Jack VS God | Jack Absorbs God's Powers & Becomes The New God! Supernatural 15x19 Ending Explained

Jack VS God | Jack Absorbs God's Powers & Becomes The New God! Supernatural 15x19 Ending Explained

Wayward Winchester

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ごろにゃーご - 17.11.2023 08:17


Tuffy Yakim
Tuffy Yakim - 16.11.2023 10:40

I knew God was a fictional character

Anonymous - 07.11.2023 06:59

God needs to feel what we feel on a daily basis. It sickens me people worship someone that doesn’t care bout us

Brian Parmenter
Brian Parmenter - 06.11.2023 05:35

This is exactly what happened to America. The anti christ has become god.

Vitonofrio del Rosso
Vitonofrio del Rosso - 05.11.2023 13:29

The winchesters' plot armor at its finest..
"When you were punching us you release all sort of god power"..
I mean, a god punching two hunters had to release his god power to just "hurt" them... /Yikes

János Tömegelő
János Tömegelő - 05.11.2023 13:04

Why didn't he leave some of that God power in him and rule with him as a servant? As the creator of every frickin thing he must have some good ideas.

몽상가 - 30.10.2023 12:00

Dean Winchester always be the most badass human ever, if he wrote a book about his accomplishments its gonna be bible for hunters. the only one ever walk in 3 realm heaven, hell and purgatory. change into vampire, became demon, touch by angel. I feel like his character are John Constantine himself 😂🤣

Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 27.10.2023 12:36

Antichrist is good and god is bad. They really f’d up this show at the end

ImmortalBecoming - 25.10.2023 18:53

little g

Roberto Rivera
Roberto Rivera - 21.10.2023 14:12

I believe this was God's plan all along. He's a master strategist, after all. Back in that safe room with the Scribe he played a song similar to that ending. the way the scribe was reading his final book you can tell he was heart broken. The scribe had no problem throwing away his life later for Sam and Dean. Even though the show ended the way it did I still believe Sam and Dean was the Key to God's retirement and in the same time Jack who was raised by them to be God's replacement. There's more but that's in short.

Damian Starks
Damian Starks - 18.10.2023 19:46

For Chuck this a fate worse than death

Kenton Clarke
Kenton Clarke - 17.10.2023 14:50

That is what they wanted all along. Man becomes God. One’s true intentions always comes to light sooner or later.

Ghost of Uchiha
Ghost of Uchiha - 16.10.2023 01:34

I used to watch Supernatural when they were hunting Bloody Mary and vampires. Now this stuff is ridiculous. "Absorbing god power"?

Tyshal - 09.10.2023 20:50

I do find it ironic how they said that with the spell they would "unleash something unstoppable to find Chuck and end Him" and later they say "Well, it made him unstoppable." They weren't really wrong with that guise, just that Michael and Chuck didn't realize that the something unstoppable was Jack. How Chuck and Michael were fooled that they somehow saw Chuck's death book and got a spell is beyond me.

ruby masih
ruby masih - 08.10.2023 08:59

Series name plz

M.D. Wilson Music
M.D. Wilson Music - 08.10.2023 07:34

As someone who only watched until Season 5, I’m left wondering…

What in the name of Christmas is going on??
It was a show about two brothers hunting monsters…and it turned into a weird story about predestination and nerfing “God”?
This feels like a parody of Supernatural

AC Knossi
AC Knossi - 04.10.2023 19:02

Die Serie war Super aber das Ende...naja...dank Corona glaub ich musste das alles schnell dahingeschustert werden.... das Jack Energie absaugt mag ja gut und schön sein, aber von Chuck......der hat vorher mal soeben ein paar Universen ausgelöscht....aber Jack saugt ein paar Blumen ein und vom Kampf Michael vs. Luci und dann von Chuck ..... also bei aller liebe...das ist quatsch... Jack steht von der Machtposition nur leicht über Luci und Chuck brauchte ein paar mehr Michaels und Lucies um Tamara zu besiegen ,,,,besser wäre es gewesen wenn das alles ein Plan von Chuck gewesen wäre um endlich seine Ruhe zu haben.... es hätte ja auch so aussehen können als wenn Jack das schafft und zum Schluss sieht man Chuck lachend und sich unsichtbar machend...zb.

D12 - 01.10.2023 13:23

I thought Castiel shud hv been God after everything

SNAKE WILSKEN - 23.09.2023 04:44

Looks like their in the mountains in Tennessee

LinuxWill Rise
LinuxWill Rise - 18.09.2023 18:14

this show went to shit after season 5

RiotShield - 18.09.2023 07:54

This show was literally just anime

Utoob - 16.09.2023 13:25

“That’s not who I am.” In real life, who says this? Yet this is one of Hollywood's favorite phrases. It's like the same bad writers are in charge of everything.

