How to Run Longer Without Getting So Tired

How to Run Longer Without Getting So Tired

The Run Experience

7 лет назад

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Guru Jay
Guru Jay - 19.09.2023 20:41

For me the problem isn’t my breathing but the strain I put on my calves while running. Today I specifically focused on cadence and making lighter heel strikes. Any tips out there for reduce calve strain?

Leah McDermott
Leah McDermott - 18.09.2023 10:02

Him: “let’s say I’m running 20 miles”

Literally the least relatable thing ever 😭💀

CobyKeeler. - 15.09.2023 14:55

Help I have to run 2 1/4 mile

Terry Johnson
Terry Johnson - 14.09.2023 06:09

I always thought you guys ran the whole time. Interesting 🤔

Ikaw ba 0¹0
Ikaw ba 0¹0 - 13.09.2023 08:42

I speed walk instead of running. Partly out of shape 1-mile time is 15min. One week later i've walked a mile in 13min. Running isn't the only long distance option if you can walk as fast as others jog.

Argie - 09.09.2023 19:11

Used to run a 1.5 but our roads are very hilly. There are hardly any flat roads so I usually max out at 1.7 miles right after running a hill

TechDaddy - 05.09.2023 11:19

I am confused. Tips to not get tired:
1. Breathe through your nose to keep good posture ... when you are tired.
2. Try to have you natural cadence at the end ... when you are tired.
3. Do tiring exercises with your legs to keep them fresh.
I feel you changed the title at some point to get more clicks and it's not reflecting the video anymore.

doc sylvia
doc sylvia - 02.09.2023 10:05


Nadzirah Yahya
Nadzirah Yahya - 20.08.2023 17:24

Thanks for the tips... especially the third tips... really need that...

Romans 10:9-10
Romans 10:9-10 - 20.08.2023 03:19

Thank You...

"And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house".(Acts 16:31)

" He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him".
(John 3:36)

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" .(Romans 10:9)

"He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life".
(1 John 5:23)

"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death".(Revelation 21:8)

John 3:16
King James Version
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved".(Romans 10:9)

Robert Jones
Robert Jones - 19.08.2023 16:04

After years of not running due to a knee injury and now getting back into it.... 100' is my long run. :)

Derek McLean
Derek McLean - 19.08.2023 07:37

How to actually do it: take as small steps as you can, and try to have a 3 beat inhale, 4 beat exhale. if you aren't gonna do/need a break from 3/4, then do 2/2

Saurav Gogoi
Saurav Gogoi - 18.08.2023 19:30

Much needed thing thanks dude, would run like this from tomorrow 🤘😇🥰💞

Tejas M
Tejas M - 17.08.2023 08:41

OMG if I only could run with that beautiful scenery around!!! Could run for a looong time!

Abduvosid Malikov
Abduvosid Malikov - 16.08.2023 20:29


iKing - 16.08.2023 07:23

Who else noticed the camera man is fit too

Øne Legion
Øne Legion - 15.08.2023 09:02

Gotta know ur legs too. Some legs are not strong enough to keep going even when youre not tired internally. But you feel like your legs are gonna give up.

the Korbe
the Korbe - 14.08.2023 06:35

Not only talk❤

Jaded Witness
Jaded Witness - 13.08.2023 18:22

Running is the single most boring and unoriginal way to attain fitness in the world. It’s so, so bad for your knees and hips. It’s just all round awfulness that only people that hate themselves enjoy.

