1 Week Binge Free Intuitive Eating Plan [How To Start Intuitive Eating!]

1 Week Binge Free Intuitive Eating Plan [How To Start Intuitive Eating!]

Colleen Christensen

1 год назад

9,079 Просмотров

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Harry Evans
Harry Evans - 05.08.2023 22:30

Couldn’t agree more with the points you’ve made!!

Leaving the restrictive dieting mindset behind is the key to stopping binging which is what I am trying to get across in my videos too!

No food rules can improve both out mental health but physical health in the long run!

Troll bean
Troll bean - 04.08.2023 20:34

My problem is that because I am obese I would always keep myself in a calorie deficit and be so angry when I ended up binging even tho I was eating enough and the right things, the problem is I was still completely obsessed with calories and losing weight. Now I’m not doing a single thing in regards to weight loss and I’m just focusing on making food at home and hanging a ton of fruits and vegetables since I wasn’t getting a lot before and was ordering fast food a lot. My mind is still a calorie calculator but instead of letting it decide my worth I have to let it go.

D Wilson
D Wilson - 18.07.2023 04:36

This is literally what I learned at Eating Recovery Center. Prescribed Patttern of Regular eating.

Candy C.
Candy C. - 24.05.2023 18:06

This makes so much sense. I was guilty of “just eating” when I stppped dieting and thought “isn’t this how I got in trouble to begin with by eating anything I wanted when I wanted?” This makes sense!

nurie - 22.04.2023 07:29

As someone who's trying to recover from an ed, this helps me so much, thank you🎉❤

High value
High value - 05.04.2023 16:28

I was a stripper for 6 years and it ruined my confidence believe it or not. I thought I had to be skinny skinny and not “fit” like I was. A few customers asked me my first year of dancing if I was trans or going to kick their ass because I was a little muscular. This stuck with me forever and the next 6 years I beat myself up trying to be skinny and loose my muscle. I realized I was bloated and not fat or too muscular. I got so obsessed with loads of cardio, taking dietetics, calorie restriction, unhealthy sauna time. Anything that could make me less bloated and not look muscular I did it. My cortisol levels were so high driving to work my bloat would come back I would cry in my car before going into work. Then go home and eat a bunch of bad food. I am in nursing school and quit dancing because I couldn’t handle how bad it made me feel mentally and physically. No one should live their life like that to please other.

Ashley's Yummy Kitchen
Ashley's Yummy Kitchen - 02.04.2023 06:36

Omg I'm so excited to up my calorie intake now....when I downloaded and saw the meal plan I got SO EXCITED I almost cried...NO MORE RESTRICTIONS, Hallelujah! Thank you so much for this, you're the only one that made all the sense to me about binge eating and how to recover from it, thank you!

Rodica Paduraru
Rodica Paduraru - 28.01.2023 12:27

I love love love your channel, thank you for everything you do! I wish I could find it sooner! I fell that the diet trap is easier to follow bc it's easier if someone else is telling you what to do (playing childish behaviour), while intuitive eating is hard because you actually have to sit with yourself, to take responsability and to grow enough to make choices that support the body without restricting, which is not easy when for years you've been following others. Thank you again.

mike krynicki
mike krynicki - 08.01.2023 04:44

Is it still possible to stop binge eating if I, instead of creating your dinners, eat the ones I have at home?

chase calvert
chase calvert - 17.12.2022 22:48

Hi Colleen. I’m a huge fan of the channel and the tips definitely help with intuitive eating. I’ve been on and off diets and bingeing for a couple years now and the tips have helped me out a lot. I wish there was some type of custom plan to follow to fit me. Do you happen to do any nutritional appointments at all? Lol

Treegirl - 17.12.2022 22:06

Really appreciate the plan! Not following exactly, natch. Right now I’m eating a variation of the Asian cabbage plus ground turkey by putting it on a pita and topping it with ground peanuts and some of the fresh cabbage - yummy.

Mona - 15.12.2022 23:21

Hi. I have requested it twice, but still didn’t receive any email …

Bethany Dusher
Bethany Dusher - 15.12.2022 20:01

Wow You got my attention! and now I really hear your story! Thank you!

Martica Hernandez
Martica Hernandez - 15.12.2022 19:45

got it thak you Colleen, have a happy and healthy xmas!!!!!!!!!!