Adrián Aguilera médina
Adrián Aguilera médina - 14.09.2023 17:16

Pesimo final ,arruinaron la serie 😢😢😢

Shiloh519 - 13.09.2023 17:08

Good ending but this leaves me personally wondering what ever happened to the child that was considered to be the actual "Anti-Christ"? Since Jack actually isn't considered the Anti-Christ in the Supernatural universe.

Елена - 11.09.2023 15:44

Бог есть любовь

Woonanon - 11.09.2023 07:53

The man who killed Hitler wouldn't kill God, who he knows has fucked with him his entire life? Dude is so committed to free will he got an Angel (pre programmed being) to follow him? He wouldn't kill the ultimate oppressor of free wil? Fuck that

BalloonDagger0 - 09.09.2023 04:15

This should’ve been the last episode

gurk_the_magnificent - 08.09.2023 14:01

You’re an immortal, near omnipotent being, who has spent billions of years snapping your fingers and making anything disappear.

What goes through your mind when _it doesn’t work_?

Funky town
Funky town - 08.09.2023 08:02

Yesss yessss yessss❤

Mr.Hunter - 06.09.2023 16:59

Someone can “become” god in this show but Lucifer is just Lucifer. Nobody can become him lol. Weird. Y’all needa just stop playin wit God.

Ana -
Ana - - 05.09.2023 06:23

Making God evil was so lame, and Jack taking his powers... LOL. A created being can't be more powerful than the creator. This ending was a joke. Although I did like the Sam and Dean scene in heaven in the end.

I thought evil Michael was stupid storyline too. He should have been the good guy.

joevans27 - 29.08.2023 00:48

My favourite part.
JACK totally deserved this justice.. he was used and sacrificed by everyone on the show except castile.. I felt so bad for Jack.. despite being repeatedly hurt and blamed by everyone he still obeyed and stood by people and helped them despite the hate they gave him

Julianos - 28.08.2023 14:56

This is why God should only be mentioned or indirectly seen in movies/shows. You have to nerf God for him to fit in directly.

ForeverRanger 91
ForeverRanger 91 - 25.08.2023 03:34

All of this life ending on Earth was a brilliant way to cover up the lack of extras since this was filmed during the early pandemic so you only had the bare minimum on location.

Buwembo Simeon
Buwembo Simeon - 22.08.2023 22:45

We are all women

Javier Arreola
Javier Arreola - 22.08.2023 19:34

I still don't believe for a second Jack was strong enough to win against God (w/Amara)

Løkiï - 20.08.2023 06:21

They shoulda just stopped at season 4 or 5

JanoschNr1 - 16.08.2023 22:46

Oh the cringe. And my friend asks me why I dislike the series.

Dr BadAss
Dr BadAss - 13.08.2023 08:12

Only if they did something more powerful then snap fingers

Greyson Prince
Greyson Prince - 08.08.2023 01:49

I just find it funny to think that Chuck (God) is now just gonna become like a dishwasher at some BigGerson's knowing he could have just snapped his fingers, got rid of Sam and Dean but instead fucked around and found out🤣

ProjectATLAS - 03.08.2023 10:16

They outsmarted god like it was nothing, but before they were absoutely terrified of taking on lucifer even normal angels. The show writers got absolutely lazy, this ending was so trash beyond measure. What happened to the earth ending if lucifer and michael ever fought, instead it was just a fight swinging on wires. God should’ve been able to read their minds, see into the future and seen every possible outcome even jack taking his powers. This was just stupid

David Schulz
David Schulz - 27.07.2023 03:45

Everything after lucifer was back in his cage was a mistake, the amount of cringe and non sensical bullshit they pulled out their ass is unbelievable.

Devon Pryce
Devon Pryce - 19.07.2023 15:54

Crappy ending so now Jack is more powerful than God an amara, what a shitty ending

Greyngreyer - 18.07.2023 05:31

Lmao what a joke of a story

Nichole P
Nichole P - 11.07.2023 12:08

I love supernatural I grew up watching it but I absolutely hated the last two seasons. I thought it was disrespectful when they brought GOD into it in this manner that they did. Actually, I couldn’t even fully watch the last two seasons. I just looked up how it ended so when I go to rewatch the show, I don’t go past a certain season, and I just started over again. Just my opinion

matthew benton
matthew benton - 08.07.2023 16:19

The fact that Jack is the new god & he still gets in the Impala 🤣🤣

Iroppoi Spiritwolf
Iroppoi Spiritwolf - 06.07.2023 23:08

I want the Winchester's to come back on. I wish the network would pick up Winchester so that season 2 can continue

Regan McCarthy
Regan McCarthy - 04.07.2023 01:37

I pretty much stopped watching after season 5. I always will love this show to the end, I remember watching the first episode when I would’ve been 10 years old and it’s always going to be one of my favourites. I do think that it dragged on way to long though, once it got into all the drama around god and angels and stuff I think that’s when I took a bit of a downhill turn. Either way, I wanted to see how it ended, and I’m glad it had a somewhat happy ending after everything.
