He Works Full-Time and Runs An Amazon FBA Business That Generates $80K/Year In Revenue

He Works Full-Time and Runs An Amazon FBA Business That Generates $80K/Year In Revenue

Tatiana James

4 года назад

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@vedeosbyme4223 - 21.06.2020 18:23


@thisisthewroten - 21.06.2020 18:25


@NikhLogic - 21.06.2020 18:28

Do you think Amazon FBA has become saturated now & is more challenging for new players?

@emperius - 21.06.2020 18:43

I really love de success sotries

@Talkinglife - 21.06.2020 18:47

Nice video

@jockojohn3294 - 21.06.2020 18:50

My lemon aid stand does not yet produce that kind of revenue. But I am still optimistic...

@keylien_4519 - 21.06.2020 18:50

I have been watching your videos and getting motivated and inspired. I just need to do it 🥺

@endlesseverything460 - 21.06.2020 19:35

Hey Tatiana, I respect you so much and love your videos. Could you possibly put time stamps in your description box and what question you're asking in that moment? I learn so much from your videos and tend to go back to them, so it would be nice not to search for that specific information through the whole video.
Thanks ♥️♥️♥️♥️

@jessyl.4805 - 21.06.2020 19:36

Hello Tatiana.
Do you need to contact suppliers very often or only when you decide to launch your product? being a flight attendant, I travel all over the world and I am afraid that there are many hours of difference between the country in which I could be while I work and the time in the country of the supplier.

@chltmdwp - 21.06.2020 19:44

Thank you so much for entertaining and giving me hope on a Sunday afternoon :) Always appreciate your hard work.

@hmasgharkhan - 21.06.2020 19:46

I have recently started VA training, your videos are truly inspirational, I hope one day I'll be part of your success story series.... ❤ TJ

@oreospeedwaggindoesamerica6078 - 21.06.2020 20:07

Tatiana I’m sorry I was so excited to join ASM and get your bonus package but not going to have the cash in time. I just sold my house and had hoped I would get the money in time but seems like it will be another week to two.

I have really only watched your vlogs and some of Stefan and I started talking to a company in China on Alibaba and I have a few samples coming to me to check out. Do you think I should order any of I like it and try to sell on Amazon when I’ve only watched your vlogs and haven’t taken ASM? I’m just ready to try. Thanks for any comment because I value it!

@nickoac3721 - 21.06.2020 20:38

Hi Tatiana, thanks for all these videos you are amazing. I was wondering which podcast was the one he mentioned. Would love yo have the name. Thank you so much

@UsmanGhani-tf8mx - 21.06.2020 23:29

tatiana your video descriptions/titles are not matching exactly with your words , is this only to make viewers click .

@BlakeVanPutten - 22.06.2020 00:45

This is super crucial! I started a Shopify page last week and it’s generated 1.2K! Looking to keep going and keep growing

@thePlum - 22.06.2020 02:10

Phenomenal!! Very inspiring, thanks for sharing.
Motivates me to Grow, Grow & Grow!!!!

@jockojohn3294 - 22.06.2020 02:43

What is the outlook for Amazon 3rd party sellers when the real crash takes place, and suppliers have little to no product, banks are closed/bail-ins have taken peoples money/savings and few except the upper middle class and the 1% have any money?
When we have a change in currency to digital, and the conversion rate is 100/1000 to 1 petro dollar-and folks have lost most or all of their savings, can't pay mortgages, lose their homes, can't find work because the jobs are gone, and barely are getting by standing in lines at the soup kitchens? Who is going to run an Amazon 3rd party business with little/no product? Who is going to buy anything and what kinds of shipping rates are there going to be?
Will Amazon pull the rug out from under 3rd party sellers and circle their own wagons to protect the company? Does Amazon really need third party sellers to survive? To thrive they probably do....to survive, they probably don't.
Has anyone addressed these concerns.........or is everyone still believing FOX news that everything is great, the stock market is going up, and everything is ready for the V shaped recovery? And the FED/Central Banks are here to save the day?>>>>>>>>>>>

@tshiololiai6135 - 22.06.2020 02:51

I am binge watching your videos Tatiana ! I love it ! I was blocked at the phase were I needed to make my logo. After watching your videos, it’s snapped and I bought a service on Fiverr so they can make the logo for me 😁 Thank you !

@NisaZG - 22.06.2020 05:20

Tatiana please help me. Your videos and teachings are one of the inspirations I used to get started. It was so hard but I finally launched my first two products and ppc and I am finally getting sales. Today a competitor threatened to leave fake a-z reviews on my listing to get my store shut down and I feel powerless. I immediately reported the message to Amazon but I’m afraid because Amazon only tracks customers one by one there’s no way to stop this person from sabotaging my account. Please help me.

@brendanbrown4813 - 22.06.2020 06:34

Hey Tatiana! Is the price of ASM in US dollars?

@benrobloxyang9737 - 22.06.2020 07:49

Thank you so much for bringing these stories..they inspire and motivate me very much

@oreospeedwaggindoesamerica6078 - 22.06.2020 10:02

Great stuff! What’s an average price to get samples sent from China? I have a few samples I’ve talked to a company from Alibaba and they gave me a price for shipping and wondering what the average price runs around. They quoted me $368 to ship 6 products and just wondering if that’s to much or about right?

