Why You HATE Playing Smokes (and how Pros do it)

Why You HATE Playing Smokes (and how Pros do it)

Valorant Ascended

1 год назад

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Climv - 31.08.2023 19:06

as an omen main i find smokes very fun, i hide in my smokes with a judge and wait for enemies to rage

GRIT - 06.08.2023 03:01

I main Reyna and play her any time I can, but if someone instant locks her, I’d happily play brim tbh

Syntecide - 29.07.2023 01:07

Smokes are kinda fun but if your team is dogsht then there's no denying it

Night - 24.07.2023 16:30

Btw something I have noticed is if you play controller agents u autopilot less because u have to actively smoke every round

Wessel Verweij
Wessel Verweij - 18.07.2023 00:32

As a harbor main, yes we exist and have fun

Professional big mac eater
Professional big mac eater - 15.07.2023 12:53

Viper is one of the most fun and important characters in the game imo

Jimi the Schmuck
Jimi the Schmuck - 13.07.2023 20:43

Nope, smokes just aren't fun to play.

Iriis B.
Iriis B. - 12.07.2023 11:05

9 month left and this video still help me a lot ❤ ty for that ❤

Sir SooS
Sir SooS - 06.07.2023 08:41

I love playing smokes, my aim sucks and there's no expectation for me to top frag.

Jezy v
Jezy v - 05.07.2023 17:43

I love how they made omen so much fun whilst still covering the smoker role.

Ishan - 01.07.2023 18:27

but like- i think its just me but the first agent i mained was omen only due to the smokes and one ways, and then i climbed up and mained some initiators and then went straight back to smokes because i feel like it is one of the most influential abilities in the game to the point where it can stop a team in its tracks.

Kelmon - 27.06.2023 07:12

I love playing smokes!

「FATAL」 - 27.06.2023 00:39

Maiming omen is so good cuz no one else picks him 😅😅

Wiratama - 21.06.2023 05:49

funny thing is i have better win rates as viper than as phoenix because i have bad aim and cant use his flash properly

Joseph B
Joseph B - 14.06.2023 22:12

Good video. I only play Brimstone and I still learned a few things from your insights.

egwars3 - 02.06.2023 07:35

I dislike most smoke agents other than astra, but astra is mad fun. Omen could make an exception but i heavily dislike his flash

Aidan Shoey
Aidan Shoey - 29.05.2023 16:39

it shocks me the amount of diamond and ascendant players who completely misunderstand lurking, map control, and high elo info gathering. my team could have all my viper util, another smoker, 2 initiators, a duelists (3 entry players + omen harbor or brim), and they all go 1 by 1 with trash util clearing and all die and then get mad at me for lurking as if i was going to stop all of them from dying or that i was supposed to entry. like waaay too many games i get blamed for lurking when it’s my team who just forces site every time instead of being aware of where i am or listening to my rotate calls. i could have the full site for free and the team will still blame me for all of them getting laid out on entry on the other site after we gave the other team full info we were there. so many people are really fucking dumb. play around ur lurking teammates, don’t blame a lurking character for being the reason y’all can’t entry, and recognize ur not in gold/plat, the other team is throwing util and taking map control so if you 5 stack every round and run in you will lose most of your games, but it seems that’s how all my lurking critiques want me to play. watch frank, create space, look for rotate opportunities, gather info, late flank the enemy team (need 4 players who don’t rely on you and can actually get spike down and stay alive for post plant), are all very important jobs of a lurking player. some people just don’t understand

hins - 27.05.2023 18:44

i love playing smokes

Cookezman - 27.05.2023 15:11

Idk about y’all but I love playing controller

Omar Golam
Omar Golam - 27.05.2023 01:11

i love playing controler and sentinels, i feel like its so easy toget picks with them early on if you play around them properly especially with a shotgun, and well sentinals same thing you use ur abilities to get intel whether its traps affecting them to give u an easy pick or just in general to give you info and thats the best thing to have

Crazy P
Crazy P - 24.05.2023 21:09

I really suck at this role I don't mind to play but my teammates do then they talk shit to my skills. So that's why I don't play it til it really need to have smoke. ; - ;

Jugert Mucoimaj
Jugert Mucoimaj - 23.05.2023 15:50

I don't really hate smoking because I suck at it, maybe I suck but I'm not that bad.
Anyway, the thing is that I don't want to play a passive role at all time. I want to entry and kill them
or them killing me just not waiting there.