Get a bike, start climbing, buy a skipping rope. All of these activity’s can actually be enjoyed and not just endured. Only reason people are doing it now is because it’s become the new brain dead neo liberal moronic pastime. Get your on runners and pretend like you can afford to live in Hackney. Morons

Jose Constante
Jose Constante - 12.08.2023 06:54

That side shifting he did was funny 😂

Justin_9001 - 03.08.2023 15:50

Most people don't understand is that you are going to hurt. Whether it's a little or a lot. But the most important thing to keep in mind: if you ignore the pain it will get better than if you let it get to you

Pixxky - 03.08.2023 14:53

You saved me 😭

Kalashnikov Hubaran
Kalashnikov Hubaran - 28.07.2023 17:39

Thank you sir this has been really helpful, watching this to be ready before a fun-run starts and hopefully getting the prize hehe

Flinn - 25.07.2023 15:46

I don't know how you can talk while running like that dude! xD

SG - 18.07.2023 15:29

Good tips and beautiful scenery !

Sam Teng
Sam Teng - 15.07.2023 09:21

I am doing half marathon what diet should I eat before the run

Jacob Winther
Jacob Winther - 07.07.2023 08:29

I went for a 10k yesterday after watching this. Felt so good i ended up running a halfmarathon. Thank you!

Kim Savolainen
Kim Savolainen - 06.07.2023 10:18

I always get a stich in my stomach or pain under my abs after 20 minutes without actually feeling anything in my legs yet. Its horrible

Marshall T
Marshall T - 06.07.2023 05:54

I usually run 5km at night, but today i switched my running schedule in the morning, but my running performance dropped. Is it normal?

Pushpa YoutubeLibrary
Pushpa YoutubeLibrary - 06.07.2023 05:36

Excellent tips. Thank you for the inspiration. That is a beautiful shot of the sun set in the background. It is quite impressive that you were able to speak while running :) ❤

Jonathan Sperry
Jonathan Sperry - 04.07.2023 15:33

Random question but do I have to breathe out through my mouth? It tends to just dehydrate me faster.

Nathan - 01.07.2023 05:11

Who’s gonna carry the boats and the logs 🪵?????

Sip - 29.06.2023 23:34

Imagine being the camera man…

SuperDuck - 27.06.2023 00:22

The cameraman:

Matt - 25.06.2023 02:32

great advice, heading out for a long run - will go crush it now. haha

TheDivisonGamer - 23.06.2023 19:10

Trying to prepare for army basic im going in prob august or September and I’m 20 years old.

gjaeigjiajeg - 20.06.2023 08:20

okay I gotta ask... how did you shoot this video? Car?

Monish Satheesh
Monish Satheesh - 19.06.2023 15:51

Wait! Hold it there? 20 miles?!! I was looking for tips for like 2 kms. People run for that long??

CoCo Goddess Tarot
CoCo Goddess Tarot - 17.06.2023 23:44

I only run a mile and a half right now. Dats it 😩

Brad - 17.06.2023 03:59

I'm a beginner. I can do 2km without stopping I had the craziest stitch up and was completely gone

YY - 15.06.2023 14:07

My own tip to run faster and longer is to use my azengear calf compression sleeves. They help me feel fresh after long runs

Cecily Falla
Cecily Falla - 12.06.2023 19:30

My version of a long running is 3 miles his version is 20 miles 💀💀

ornery cuss
ornery cuss - 28.05.2023 17:03

Wasn't it proven that long distance duration running is bad for your long term health? 3 miles a day is all that's needed for health benefits. Anything more than that could be detrimental to one's health.

Aysia M
Aysia M - 28.05.2023 02:36

I want to again but I just watch …

RC - 26.05.2023 15:52

I run out of breath after running 1\10 of a mile, i donno what im doing wrong

Ducaholic - 16.05.2023 06:32

Helps being in your 20’s & don’t already have shot knees 😂

𝕵𝖆𝖓𝖓 𝕭𝖗𝖞𝖑𝖑
𝕵𝖆𝖓𝖓 𝕭𝖗𝖞𝖑𝖑 - 14.05.2023 12:21

Thanks man!

Kayden Harmon
Kayden Harmon - 14.05.2023 02:43

What do I do if it’s during a track meet. Especially sometimes during the 800 I’ll run out of breath after like 500 meters of it

Eula - 11.05.2023 13:47

Uhmmm last but not the least is airpods 😀
