Deconstructing The Dead Space Story ft. Original Writer Chuck Beaver

Deconstructing The Dead Space Story ft. Original Writer Chuck Beaver


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@DragonWorldProducts - 03.02.2024 05:42

would be kinda funny if they added a secret funny ending like in silent hill 2 where you go through this door and "Oh btw dog was running the whole thing lolol"

@UberBman - 02.02.2024 18:09

I understand the critical feedback when pertaining to Dead Space 3. Because it was a departure from the first two. I enjoy it for what it is. The lost colony of Roanoke (real life instance) on some icy baren planet take was interesting. It was an amped up more sci-fi take on The Thing vibe for me, minus the paranoia angle. That being said I wouldn't be against it being retconned or disregarded from a certain point of view.

@donbaker5707 - 02.02.2024 08:36

I think it would be great if they made dead apace 4 to have mode where you could pick from a couple different necromorphs and play as a necromorph causing chaos and killing colonists

@mdredheadguy1979 - 02.02.2024 07:02

The only way there can be a fourth Dead Space game, is if part 3 was either rewritten or erased completely.
The ending of DS3 pretty much shows that all humans are extinct because of those Alien Moon creatures finding their way to Earth.

@zackcavz9953 - 02.02.2024 05:31

Half way threw they were on DS 3 I couldn't believe there was another hour left

@zackcavz9953 - 02.02.2024 04:33


@demigodstarfluxx - 02.02.2024 02:27

gears of farts!

@ericrodriguez4770 - 01.02.2024 19:08

Dead space 2 was bad in every way and was not popular in any way… dead space 3 was away from the traditional dead space but was really freaking good, easily the best that came out since, the coop aspect and horror was better than anything previous from the franchise as well as the DLC which to this day is the best DLC from any game ever

Edit: the best part of DS 3 was the coop, you cannot convince me that any part of the game as ruined by the coop portion

@ericstaples7220 - 31.01.2024 11:28

Everytime you guys tapped the table, a thud happened on your mic. Maybe have something to absorb the shock.

@Cickson - 31.01.2024 06:31

I personally found the ending for DS2 extremely powerful, and I couldn't ask for a better ending.
I may be a bit bias, considering DS2 is my favorite game of all time. And the fact that the marker is just straight up destroyed afterward doesn't make much sense.

But it just feels so right.
I think it's totally fair to let Isaac be the victorious overcommer of his visions and the marker in the end, with Ellie in the ship beside him.

Such a perfect masterpiece. DS2 Forever💙

@nicklander3301 - 31.01.2024 02:41

I always thought that Isaac received a partial message (communications went bye bye on the Ishimura so the message didn't go the whole way) but Isaac probably had the thought that she is dead in the back of his head once the necromorphs showed up

@HenchmenNo616 - 30.01.2024 21:37

Ishimura management simulator. I'd totally play that.
Like a resource gathering and exploring sim, plus employee/personnel management.
Maybe even rogue like elements, I'm throwing out idea's. Its purely a clean sci-fi game, a spin off, its not a horror.... except for the final, 100% mission ending where we direct the Ishimura to Aeigis VII

@MeanwhileInTX - 28.01.2024 16:38

Yes, to answer your question. We are bound to single player isolationist style horror in Dead Space. Or atleast we should be bound. To deviate from that would be to destroy the foundation of what made the first game a break out success in the hearts and minds of horror enthusiasts. The subversion of expectations you speak of with relative complacency has destroyed so many IPs in the last decade that it should be considered a form of cancer. Dead Space 3 killed the franchise. Lets not do it all over again.

@specterRaven - 28.01.2024 07:38

Hi Tangerine, where's Lemon?

@Theottselmaster - 27.01.2024 19:31

WE NEED DS4! No more remakes.

@luizfelipemelo1098 - 25.01.2024 10:40

Please no supernatural bullshit or mirrored dark issac controlling necromorphs, keep dead space as what it is, a normal human in the most terrifying and horrific situation possible

@BrandonOfJapan - 23.01.2024 19:42

Imagine left for dead 2, but it's deadspace.

@normaaliihminen722 - 23.01.2024 10:18

I’m confused so Nicole ghost is just influence of Isaac’s derailed sanity or just influence of marker or both?

@loliking2763 - 22.01.2024 19:00

Will never be a dead space 4 😢
And im shocked he's praising the remake company when they ruined the models for the characters specifically facial wise and basically deleted all white people from the game as well as focused on political things like trans bathrooms.

