How to Install WordPress on Ubuntu 22.04

How to Install WordPress on Ubuntu 22.04

Tech Blog

1 год назад

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innocent kilama
innocent kilama - 28.08.2023 16:00

Am geeting error 404,
i followed everything closely

milosv123344 - 30.05.2023 12:49

OH MY GOD!!! FINALLY! I have spent COUNTLESS hours on tutorials, both video and websites, and I could NEVER get WordPress to work no matter what, and now it FINALLY WORKS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH, BROTHER! <3

KartMoo - 14.02.2023 15:59

Well explained tutorial. Earned a like and share!

Eduardo Santos
Eduardo Santos - 24.11.2022 14:54

i thought we were going to have a wordpress software with an icon on lunchbar

Erasto Wamuti
Erasto Wamuti - 15.11.2022 12:54

Very detailed and helpful tutorial.

Stanislas Eliezer
Stanislas Eliezer - 08.11.2022 17:01

Thanks Mister

yas zegh
yas zegh - 16.10.2022 15:23

you are the best 100%

Phil Stephenson
Phil Stephenson - 01.10.2022 21:18

I followed your instruction and found the video and instructions to work very well. My installation was to a cloud VM and I created a desktop environment and Tigervnc so I could VNC to install WordPress on the browser with localhost. I tried changing the /etc/host to reflect my real public address but it occurred to me that DNS couldn't resolve this beyond localhost. I have it all up and running under localhost on a cloud VM and I have a registered domain name. I will point Cloudflare DNS to my VM IP, change my hostname to the registered hostname and change the hostname in the Nginx conf file. I would also change the host and site URLs in the WordPress settings. Am I missing anything and is there a particular order to do this because I know as soon as I change the WordPress settings for host and site URLs if there's an upset I'll need to hack around wtih wp-cli and/or the MySql database? Thanks for posting this video!

Eduardo - 28.09.2022 23:18

Why I get a "404 Not Found nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)" when I try to visiting the vhost? I've tried this several times with different tutorials, and I just don't get it working =(

Cbb Cbb
Cbb Cbb - 25.09.2022 17:24

Very good tutorial. Do you have one that uses apache2 also? If you do, I will try both servers.

Ngọc Hưng
Ngọc Hưng - 14.09.2022 06:50

Very helpful. Thank you very much.

Random Raidor
Random Raidor - 26.08.2022 15:47

In my case it shows nginx dead in active
