Male Writers React To Mean Comments Their Female Co-Workers Get Online [LABS]

Male Writers React To Mean Comments Their Female Co-Workers Get Online [LABS]


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@Endgame707 - 23.05.2022 08:08

Misogyny is evil disgusting and Sickening

@jballz5848 - 30.01.2022 16:58

Imagine thinking that being on the internet would be free from negative comments. Pfft. Grow up

@cryptomaniac9435 - 26.12.2021 09:44

What a bunch of pussies, hey they compare us too dogs why not compare them too dogs when there the actual bitch 🤣

@ashleywilliams7954 - 30.09.2021 12:24

Men in this comment section be like "okay that's cool, back to men's issues" LMAO

@michellemichelle5202 - 08.09.2021 17:05

The dislikes are from sexist losers. They probably think these guys are a “simps” when it’s normal to be disgusted by cluster b behavior

@rendeukie9212 - 29.04.2021 02:33


"Men also get raped and cat-called"

Yeah.. usually by other men 😐

@luciferia.1313 - 19.04.2021 18:31

And thats the reason why I dont want EVER to have a man in my life! No risks needed, thank you

@Beetless - 05.03.2021 01:59

It’s not that bad omfg people on the internet are toxic regardless of gender stop being dumb

@glorfindelchocolateflowery6392 - 01.12.2020 05:35

A lot of Men do this online because they are too scared to confront a woman in real life, because they know women these days will not submit to their foolishness, so they take their anger out online but never brave enough to do it in real life because they know better and to all the men who are truly gentlemen thank you for not listening to some women who blame all men for what some men do and have that stop you from being a gentlemen

@Someinternetuser - 01.11.2020 21:17

I mean I got called a 'tart' for asking where to find bunnies in Minecraft online. I was nine and looked up the phrase. Wasn't good.

@claire5711 - 23.09.2020 07:28


@drunkopinions7974 - 05.09.2020 16:15

I’ve always had men comment harshly to any disagreement I’m willing to post online. I have noticed that the men will argue with each other (typically) without insults, but will respond to me and other women by calling us dumb, laugh reacting, saying we’re lucky men like sex because no men would bother with us otherwise etc. Even had a cop the other day tell me that I should move to Syria where I’ll be raped and murdered all because I was willing to acknowledge that there are other developed countries with just as much freedom than the USA. It’s so normal that I didn’t really think of it until an ex boyfriend saw one of the replies I had on fb and was like “woah that guy’s rude.” I told him “That guy is typical. This happens all the time.”

@legrandliseurtri7495 - 17.01.2020 15:28

What's up with all the dislikes?!!

@eastbaysf - 04.05.2018 21:26

Men are so unaware of how women are really treated...and that's why women rarely comment. ITs a hate platform.

@DestinyHime - 28.02.2018 05:53

So correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that the purpose of this video was to show the guys that women do get some pretty nasty verbal abuse and that they aren't just making shit up.

@dondraper4438 - 16.01.2018 09:09

I'll be damned if my son don't speak like that to a woman.

@executivespectre - 18.06.2017 13:09

mangina cucks

@michaelmcdonald9847 - 09.03.2017 06:14

Stop making this a sex issue. It is not a sex issue.

@sleepyjoebiden2756 - 05.01.2017 01:42

Elite Daily not familiar with expert trolls ?

@modex20 - 10.05.2016 00:10

White Knights defend their maidens from internet trolls. So brave.

@canadianbacon0 - 09.05.2016 16:43

Where are these people going online that they don't get the same amount of hate women get? It's like they pluck them from their "safe spaces" for fifteen minutes to be offended on Camera. Also why is it that dick is an acceptable insult but cunt is not?

@Bliingboii - 09.05.2016 05:58

This is just generic whining. You're going to have someone mention your gender/sex and target you for whatever race you are, job you have (as one of them did), your education, and the way you look, etc. They're targeting you intentionally, you're not unique or special for having it happen. Fuck off.

@TheBurningDonut - 08.05.2016 23:11

Is there a video asking the women to read the comments there male co workers get?


