Pathfinder: WotR - Five Builds For Beginners

Pathfinder: WotR - Five Builds For Beginners

Mortismal Gaming

1 год назад

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Darkoasis1 - 01.09.2023 08:08

Gendarme Caviler is hands down the easiest and best class to play for beginners. On top of being the highest damage you can get with charges hitting for 10000 plus damage enough to one shot literally any boss in the game even on unfair. You basically have to press nothing outside charge but even without charge you have so many feats that between you and your mount you still do a ton of damage. You get a shit ton of bonus feats, a pet you can ride right out of the gate which is a big deal and helps a ton. They are just super easy and super strong. As early as level 1 your mounted charges will be doing double or even triple damage if you use one of the 3 spear type weapons. Doesn’t really get any better than that. You don’t have to multi-class and you can use basically any weapon and armor. You have enough extra feats to make basically whatever kind of build you want and it works well with any mythic path tho Trickster is the strongest. With Trickster you can reach basically 50% crit chance with a huge critical multiplier on top of your charges at end game doing 4x damage. So when you crit which is very often it’s your crit damage then times 4 again. CRPGbro has some great Caviler builds for anyone interested. Doing charges for as much as 45,000 damage absolutely absurd. Nothing else really comes close when talking about strength combined with ease of use.

David Weller
David Weller - 03.07.2023 12:47

Just go menagerie. Have a sylvan sorcerer with a mad dog and a drovier and a ranger. Boom, easy-peasy.

LeatherCladVegan - 02.06.2023 09:22

Thanks for all the content, Mort. I am about to give this game another chance (3rd time).

Sérgio Smargiasse
Sérgio Smargiasse - 03.04.2023 23:47

really liked the idea of the Inquisitor Leader build, i think ill make it when i start playing!

EveryPixelCounts - 30.03.2023 01:21

I started playing kingmaker and ended up quitting out of frustration, but tried Wotr because I'd heard it fixed a lot of the issues with balance and whatnot. I created a cavalier, and got hooked. I keep making more characters, so I'm only on act 2, but so far, at least most of the companions are built competently from the start.

aierce - 12.02.2023 03:35

How good still is the classic pure fighter cleric mage rogue bard combo?

The Christopherous
The Christopherous - 02.02.2023 04:14

As someone who has never played Pathfinder this is insanely complicated.

jose soto
jose soto - 15.01.2023 02:52

Dumb questions but would this build work in kingmaker?

PresidentCthulhu - 13.01.2023 15:37

I would have included sorcerer and oracle, but that might be only me. :)

Simon Eastwood
Simon Eastwood - 16.11.2022 10:29

Thanks for some really helpful videos. Just started WotR and while I have a pretty good working knowledge of D&D the sheer volume of information you get hit with at the start of the game is a little overwhelming.

Nostromo - 02.11.2022 11:33

Me being me, when I played this earlier this year, I agonised over numerous classes/builds, until eventually settling on the most complex, specialised one I could create - A Foxy race Ley Line come Winter Witch lol. Ok, I did like the overall theme & also prefer spontanous casters to memorisation...but yeah, that has to be one of the more convoluted & challenging advanced classes, also keeping in mind that the game doesn't have a whole lot of cold spell power, when compared to fire say. Parked at level 7, shortly after I switched to WW. Perhaps I should have agonised less/spent less time in the character builder & more time playing the game he he. I actually usually play monks, but as the best ranged one that really appealed to me was already an early NPC, eh...
Actually, I usually prefer summoner/necro classes in arpgs/mmos, but the D&D/Pathfinder system just doesn't have a very satisfying summoner class or build that I could find - happy to be set straight though if anyone can suggest a good multi-pet, zookeeper type build.

@Johnny Tightlips
@Johnny Tightlips - 25.10.2022 15:56

Definitely gonna try the Stone Heart and Demonslayer Ranger eventually.

CZiNTrPT - 17.10.2022 23:45

You love this game so much, so I thought I might ask you. How do you play it? Do you just control your MC and leave the rest of the party on AI? Turn-based? I mostly lean turn-based, but then often get burned out by critter fights. When I do rtwp, I stop every half second or so to micromanage. That also doesn't seem right...

Hobe Bryant
Hobe Bryant - 11.10.2022 23:23

Wish I could be a goblin in this game no matter how much it wouldn't make sense. Nok Nok made me fall in love with playing a super powered little knife guy on normal

Rolf family
Rolf family - 04.10.2022 17:13

I myself always go for thematic builds, that make sense for that character, and the universe. Usually pure classes as well. I know alot of people like min/max, but I dont enjoy that at all.