𝑫𝒓ə𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏 - 21.05.2023 18:33

Tbh I rly enjoy playing smokers tho I'm not good at the game I love using smokes to try get an advantage over the enamy or just help my team

Harpreet Sihra
Harpreet Sihra - 21.05.2023 18:30

I mainly play omen with bits of skye and phoenix but i love the outplay potential. I ranked up from b3 to g2 in 2 acts.

Chonko - 21.05.2023 12:12

As a smoke main (forced pick or by my choice). Its fun when your teammates knows the signs on when they should act. But on solo queue it is rare to have fun being smokes. Being a smoke main is also good for entry.

QuakerOats - 21.05.2023 03:33


Arktic - 20.05.2023 21:17

I actually really love playing smokes :D i generally lock controller on every map except ascent, where I play sova

Jonathan Sorenson
Jonathan Sorenson - 20.05.2023 17:53

I just play smokes to use the bucky better

poluefemus - 20.05.2023 16:30

personally, i HATE playing duelist and i love playing smokes because my aim sucks and i always die as duelist and smokes make the game so much easier

clxckb4it - 18.05.2023 07:18

omen main go br

Befil - 17.05.2023 21:59

I only play smokes, not because i need to but because i can. one ways, killing enemies when they peek out the smoke. I also feel very exposed when im on a diffrent role and smokes have a big outplay potetial.
Also i always play support because i feel like people enjoy playing with me alot more...
Support W

EatPastaRunFasta - 17.05.2023 11:19

Why people don't play smokes in solo is bcs There's no Teamwork !

Shark - 16.05.2023 02:30

I love playing smokes and it's a vital part to a team composition. It forces you to think about yr team and the enemy team. Alot of out play potential.

Master Udon
Master Udon - 07.05.2023 19:30

It felt great being smoker when your contribution leads your teams winning even though you're on the bot frag.

Dankultimate - 02.05.2023 16:06

Common Omen W

Avery Hoffmann
Avery Hoffmann - 23.04.2023 17:36

me, who likes playing smokes: clicks

Ari Osses
Ari Osses - 20.04.2023 21:50

Im a proud Omen/Viper insta locker

RISHU DIABLO - 20.04.2023 09:17

Omen is the best smoker in Valorant

Greve - 19.04.2023 02:32

the only thing that i dont like about smokes is when im placing smokes and because my Teammates dont push, the smokes just disappear, and then they ask me to put smokes again

Chase Harrison
Chase Harrison - 17.04.2023 06:10

Just saying 3 types of smokes walls, orbs and cages

ZeMido - 16.04.2023 11:05

i didnt know people felt like this about smoking, i thought it was pretty fun to sit in a corner using a shorty wait for all the enemies to come out while they are smoked

Shane Erickson
Shane Erickson - 15.04.2023 05:21

As cypher main the amount of smokes that block my good camera angles from my own team are infuriating.

Klicky likes soup
Klicky likes soup - 15.04.2023 04:50

I find smokes super fun! I just put down my smokes, and since i did my job i can get kills and entry

DEFAULT - 12.04.2023 13:12

Nah i picked omen first before getting anyone else, having smokes is essential for entry and retake, i just learned smoking through playing with people who knows how to use smokes properly. But now i use it sometimes during a duel to block their sight and be on a unexpected place to shoot them. Playing smokes is fun you just need imagination to use it like every other abilities, like Molly's using it to damage but using it as a tool to hold the enemy from entering quickly

Batman - 10.04.2023 06:50

Smokes are 1 of the most important roles. I don't play smokes because I suck at it, but I'm also not a duelist player. I play Sentinel or Initiator.

Every role in Valorant is important, but let's be real. Duelist is the least important role. It's the role people pick who are all aim and no brain and most of them are actually no aim and no brain 😂😂😂

Triantafyllos Tsiakiris
Triantafyllos Tsiakiris - 09.04.2023 01:41

It comes down to this:

-Controller players have their smokes.
-Duelists have their abilities AND the controller's smokes.

A duelist can learn to play around smokes and be better than the controller, but the jett will die to someone walking into her smoke.
I have done this, a big fuck you from a controller player.

FocusFailing - 07.04.2023 15:04

God I love smoking so much

OrinMc - 07.04.2023 11:39

I love playing smokes. I am a smoke. I hate sentinels

Omika Pasandul
Omika Pasandul - 07.04.2023 09:58

I actually love playing controller. It gives me the chance to play a laid-back game and REALLY annoy the enemies, especially Omen. But it’s really frustrating when my teammates don’t cooperate.

Jaden Thakur
Jaden Thakur - 07.04.2023 09:36

The worst role isn’t smokes it’s being the planter 😂