@Bemisfan1 - 22.01.2024 18:12

I see a lot of window lickers debating whether isaac is special or a nobody.

Its both morons; its called destiny. Im sorry there are a limited amount of archetypes

@Bemisfan1 - 21.01.2024 23:48

Always liked 3 as a game, just thought it should have been another franchise entirely

@mihaimax2180 - 18.01.2024 18:33

I think by DS3 we should drop Nicole , we can't have every game revolve around her it would be boring . DS3 should be more centered around the bretheren moons , make Norton and Carver be halucinations made by the moon on Tao Volantis that tries to get Isaac to stop the machine . And DS4 should NOT be a heroic story , it should be about surviving , kill Isaac off , kill the earth and humans off and make the story about a survivor on Earth rounding up others and escaping with them so it's a stale game , moons don't win but neither does humanity .

@mardenmarduk - 18.01.2024 11:37

Awesome video, crazy haircut

@davidsmith3687 - 17.01.2024 16:32

Yes, you can't keep something going forever the exact same, especially a story like this. Loved the Dead Space Series, greatly enjoyed the remake (especially the plot hole retcons like who was on the computer to help if Nicole was dead). However if you're going to want a dark Isaac I'd have him in 2 WITH the hauntings of Nicole to represent the split; but also to distract him with the illusion of a choice - distract his monkey mind as it tries to turn him into a prophet like in the Awakened DLC. The Dark Isaac would be his regret and denial, his desire to remain with Nicole in some form if there's any truth to a form of life in the markers, that death isn't the end (suicide sequences); and Nicole would be the acceptance that he messed up in the end, that Nicole is gone and he needs to move on, acceptance; but this is a gamble. Either he succumbs to to madness and dies removing him as a threat. Or he follows a calculated path for survival and later to beat the monster, and the narrative with Nicole is a ruse to get him close enough for the marker to take absolute control of Isaac and make him into a prophet. Outside that it's the same game, so 1 and 2 only have two minor changes. Extraction, Ignition, Dead Space (Mobile) Severed, Movies, Comics, etc ought to be fine for the most part.

@38WorksGr8 - 16.01.2024 14:59

Problem: Necros get less scary the more you see them.
Solution: eject the brethern moon stuff and make the necromorphs the focus of 1 and 2, then introduce a new enemy monster faction in 3 which explains why the necromorph marker was created in the first place. Something from another alien civilization thats also horrifying.

Problem: Messiah story is not appealing.
Solution: Kill Issac at the end of 2 and let Elllie be the MC in 3 and 4. Issac can reappear as a marker ghost for her from time to time. The mental conflict and trauma response can be explored from new angles with a new protagonist. Addressing Issacs mind evolution everytime will write you into a corner.

@DGneoseeker1 - 15.01.2024 19:27

This is one long video.

Where in here can we find explanations about what the Marker does? What always confused me is the "dead space" around the marker itself and why it would do that, considering its apparently purpose.

@Jigsaw0097 - 14.01.2024 13:08

Still hoping we get a DS4 one day. I like the remake a lot too though, so now I want a DS2 and DS3 remake.

@killakrow9661 - 13.01.2024 12:38

RE4 Remake 5.5 million copies sold people will buy horror single player games

@celdrichanfgarn5168 - 12.01.2024 14:39

is this on spotify? qq

@TheBruise25 - 12.01.2024 01:15

Dead Space is such an amazing idea. It was the reason I bought a PS3 and the reason my son's name is Isaac. He's now 9 and is just starting the original on the PS3. Like me, he loves the gameplay, the lore, and the goodness....the sounds!!! Thanks for the videos giving us SO MUCH MORE content!🤘🏻

@1EpicCarlDude - 11.01.2024 23:17

if anyone is wondering, the music is from "katana zero"

@samv6767 - 11.01.2024 18:10

Hope they fix dead space 3's stpry when they remake it

@stormshot119 - 09.01.2024 00:46

Their idea for Cosmic superhero isaac is very absurd. Mass Effect 3's ending level of writing

@koltendrews - 03.01.2024 23:06

I love dead space BECAUSE it’s a single player narrative experience. If dead space ever went live service I would drop it like a bad habit. Tell the story with passion and care and let the series become a cult classic. Move onto new ORIGINAL stories instead of running a good story into the dirt like they’re doing with Star Wars, MCU, Halo, The Last of Us, etc.