Matthew Earl
Matthew Earl - 03.10.2022 20:14

What are good beginner classes for people who just bought EE?

Wander Dragon
Wander Dragon - 28.09.2022 19:04

In general Azata is a good path for beginners just because of Aivu tbh. Her sonic breath is awesome

9thimmortal - 22.09.2022 00:25

Would love to see more companion builds! Enjoyed the 3 (?) you put out 😊

SAD- FROSTY - 21.09.2022 20:55

I chose a two handed fighter it's good really kinda slow but the damage is amazing

slyfer60 - 19.09.2022 18:26

Okay, so Demon Slayer and Divine Hunter it is. Which to choose first?

DJ Scrawny
DJ Scrawny - 16.09.2022 18:26

Is the alchemist bad in this game? I never read or see anyone using that class.

Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 13.09.2022 03:53

I'd recommend any of the melee classes for a beginner. The mage classes power curve scale a lot slower and you have to have at least some understanding of the resistance mechanics in order to be able to use magic effectively, even when playing on normal difficulty which is what you want to start playing on as it forces you to learn the game. You have to talk more in terms of the best party composition as technically, you are not playing one character but 6 plus pets. This is what makes the learning curve in this game so steep as you are having to get to grips with 6 classes and how they all synergize with each other right off the bat. The best (by best I mean easiest and especially when playing on the harder difficulty settings) party composition I have found is:

1) Dedicated tank. Seelah will do but I wouldn't recommend her on Hard/Unfair
2) Dedicated healer like an Oracle. Daeran is good as he can also buff
3) High damage melee. Regil is great for this
4) High damage range class. The ranger/axe throwing builds. Both Lann and Wendaug are good with Lann maybe being slightly better as his power curve scales faster
5) Utility class such as a Wizard to provide the arcane buffs/debuffs, CC and support damage
6) Open slot. I like to take a Cleric as they can provide healing as well as buffing and they do pretty good support damage. Sosiel is great for this and he uses the Glaive which is a reach weapon meaning you can fight behind the tank easier.

Two Horses in a Man Costume
Two Horses in a Man Costume - 12.09.2022 12:52

I did a Crusader/Angel build using a longspear and it was stupid levels of powerful. He just sat behind the tank poking enemies that engaged the tank until he got to merge the Angel spellbook. Then he was an almost nonstop divine nuke, leveling anything that was evil, which was the vast majority of the game. If his spells weren't going to work he still had a decently high AC from heavy armor and a spear to poke things so hard that they exploded.

cyrus vile
cyrus vile - 10.09.2022 21:16

I find magus to be the easiest, take all weapon skills, use the one ability that turns all malee hits into touch attacks. Destroy every boss in 2 hits. It’s funny actually killing mephalis in 2 rounds lol

Weerknuffelbeer - 10.09.2022 16:14

So how does the Knife Masters defensive ability work (the one you get instead of Danger Sense, forgot the name). Does it give you bonuses if you fight WITH light blades or AGAINST (opponents with) light blades? The wording is a bit ambiguous and considering not many enemies in the game actually use light blades the ability would be kinda useless if the latter is the case.

Yaan - 10.09.2022 07:09

My first Core playthrough was on Dwarven Demon Slayer, but I did 5 level dip into 2h fighter and build it around mythic cleave - there is just something I love about it when two demons at once splash on my screen. My first ever playthrough was on Normal difficulty as Inquisitor with some flavour RP dips along the way. Absolutely inefficient build, but that is why I played Normal, I did RP heavy decision like dipping into Paladin after I got Angel path.

My biggest advice for newcomers would be not to get intimidated by those insane dips people do on forums. Just because game let you, it does not mean you must. IT IS OKAY NOT TO DIP. Your tank character will work perfectly fine without Crane Style and the game is perfectly playable without multiclassing.

dantles1992 - 09.09.2022 21:37

I wanna use scythe weapons but I don't know how to build character around that, any help?

Damian Lockheart
Damian Lockheart - 09.09.2022 17:02

Starting to think having a Tactical Leader in the party even on later difficulties might have merit (with normal feats and background built for initiative) so that way the other party remembers to get more feats overall, you know if the sharing ability works on pets and summons as well?.

