How EASY is it to pass a CBT?!

How EASY is it to pass a CBT?!

Bennetts BikeSocial

2 года назад

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Jo cleobury
Jo cleobury - 11.10.2023 15:27

Thankyou so much. I was worried about doing the CBT but this has made me feel a bit better! Ive only ever been on the back of a bike,so I am a complete novice. Thankyou once again. X

VVS - 24.09.2023 18:57

what would i need to know or revise for this?

jamie - 19.09.2023 11:24

You nearly crashed into a van as the test started. And he’s says that’s one of the best he’s done. Jesus Christ.

Anthony - 16.09.2023 17:15

I have mine booked for November, I can read I just can’t take in books, this video and comments is giving me confidence.

ivan lee
ivan lee - 15.09.2023 17:21

Do they show how to use gears

CrazyGaming - 13.09.2023 14:16

Please remember like the instructor said at the beginning it is not a test its more are you ready and feel safe if so then your get the certificate

Lacehairwigs - 10.09.2023 19:48

Passed my cbt on a scooter today but already purchased a geared motorbike so I'm having private training to get more confident on the bike.

Porter Nigel
Porter Nigel - 06.09.2023 13:58

the cbt is singularly the reason why so few youngsters are coming into our sport/hobby it is far too difficult

Cinner - 03.09.2023 18:25

i failed my 1st cbt. i got screwed by instructor shortage

Jayanta - 25.08.2023 04:44

How may days after Completing CBT can one go for Full license test - if someone is already 21 years and knows to ride

Brad - 22.08.2023 22:43

Do you drive in the road on a cbt

Mark Adamson
Mark Adamson - 09.08.2023 22:50

It wasn't easy at all, One person passed out of the whole of our group, And we had 6 people in our group, The manual group, And only one person found in the automatic group. I Don't know about it must have been our teacher, As pretty poor if five people failed and only One passed

ITG gamer Lol
ITG gamer Lol - 28.07.2023 01:08

Do I get to pick if I do my CBT on a 50cc or 125 ??

Captain Deliveroo
Captain Deliveroo - 27.07.2023 02:48

The Problem is not CBT or Licence, is Scooters get stolen most garage in Uk are criminals 😢

Dave Cooper
Dave Cooper - 26.07.2023 09:09

Can’t really agree that all this testing is really needed. I had driven on four wheels around the fields. At sixteen had my first bike. In those days it could be anything that you could afford. ( Most of us started work & paying National Insurance at 15 ) About a month before my birthday my dad gave me a copy of the Highway Code with an instruction to study it.
My on bike instruction involved. This is the clutch, this the accelerator, front & rear brakes plus gear lever. Now get on with it.
Three months later I passed my test. Over 200 thousand miles later I still have all my bits.

Motorcycle PWR
Motorcycle PWR - 24.07.2023 18:02

@Bennetts BikeSocial It is often unhelpful when people refer to CBT as pass or fail, a test and expect it to be a one day course. I am pleased your video says that it isn't a test. As others have said, it also takes as long as it takes to complete, instructors are supposed to train to the individual, what the DVSA calls Client Centred Learning. It can often be difficult with up to 4 riders of differing abilities on a course, but, with everyone being individual an individual approach is helpful.
Also keen to stress CBT is basic, and there is so much a biker needs to know that isn't and cant sensibly be covered on a CBT. Further training is important for safety and extra knowledge.

M Law
M Law - 16.07.2023 20:48

Looking to do my CBT for work purposes, i passed my driving test but dont feel confident on the road.. looking at this as an alternative to learn the roads and get me about watching stuff like this helps seems simple enough 👍👍

Michael P
Michael P - 12.07.2023 19:41

Look ahead, and keep your distance.👍

kenneth maney
kenneth maney - 09.07.2023 10:56

Please get it right. You can be refused a CBT At the point of taking it if the instructer feels your not ready. I've seen this happen twice. Oh and no refunds. Get practise in first. Have a few lessons at the CBT station if you not sure. Death hurts.!

Sara - 04.07.2023 13:35


God's Good
God's Good - 28.06.2023 02:58

There is racists training center in Wembley called Alpha training center🤮🤮🤮

Adam - 06.06.2023 11:07

I did mine yesterday:

Bit of a learning curve at the start getting the slow speed clutch control figured out since the logic and feeling behind it is different to a car. Had a few nerves on the road but after a chat with the instructor it went brilliantly the rest of the way and got my clutch control to a much better level, so I passed

LabGorilla - 27.05.2023 12:37

I held a CBT for 10 years and I have to say . I’m a post pandemic full licence achiever. Train strikes forced me to go from my cbt to a a bigger engine. Now done 5,000 miles on a v strom and I cannot stand travelling on public transport anymore. Weather is the only thing that stops me. Being on a motorbike is an awesome feeling. Who can say that they enjoy travelling to and from work!

PAUL LAZER - 20.05.2023 23:43

CBT is nonsense never had a CBT certificate and never will

Blinks - 04.05.2023 19:07

When I did my CBT I had zero experience riding anything motor powered and I was bricking it, as they say. But it wasn't at all that bad. Rode around slowly in a circle around the training area to get my balance and throttle learning down, then we did some going the other way, I found my 'right' turns were harder than my left, I'm not sure why. Then we did some slow figure eights which I found was the hardest part, and then we did emergency stop practice. Once the instructor was happy that I had control of balance, throttle and brakes, and some VERY basic knowledge of the roads (traffic lights, roundabouts, right of way etc) we had lunch and then went out on a nice long slow road ride. During the road ride I turned left at a junction a bit too sharply and ended up toppling the scooter over, but even that wasn't enough to "Fail" me, and I got my CBT certificate. As long as you can keep your balance, especially at slow speeds, manage the throttle, brakes and indicators, then you're fine. It genuinely is just VERY basic training just to make sure you can control your ride and you'll be safe out on the roads on your own. However, it is also true that it isn't for everyone, one of the lads doing the CBT with me just couldn't control his scooter while turning, so sadly he didn't get to go out on the road and get his CBT that day. If you're completely new to it like I was then you WILL be nervous, you WILL probably be shaking, and you WILL get things wrong, but the instructors are amazing and won't judge you, relax, go at your own pace, and you will get more confidence as the day progresses.