Of coarse not!

@spaniardsrk5108 - 08.05.2016 22:45

I've gotten way worse than that playing call of Duty lmfao, these beta males need to harden the fuck up. lol they wanted to tear up on camera, hllarious. the world is dark and cruel, I'd you don't harden up, it'll ear you

@brandonc.6549 - 07.05.2016 01:53

All those beards and no balls...

@MrBastilleDay - 06.05.2016 20:40

Depending on the context, there is nothing wrong it all with what any of these guys said. Depemds on what the women were doing or saying. Same woth guys, who get cussed out on the internet daily, but no one acts like that's the atrocity of the goddamn century.

@MakeAmericaLit - 27.04.2016 18:25

>someone is now thinking it's cool to compare women to dogs

But haven't women been saying "all men are dogs" for decades?

@harrybattyfilmmaker - 06.04.2016 01:11

Do elite daily know about saturation?

@user-tp8lf8fc5k - 17.03.2016 12:23

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

@greenghost2008 - 13.03.2016 16:20

Cry babies.

@LionelWitchieWardrob - 13.03.2016 03:15

These guys are making me cringe. Dudes get shit too; people are more protective of women, so they notice negative comments towards them more. Maybe ignore them, or get thicker skin?

@Silverizael - 12.03.2016 12:17

It's hilarious how this comment section and many of the commenters therein perfectly prove the point of the video. Also, I assume this was linked on some sort of MRA site, considering the number of people using their sad, pathetic terminology.

@JapanAlex01 - 11.03.2016 19:37

Awaiting all the thumb bombs from misogynist cry babies. The idea than men are being oppressed, or that feminism isn't necessary, is both extremely laughable and dangerous.

@The1AndOnlyDannyBro - 11.03.2016 12:25

340 people were triggered.

@jakerussell1010 - 11.03.2016 08:11

This whole feminist movement of the 2010s is the biggest joke. Women in American don't even realize how good they have it. Take a trip over to the United Arab Emirates and look at how women are treated over there then I'd like to see you come back and complain about how unequal this system is. I don't need to see feminist propaganda all over my screen whenever I get online keep that shit to yourself.

@NTLBagpuss - 10.03.2016 20:25

To be fair the "I'll stick it in her butt." was a comment on "A Butthole Manifesto: Why Anal should be reserved for the one."an article about anal it hardly seems fair to call it unsolicited in that instance.

@liangxiaohu9862 - 10.03.2016 15:47

Hey MOTat18 sorry for calling you names.

@gastonpiston - 10.03.2016 15:39

i don't support what they say about women but the come backs and the effort to be funny is extremely bad and forced

@whiteout1091 - 10.03.2016 13:18

there's a block button, a mute button, close button and an off button learn to fucking use them

@whiteout1091 - 10.03.2016 13:10

fucking stupid i get more shit for using a shot gun in cod one day then their entire lives. fucking stupid video

@All_Hail_Chael - 10.03.2016 10:59

"You're a fucking idiot"

Gender based insults.....PICK ONE

@500phenom8 - 10.03.2016 09:41

You're all fuckwits.

@Lorisa25 - 10.03.2016 06:39

What a surprise. Guys are bulling women in the comments. - Said No One Ever

@a.i.privilege1233 - 10.03.2016 05:32

This is the worst erection video I ever seen..

1/10 boners

@zumponer4257 - 10.03.2016 05:21

This pathetic channel should make a video of feminist comments and male hatred.

@chrispatton5785 - 10.03.2016 05:10

lmao God I love the Internet

@ALEX-eh6qk - 10.03.2016 04:55

so poeple are assholes, we already knew this

@LeePeteZzzaA - 10.03.2016 03:33

Hahaha those comments are meant for likes... Not to hurt her personally.... Damn 12 year olds

@ManHaiVu - 10.03.2016 02:06

Men get hate to so what?? WOOOOW.

@K20a3RSX - 10.03.2016 02:00

Thank you for getting all the annoying, unfunny kids from high school to read offensive comments.