@alwaysshabrina457 - 22.06.2020 11:43

Hi ! Your videos are always great . I need a advice from you about starting to sell a product. Should we have only one product or many products in the starting and should it cost less than $1 if you are on limited money?

@nadiaa.1711 - 22.06.2020 16:02

Amazing video! (As always!) I wanted to ask what your thoughts would be about selling in new Amazon international markets? I.e. the new Amazon Saudi Arabia?

@Benedict00_MankoMuncher - 22.06.2020 17:45

So how come the numbers aren't in profit?

@anic3904 - 22.06.2020 19:38

Thank you so much Tatiana and Kevin for sharing your amazing tips. From what was said in this interview I was wondering, is it possible to create an email list from your Amazon customers? How do they land in your social media otherwise? Do they just search your brand online? Thank you!

@allstardemon - 22.06.2020 20:39

what happens when your amazon listing runs out of inventory? do orders keep coming in and once you ship them new inventory they just send out the orders? does buy button disappear right away once inventory runs out?

@normalouis8593 - 22.06.2020 22:12

Hi Tatiana, long time watcher of your business and luxx health videos💚. In regards to contacting multiple suppliers, what do you tell the suppliers who you did not choose? Do you simply not reply to them or do you explain that you decided to make orders with another supplier? What if you may want to consider that supplier for another time or other project?

@Daniel-xn6os - 23.06.2020 00:50

This was great! Thank you, really got into the logistic of running a 1-2 item FBA business with scalable goals

@Daniel-xn6os - 23.06.2020 00:54

What was the podcast you listened to?

@abritus2007 - 23.06.2020 23:30


@mireyarobles1699 - 24.06.2020 03:48

How does one find a mentor?

@camilagarcia7494 - 24.06.2020 18:51

Love success stories! Would love to see one from someone who did MPSH since that is the #2 course you recommend😊

@Evehamidi - 27.06.2020 00:15

when is the amazon selling machine course going to be available for purchase?

@milanghedia7557 - 01.07.2020 18:32

Hey Tatiana,
I'm dealing with conversion loss when I convert from my national currency to USD inorder to pay the Alibaba suppliers. Can you please suggest an e-wallet or sort of thing where I could receive/keep my Amazon payments and also pay the Alibaba suppliers using the same, without me actually having to convert from USD to my national currency.

@thezone2733 - 05.07.2020 18:59

Thank you for sharing

@yenjinso2775 - 11.07.2020 07:34

Hi Tatiana, thanks for your generous sharing. I have learned much from you. I have an urgent problem now which I hope you can help me with. My Amazon Seller Account has been deactivated. I had opened the account in early June. Everything was fine but, all of a sudden, it was deactivated. What do I do now? Please advise. Thank you.

@bernadette2300 - 12.07.2020 02:41

Interesting content 👍🏻

@EriMBH - 15.07.2020 06:20

Great discussion.

@karie_brown - 24.07.2020 20:11

This was an excellent video! Thanks!

@brayanzuluaga6744 - 29.07.2020 01:35

For the second product, do u recommend use the same niche or I can change the niche?

@Samuelstevens880 - 29.08.2020 02:53

So inspiring guys! I lost a load of work due to covid-19 stuff and have been deep diving into starting over the last 4 weeks. I've been manifesting the start-up capital needed and got a windfall today! Enough to get the course and first inventory order! So excited, I've been practising being grateful for the tiny things in life and generally being positive in my outlook of life andthe money I asked for came in the weirdest way. Anything is possible guys! Looking forward to the journey..

@adamfalah3884 - 29.11.2020 21:44

Tatiana, I love your vids, thanks for the great content and the motivation always!!
I finally just launched my first product after, any tips on how to get initial reviews?

@victoriagabriella1103 - 15.01.2021 23:01

Love Tatiana. But I do feel Kevin is extremely vague with his story here. No specifics at all.. he seems super nice, I just personally dont feel like I got a ton of value from this interview in particular due to his lack of specifics really,, but I've been watching Tatiana for so long now and have seen so many interviews that I feel like I'm perhaps just beyond smaller vague tips personally but im sure it could still be very helpful for others. I love hearing everyone's experience at launch and pre-launch 😍

@neiveshughes2287 - 09.04.2021 09:36

Please help me get over this bump i could never get over..

@RK-su4hs - 21.05.2021 21:05

What % of people that have done your course make it work & are successful?

@5kidsandadad185 - 16.02.2022 02:34

Hi Im a single dad with 5 kids I cook clean wash there clothes take them to and from school and I run my amazon business from home for the last 10 years I use my garage to hold stock then ship out to amazon warehouses all over the world and I have 2 electronics brands I made from scratch . my business turns over over 3 million dollars a year I do not think there is another man that does what I do for my kids and makes the same money I do. I know I should have a nanny but then you lose touch with your kids. 80k a year is a joke and rubbish don't kid your self this is not success. if its $80k profit then it is ok and called a lifestyle business. Tatiana is awesome and so dreamy OMG her husband is one lucky man

@chuckeverett4941 - 19.08.2022 13:54

Such a good interview style. I am trying to learn from your videos. Thanks for addressing ways to validate product selection as well as the various causes and possible solutions to reduce launch apprehension. I am trying to understand Bradley Sutton's Project X (or similar) techniques for keyword ppc pre-launch testing. Do you have a video on this concept?
