and tried to help prepare his soul. It just was a difficult job I felt divinely guided to do. I felt I was guided to help him without my own knowledge, the his mine Angels were helping me.
This was not an NDE, it was an experience we/I had.
Before my brother died, he had two visitations from the other side to tell him why he was leaving earth and transitioning to heaven. He was so happy, we were guided to have a “going away” party for him. This was a gift from God to all of my family for us to experience.
I’m a believer! 🙏💙🦋
Thank you 💙
I call BS
ОтветитьI wish they would have mentioned his name to give him credit
Ответитьmy heart is filled with sadness
and grief and longing and despair...
I don't know, I just need to write this out loud, to process.
I'm just so super unhappy right now. Breathless, really.
homicidal rage.
suicidal grief.
I'm dead inside.
my life is hell
I am raped.
I cannot wait to die.
grief rapes me.
I am drowning and suffocating.
45 years of utter hell and trauma.
I need a true miracle
to (re)unite with my twin flame.
debilitating paralyzing all-consuming hyperventilating
panic and grief...
I'm dying inside.
TOP 6 REGRETS OF MY LIFE (up to now).
1. Not truly living my life for ME.
The way I want to live.
Doing the things I want, the way I want to do them. LIVING IN FREEDOM.
Unencumbered and not imprisoned
by the expectations and (dis)approvals of others.
3. Not having those difficult-necessary-honest-real-raw-vulnerable-scary conversations.
4. Allowing my self-esteem to be raped out of me, over and over, time and time again...
Not standing up for myself. Not defending myself. Not taking care of myself.
Allowing myself to be bullied abused raped harmed.
5. Falling prey and victim to the attacks of the enemy.
6. Hurting those I love
and respecting those I loathe.
I loathe being alive.
And then, the most recent:
the (abusive) man whom I revered
as my best friend,
ended up raping my soul.
All 45 years of my life, so far,
have just been suffering.
I can no longer bear the suffering.
My rage is red-hot-white.
May all those whom I loathe,
suffer for all eternity,
for what they've done to me.
suffering and surviving
trapped in hell
with no escape
paralyzed with trauma
frozen with terror
belly full of rage
soul full of grief
I am raped
"The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming..."
Romans 8:18
I am raped.
there's no escape.
red hot white burning homicidal rage
and 999-trillion oceans of suicidal grief.
I can no longer bear the hell I'm in.
I want out.
I want to die.
and I'm terrified of death.
drowning in 999-trillion oceans of grief and despair and PTSD flashbacks...
grief and terror debilitate and paralyze me.
red hot white burning homicidal rage.
I desperately despair for true love, I long for it so deeply, I suppress it so much,
I could literally faint from the desire...
I can no longer bear the darkness that is my life.
I am trapped in hell; I cannot find escape.
my soul is raped.
10. Trying desperately to understand
how I was "friends" with people I loathe and despise,
and how I thought that was normal...
11. How on earth will I ever heal from the ceaseless life-long rage?
stop obsessing and ruminating
and I have absolutely nobody to talk to about this
and I need to get it off my chest
(and I'm also willing to read responses,
if anyone feels called to respond...)
I had a HORRIBLE therapist
the worst
but here's the thing...
it's twofold:
1) he's wildly successful
(and I can't for the life of me figure out why or how)
2) I saw him for almost all of 2023,
I was so traumatized when I went to see him,
that I just kept going,
because I had nowhere else to turn...
In the end, he really fucked me up.
Instead of helping me, he traumatized me further.
It's over 2 years now,
and I can't stop obsessing over how he's traumatized me,
and all the money I wasted, etc. etc.
I can file a formal complaint.
But the process seems long and arduous,
and brings me no particular benefits...
It's just that I can use my voice,
and he can potentially get reprimanded...
But if I do this I have to do it soon...
I don't know what to do?
Any thoughts, anyone?
ОтветитьA God of Love did not create "hell" - humans do that and there's NOTHING we can do to guarantee going to "heaven" and avoiding "hell". That's a human con. I don't believe it's A DECISION, that's way too easy - it's a way of living.