How to Use the Run Walk Run Method for a Marathon

How to Use the Run Walk Run Method for a Marathon

The Run Experience

4 года назад

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@andrewtiessen1157 - 13.01.2020 16:09

I struggle to drink and run in a race, so aid stations are my short walk breaks.

@JonsConsciousLife - 13.01.2020 17:19

The run walk method was very useful for me in finishing my second marathon, and right on my target time. Sure you have to run slightly faster, but the walk breaks more than make up for it. I did a 10:1 ratio which was perfect. My 3rd marathon (2 months later) I ran through the whole way without run/walk and shaved about 4 mins off my time, but I chalk that up to being even better trained and more prepared, not necessarily that running through makes for faster times.

I’m returning to marathon training now after taking a few months mostly off with an ankle issue, and will start off on my long runs with a 10:1 during the base building phase until I get back into comfortable long run shape.

Great video and definitely a good topic. I think there’s a weird stigma around walking during a race, and I think it should in fact get the credit it deserves!

@jeffreythree - 13.01.2020 18:51

I like the run walk run method, but tired of getting hassled for not 'running'.

@Mookiethedog - 13.01.2020 19:46

Yo Nate great video. How long (distance) would you go for speed work repeats for a marathon or ultra? (Or if anyone else wants to answer)

@merlemcc - 13.01.2020 20:18

I have used this technique for many years, and have learned that shorter intervals significantly increase my overall pace for a given average heart rate, compared to longer intervals or straight running. For example, instead of running 3 minutes and walking 1 minute, run 90 secs and walk 30 secs, or run 60 secs and walk 20 secs. Same R/W ratio, but can be done at a faster pace while still keeping your HR low and reaping the same benefits of a longer walk break. Also important to smoothly transition into the walk over the length of several strides, rather than "put on the brakes".

@alvinjohnceniza2377 - 13.01.2020 20:28

Was thinking about this earlier in my run. Especially the speed ones but I wasn't so sure if it is okay. Glad to know it can be implemented in the training. Looking to use this in my half marathon on March.

@robsnobb - 13.01.2020 21:57

Thank you for the tip. I will run my first marathon in May, that will be the Copenhagen Marathon. I am hoping for a 4,5hour race and I will surely need to walk often to make it in that time range. My biggest problem will be handling the knee and join pain.

@mikedevita5558 - 13.01.2020 22:37

Jeff Galloway

@jessegreenjr.3677 - 14.01.2020 03:55

I'm interested in getting you to help me with a marathon training program. I am very impressed with your videos,b but a bit overwhelming for me as a relatively new runner.

@kaniel_outis1 - 14.01.2020 17:39

Where was the video filmed?

@DaveSeas360 - 14.01.2020 18:44

Run/walk is a great strategy when running in warmer weather. Once you've trained with it for a while, 30 seconds is about all you'll need for the walk phase.

@aurangzaib3442 - 14.01.2020 18:56


@louisepatterson8875 - 15.01.2020 01:03

This is my intention for my second marathon. With my first I ran a very quick first half but my second half was over an hour slower! I walked so much of that second half. My aim is to do an 8 min run 1 walk although this may vary during the race. I want to get under 6 hours this time

@angelafairbanks2704 - 15.01.2020 05:36

I find a lot of value and personal fulfillment in consistent running for long periods (40+ minutes), but I use this technique to get back into things when I've been out of practice, like when I'm sick or on a long holiday. It's a great introduction back into practice, and infinitely valuable for pushing past those mental fortitude blocks!

@janedoe2a279 - 15.01.2020 22:37

I was able to build a 4 min run walk job 90 seconds

@janedoe2a279 - 15.01.2020 22:54

My coach introduced me to run walk to and jog breaks

@dexterbaxter4434 - 16.01.2020 17:14

Torn on using this for my first full marathon. All my training runs are on hilly roads with over 400ft in elevation changes. My first marathon is mostly flat with only around 50ft of elevation change. Hmmmm... Not sure if I'll need to do this

@pandeynitindr - 17.01.2020 18:52

Hi, I'm a new runner, so a basic question. How does one time himself while running. How do i know when one minute is over in middle of a run? If i need to keep looking at my watch, then that would be extremely uncomfortable over a long period of time. Then how do i do it?

@lokeshtak7154 - 19.01.2020 14:53

I'm suffered by lower backpain after 12 to 18 km running. I workout on core exercise but still not success. I'm beginner and 43years old. Help what to do? Run-walk-run is best idea to improve overall strength.

@najmerkamil - 29.01.2020 02:20

I'm looking for an answer to a certain question related to this topic. Well, I'm a beginner runner, I'm overweight. For now, I am able to run several series of 3 minutes, with breaks in between. I can run 3-4 times a week. I have been gradually extending the time of the series by 30 seconds per week. My first goal is to lose weight, the second is to just enjoy beign able to do longer runs. Wouldn't it be better to add more walking to each workout to just burn more calories if I have time to train, but just can't really run longer yet. Wouldn't it be better to sacrifice running session on the weekend and go hiking 2-3hours to burn more calories overall? Or is it better not to overwork yourself with walking and focus only on running?