Shaun T
Shaun T - 01.05.2023 17:06

It says you need a provisional to do a cbt. But I've got a full UK drivers license. Is that basically taking place of a provisional or do I have to buy another provisional license to do a cbt? 😅

Sonia Panjeta
Sonia Panjeta - 22.04.2023 10:45

Does we need to pass DVLA theory test before CBT training?

dombo63 - 20.04.2023 17:19

Easy on a point and squirt moped with auto transmission. Try it on a manual, slipping the clutch, changing gear etc, then tell us it’s easy.

Nukey B
Nukey B - 31.03.2023 22:08

Its easy to pass your CBT if you have road sense. Riding the vehicle in the carpark or riding ground is the easy part, but riding on the roads safely is much harder. Silly mistakes on the road will cost you your life. Thats why a lot of riders don’t pass first time because multitasking with the bike and the road can prove too difficult for some.

Jay Buckley
Jay Buckley - 13.03.2023 04:13

The instructor with the black cap on seemed a really cool guy he really knows how to speak to people that have no idea about bikes and puts them at ease quickly I hope I get a instructor like that. That doesn’t make you feel rubbish for messing up because I definitely will

Sh Br
Sh Br - 26.02.2023 20:27

I’ve got my cbt in a weeks time. Been driving for 27 years so I’ll let you know how “EASY” it is.

GenerateGod - 26.02.2023 00:00

did my tester today and my instructor was shocked as i been riding normal push bikes for 6 years.. i never thought it would be this easy to be honest, Doing my real CBT this Thursday im hoping i get the same energy :)

Darren Firth
Darren Firth - 12.02.2023 21:36

Im 43 and used to be epileptic so I've had no need to go through the highway code, I feel comfortable on a bike but can anyone advise me on exactly what to study? Its hard to teach a old dog new tricks lol

dc gaminng kid
dc gaminng kid - 04.02.2023 02:15

You got the coldest trainer

GhostMiner - 27.01.2023 00:12


Ganja man
Ganja man - 19.01.2023 11:17

Is the high way code part or the QA part hard ?😊

Alan Lucas
Alan Lucas - 18.01.2023 22:48

When I was a lad you just bought a bike, drove round for a bit and took your test. Seems very complicated now and not sure it stops youngsters riding like idiots.

Alex Chmiel
Alex Chmiel - 16.01.2023 03:48

I’ve got mine in 8 hours and I’m bricking it 😂

Kai Cator
Kai Cator - 10.01.2023 17:25

Is it genuinely as simple as riding a bike but with a throttle? I've got my CBT in a couple of days, I failed my driving test before though so I'm hoping this goes better

joseph vidal
joseph vidal - 08.01.2023 03:26

Hello, do i have to bring riding Gears?or its they'll provide it?

Luxary dreams
Luxary dreams - 23.12.2022 18:32

This has been helpfull, I didn't manage to get mine first time simply because I was scared of the throttle, it was on a manual. I was adrives to try on am automatic and I should pass :)

Logan Deans
Logan Deans - 05.12.2022 05:21

Got mine in 8 days. This video helped me thanks mate

Captain Kenzie
Captain Kenzie - 04.12.2022 05:56

I think I've been walking wrong for my entire life, i always look at my feet so i don't trip.

Sammi G
Sammi G - 24.11.2022 10:40

No one explained this to me before but if you have never done it before don’t do manual 125cc I failed because I didn’t understand how hard that would be

Yumi SonSon
Yumi SonSon - 31.10.2022 19:45

hi I would like to ask you, if I pass the CBT, I don't want to have a driving license after 2 years, what can I do? I should do the CBT again but I can only
drive a 50cc scooter ? then I have to do the CBT again and again?

JackedBiker - 08.10.2022 01:24

Cbt is a money racket , done my geared the other day and I wasn't passed even though I done all elements if I had of done an auto moped would have passed easily so picking the harder test fucked me over ...

evilboi - 02.10.2022 22:03

hello, today i passed my cbt. i am 16 and i found it pretty simple. all you really have to do is watch loads of videos about cbt, research the highway code and road rules. while doing the cbt, i found that the road ride was the easiest part. when youre doing cbt, i recommend listening to the instructor and making sure you fully understand what you have to do, even if it means you have to ask for clarification.

unlucky m0f0
unlucky m0f0 - 21.09.2022 13:59

with a good school yeh i had a bad experance befor so lost 190 at hi five falkirk yeh name and shame they dont teach they just want you on a moped when you payed for manual grrr but the refounded me 50 pound and said there do me a favor so i just took the loss, am going again in 2 days never let the bad shit in this world hold you back my online friends

kris_dof - 10.08.2022 13:47

CompulsAry or CompulsOry ??

LAND SHARK - 27.07.2022 16:26

In Australia we have a 2 day car park course for your learners then a two course 3 months later(min) to get a probationary road licence. I saw people fail both. Some people need to work harder on a bike, its not easy for everyone. I rode many bicycle and the odd dirt bike for year so it wasn’t as challenging but I still had nerves. Just go at your own pace and enjoy learning, its not a race or competition.
