Is SWTOR Worth Playing as a MMO in 2024?

Is SWTOR Worth Playing as a MMO in 2024?


1 год назад

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PurpleLightning6was9 - 08.11.2023 10:30

As someone who played swtor for a while, the players are super toxic and will get into racist/sexist debates in general chat. The RPers are even more toxic, so much in fighting with them.

Thunder - 04.11.2023 22:53

One major issue I see is class balancing. Commando shouldnt be so low. Its the only class that even while leveling it felt horrible.

Samuel Bussière
Samuel Bussière - 29.10.2023 00:05

Am I the only one enjoying the game only by recreating Star Wars Universe Characters with their outfit, playing with them until the of their classes story ?

Chrystal - 23.10.2023 08:13

I keep coming back to swtor, mainly to try and learn to be a guardian/Jugg tank or Sage/Sorc heal main, but I can never find a good way to learn the ropes of group content or where to start.

tomaac - 16.10.2023 11:29

Lot of ppl buy stuff from cash shop and sell items on ingame market to get quick in-game money. So you can buy almost any of cash shop cosmetics with in-game money as well.

Guardian - 03.10.2023 06:43

if u are looking for a great guild on the Shan Server Look for The Eternal order

Victor Benoin
Victor Benoin - 03.10.2023 00:16

I’d like to mention that the game feels drastically less tedious if you have a good guild. The crafting is less tedious when guild members accept to just give it away, same goes with credits, and the explanations are way simpler when veterans explain it. As a F2P, it enhanced the experience 10 fold

Cold Bastard
Cold Bastard - 17.09.2023 15:16

it's a game that has been put on mainetnance mode, so... if you're a new player - yeah, try it. If you're a returning player - don't bother, you've already experienced the best the game had to offer, last expansion was completely pointless and it won't ever be completed.

CandyCaneKnight - 16.09.2023 13:59

Ive played enough big mmos, and SWTOR is clean and great

Michael Holmgaard
Michael Holmgaard - 16.09.2023 07:59

Started playign again this year. SWTOR is still the best mmo game out there because of the story and voice acting. It's leagues above what you'd usually see in these games. And of course you have it all happening in Star Wars! One of the coolest and most intricate settings for any game

ME - 25.08.2023 22:37

How could i be in school and have a subscription?

Andrew Tryon
Andrew Tryon - 11.08.2023 05:06

I started playing about 3 years ago... it's my main now, actually, its the only one I'm playing at the moment

channel66 - 09.08.2023 08:19

As a solo player, i was skeptical about trying SWTOR, because ive never played a MMO before. Coming off Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga and Jedi Survivor, i was really looking for another star wars game to continue scratching that itch. I was gonna play The Force Unleashed again but i saw this was f2p, set in the old republic era and able to be played solo so i decided to give it a go even tho im not generally a fan of MMOs. I can happily say im addicted. Its still pretty overwhelming because i basically have no idea what im doing beyond combat, quests and equipping items. If you are mainly a solo player, i still recommend this game. The gameplay itself probably isnt for anyone because it has that MMO style mechanics, but i have to say im having way more fun than i thought and the combat is surpsigingly satisfying. And the Old Republic era is still so incredibly cool.

Mearn Tahl
Mearn Tahl - 10.07.2023 16:38

I returned after two-year hiatus, and I'm enjoying myself. I heard the gearing system was bad with the release of 7.0, but it was improved in 7.2, which is true since it's easy to gear up, even if you're a solo player. Honestly, I'm having fun exploring each world and running vet fps; yes, when players get pissy because your not skipping everything is annoying. I mark friendly players and have found a couple of people to run stuff with. I have yet to try pvp or operations, and although I see fewer players, I still find SWTOR a great deal of fun.

With the game swapping to a new studio, I hope they leave it set at its current level of 80 and just put out new content, even if it's done at a much slower pace. I'll happily keep my subscription running if they continue on this trek and fix bugs while occasionally throwing in new content to check out.

Bruh Momentum
Bruh Momentum - 06.07.2023 22:06

The thing that makes SWTOR better than almost all mmos is the story, your character actually has a voice, you can develop relationships with characters, it honestly feels like a single player game, which is so cool

Mephiztopheleze Mephiztopheleze
Mephiztopheleze Mephiztopheleze - 05.07.2023 02:54

I've recently come back to swtor after a long break (iirc, the level cap was 55 last time I played), so there's plenty of great content for me to catch up on.
I already had a bunch of crafting skills trained, so it was just a matter of levelling them up to the new cap of 700 and crafting my own augments and kits.
Inflation has been insane. When I last played, 20m credits was considered "filthy rich", now I can sell two blue 73 augments on the gtn and make that much \o.O/

CheatingZubat - 30.06.2023 12:30

Havoc Squad reporting in! As a new player, this game ROCKS. Currently level 55 and while I’m totally overwhelmed by a lot of the systems, it’s so much fun!

chronoss chiron
chronoss chiron - 30.06.2023 12:16

next video

Solncezar - 24.06.2023 00:58

they just need to add option to choose from point and click to non target thats it! whoever is come for point and click will do so who wants non target has non target! perfect!

Mac Thompson
Mac Thompson - 22.06.2023 17:37

Yes. Absolutely.
Start with a Sith or Imperial Agent. 🤟