@alexardila6289 - 04.02.2020 00:13

For mountain and hilly terrain, is it a good idea to walk uphill and jog/run downhill? would it be a good idea to let the terrain dictate when to walk and run and not used rigid time limits? I am now getting into walking/jogging and I just subscribed. Thank you.

FYI: My average elevation gain is 1,400 meters for a half-marathon distance. Also, my walks/jogs include long segments above 2000 meters above sea level. Thank you and congrats for the channel, great videos, and useful info.

@mensahtribeadventures2630 - 08.03.2020 00:09

Training for my 1st dopey challenge

@duckyluver12 - 03.08.2020 16:39

I started out using this method 10 years ago and it's great. I still use it sometimes if I show up to a start line undertrained.

@zulue13 - 15.08.2020 08:35

Piss weak if you walk. Means you have not run a marathon load crap

@manonpiche8652 - 10.01.2021 18:01

Can you propose an application to calculate our interval. Also, can you plan your interval based on distance instead of time. 1 Km run - 100 meter walk....

@oliverrietz2705 - 18.02.2021 00:06

Makes Sense unless your an Elite Runner

@25inspector - 24.04.2021 21:49

I use this method all the time. The truth is I have a tough time running for more than 10 minutes at a time due to cardiac issues. I keep working at it though.

@mikezen99 - 08.05.2021 19:07

Where’s Coach Nora? I don’t see her. Miss that cutie...

@PZJBimha - 09.10.2021 21:45

This is so helpful. Thanks for sharing. I will surely try this out.

@alfromtx245 - 22.10.2021 17:20

I used run/walk/run when I trained for and ran my first marathon. For the second marathon training, I did the same but worked on extending the ratio so that I was running more. By the time of the race, I was just taking a 30 second walk break every mile and would use this for fueling. Since then, I've moved to straight running. But there's no question that run/walk/run was a huge part of my development as a runner.

@Catcrumbs - 10.01.2022 08:09

I started my first training plan with RWR after a year of doing my own thing. Even though I was only going for a 10 km race, I went a lot further during my long runs than I ever thought I could tolerate, thanks to the walk breaks. 30 s was plenty for me and that's the walk interval I see most advocates of the technique recommend these days (including Galloway), with the run portion shortened as necessary.

@yuki-sr1rv - 20.01.2022 13:57

thanks so much. This is exactly the RWR guide I'm looking for

@king_has_no_clothskul8635 - 23.06.2022 12:51

for beginners it will take long time as every time you run heart beat goes faster and again you have to crank it up when you walk. you must develop a gradual tempo and try to run non stop and take breaks only if needed. For young people it is ok. For 40 plus folks you cant have that stutter style.

@jeffcokenour3459 - 14.07.2022 17:36

I've used this wonderful technique for years. I love running but genetically I have very large musculature so I weigh 230 pounds even though I've done triathlons. This method let's me enjoy running without pain.

@markthomasson5077 - 26.08.2022 12:38

I hear on another Chanel that more than 15sec walk is not beneficial

@Running_injuries - 25.09.2022 08:36

run walk good for taking a lane with stability workhorse shoes

@hikerJohn - 07.11.2022 22:58

45 second every 2 miles is not very much walking. I do RWR but just walk when I feel like it and start running again when I feel like it. Eventually I feel like walking less often as I lose weight. I have used walking when my heart rate riches 150 and then run when it drops to 130 (depending on terrain). I never do it by any time schedule.

@gmathavale - 05.12.2022 20:31

Hi, do you run at a faster pace than usal when you apply run walk run strategy in long runs?

@cyndee4180 - 10.02.2023 17:39

Doesn’t the C25K use this method?

@jayantnagarkar1018 - 27.02.2023 16:21

Nice R ...,W...,R.

@carbonsurvival4040 - 25.03.2023 01:46

Dope music bro

@kaizze8777 - 27.05.2023 17:41

learning that I can actually WALK during a marathon and still keep pace is a mindblow for me. Ive been trying to battle my training with 95% run and 5% walking only when I blow a gasket :-D

@stormense - 13.02.2024 07:05

Had groin problems before. But if I stood still for a few seconds at all the 5K energy stations at a Marathon, I never had a problem again and started running my races half an hour faster. As long as you don't stand for too long. Example 8 stations on a Marathon race and 5 seconds 8 times becomes 40 seconds so say one minute including speed down and speed up. My theory why my races started going faster is that short rest gives energy back to the body.

@elflakeador09 - 08.08.2024 23:31

What distance should a recovery run be?

@chriswynn336 - 21.08.2024 21:14

As a senior runner, I run steady but identify water stations where I fast walk thru. Any stopping tends to make me cramp. So, fast walking thru about 4 - 5 water stations.