Lokilocke - 09.09.2022 15:25


Zarddin - 09.09.2022 14:16

Slayer is by far my favorite class in Pathfinder. I always loved to mix a Fighter or Ranger with a Rogue and Slayer FOR ME is like the best things from Fighter mixed with the best things from Ranger mixed with the best things from Rogue.

Now I just can't play games with AD&D or D&D 3.5 without thinking: I wish there was a Slayer class in this system.

anatoly gregorevich
anatoly gregorevich - 09.09.2022 11:54

I started this game in september last year and still not finished playthrough. At Act 5 at this moment.

Myrokordis - 09.09.2022 00:11

Think i just found my next play through, I was just messing around on the character creation, and noticed that Crusader Clerics get a bonus Crusader Feat, if you start off as a Human you get an additional feat so that's 3 feats in the character creation. And if you choose War Domain you get another bonus feat at lvl 8. For a total of 17 feats.

7Wolf77 - 08.09.2022 18:54

Rowdy rogue vital strike with a long bow. You either hit and something dies, and usually explodes and does aoe. Has insane sneak attack and will constantly 1 shot. Or you miss. But it's easy to buff plus hit. Biggest drawback is its only 1 shot.

SilverDarkSide Z
SilverDarkSide Z - 08.09.2022 17:50

Sword saint gold dragon. Don't do it.

Zyklon W
Zyklon W - 08.09.2022 17:11

If I start as an vampire worshiping the Death goddess, can I become an Angel?

Just sayin
Just sayin - 08.09.2022 16:31

I went full roleplay mode with a dwarf heavy Crossbow fighter in core. Just a heavily armored dwarf with a heavy crossbow who always complains about anything.

Deividas Simkus
Deividas Simkus - 08.09.2022 15:41

one easy and fun class is wild dog for barbarian and wery strong

T.T - 08.09.2022 13:29

would love to know your opinion about druids. I choose the druid class for my first playthrough and so far (level 5) it hasn't been much interesting. I love druids in cRPGs (Neverwinter, Baldur's gate, Pillars of eternity) but I don't know anything about pathfinder druids

Muka Powa
Muka Powa - 08.09.2022 11:50

Me play pathfinder for the first time
Saw alchemist go boom

tarulamok - 08.09.2022 07:39

Thinking to re-approach the game and your guide came up. Always know my mind :) Thanks!

Snack_Happy - 08.09.2022 07:21

What all is included in new version?

Juan A. Matos
Juan A. Matos - 08.09.2022 06:36

So for rogues you don't need to be behind enemies to do sneak attacks? Is there sneaking in this game as well, like in DoS or Pillars?

The Devils Biscuit
The Devils Biscuit - 08.09.2022 04:13

Barbarian, grenadier dwarf duel wield throwing axes. Closest thing to a warhammer universe slayer and pretty fun.

Jerghaal - 08.09.2022 03:27

I'm currently replaying this game. Is it me or have they added more voice acting from the recruit-able npcs when you are camping or resting? I'm hoping that game becomes all voice acted when the new edition at the end of the month.

Christopher M Zdenek
Christopher M Zdenek - 08.09.2022 01:51

I have to say, my easiest playthrough, and the second favorite after Elemental Engine (truly easy mode on any difficulty), was a base fighter into Legend. I forget the two prestige classes I added after the fact, but I went for a two-weapon build with shields, and I was an absolute beast. At the end, I think I was getting 8 attacks per round when I didn't Cleave everything around me into a paste. Tower would have been a good line for better defense, but I would have lost the two weapon attacks. I could have done so and gone for the critical focus line though.

ResilientME - 07.09.2022 23:00

I'm trying a tank/sunder armor focused Armoured Hulk as my intro to higher difficulties.

You could really min-max the CMB stuff with an Oni Tiefling/Steelblood with Abyssal blood but I really wanted to play as a more standard barb gnome. Think I'll get away with that bit of sacrifice for RP purposes on Core? Does enhance the tanker aspect but I'm worried about the CMB not hitting late game.

Mhjm Stultiens
Mhjm Stultiens - 07.09.2022 22:50

Isn't a paladin (with a subclass) also strong against demons? The tactician sounds awesome btw.

Ravi - 07.09.2022 22:49

My first was angel tactician, might try out the buffed devil path war priest after enhanced edition comes out.

The build was super helpful, I only had a working understanding of the game mechanics by act 3, before that it was blind copying that let me get by. Been making random builds for inevitable excess and tinkering with them with comparision to archetypes on this channel for quicker undertstanding.