@shannong.forbes9471 - 02.01.2024 00:22

Bring dead space remake to iPhone 15 pro like they did with Resident Evil 4 remake😊

@Mega554321 - 28.12.2023 10:27

On the topic of Coop, I think it’s entirely possible as long as horror remains it’s core focus. For example, emphasize teamwork, resource sharing, and limit the time the players have in vicinity with each other. Perhaps create an in game director where one player is allowed to come across more resources while the other is starved and comes across more enemies causing a dilemma between players. Additionally have objectives that require both players to achieve in a timely manner while under enemy pressure. You can also make player classes to allow more strategic play with enemy classes acting as counterparts.

@Mega554321 - 28.12.2023 10:18

I think a good way to continue the story post DS4 is having a character tracking down remnants of markers on other planets while also exploring humanities reactions to surviving what was essentially a religious cataclysm and perhaps explore the remaining factions of unitologists who survived convergence.

There could also be a timeskip to see the ramifications of a humanity going unchecked with planet cracking/resource farming within the universe

@alexfrye3637 - 27.12.2023 23:15

I think the biggest franchise Dead Space can learn from is Resident Evil, they’ve basically done it all at this point including the hard parts/screw ups and are still going pretty strong

@brandonbladen4691 - 26.12.2023 23:00

I think we need a dead space 4. Id love to see how this ends. Resident evil got out of this same situation. From res 6 to res 7... its a huge change. Maybe the Isaac story is done and you could go a different route like they did and tie the story in later on in the game with a new lead character meeting up with old ones. It worked for them and res 6 was a horrible game. Dead space 3 I liked and finished.. I cant say I did the same for Res 6...

@ysteezy7915 - 26.12.2023 08:01

Dam crazy thought
4 stages of grief
Dead space 1 crawl inside
Dead space 2 screws go in tight
Dead space 3 hope to die
Dead space 4 acceptance

@fpsrushinboys4130 - 22.12.2023 18:22

So unlike a lot of the comments im seeing, i love the idea of Isaac transcending and people way more important to the story of dead space than “just some guy”. I think that would have been awesome, i would love to have the climax of the game be Isaac controlling necromorphs fighting other necromorphs and the markers and all of that krap, it would be an awesome climax that subverts player expectations and gives a satisfying end to Isaac while also having a good ending for earth and it not being “oh the necromorphs win and evil prevails”

@fpsrushinboys4130 - 22.12.2023 05:45

I would love dead space to be made into movies. I think they have potential to be really good movies.

@fpsrushinboys4130 - 22.12.2023 05:37

Would love to see something like this with other games like Halo

@Nostripe361 - 21.12.2023 21:00

I like the idea of him fighting the moons with his own necromorph army while using the Ishimura to planet crack the moons themselves.

Actually I believe roanoke gaming was the one I heard the idea of planet cracking a moons from.

@lexmyster2580 - 21.12.2023 19:30

You touched on it in the video but I always thought that Dead Spaces narrative was about delusions. Whether that's the religious delusions (figuratively and literally) or Issac's delusions of Nicole. He's always being led to do things based on some sort of delusion or misinformation and his arc is about taking control of those delusions and seeing the truth.

@brendanlucero8585 - 21.12.2023 10:15

I always pictured a DS4 where the Brethren Moons are tempting Isaac with illusions of not only Nicole, but also his Mother and Father. Taunting him to do the moons bidding so that they can be a family again. "Whole" as it were.

Or perhaps Isaac, Ellie and Carver gathering resources and parts to create the mother of all Planet Crackers to fight the Brethren Moons.

Also to harken back to what these two are saying in the video. What if Isaac ironically "accepts his destiny" in the Markers plan and ironically again becomes an ascended human being as the Unitologists always aspired to be. What if becomes hyper intelligent, powerful and enlightened so to speak, but also not disfigured like a Necromorph and consequently becomes a new messiah of sorts and becomes the next generation of humanity.

That last one was a bit of a weird twist, and certainly doesn't account for the predatory and horrific nature of the moons, marker and necromorphs in general but a cool theory nonetheless.

@CubeParrot1 - 20.12.2023 20:37

I was not a big fan of the meatballs (Brethren Moons) and overall the lore took a turn in the 3rd which I never liked. It seems the ideas were turning the epicness up a hundred, even in the theoritical 4 - which was not something that drew me into the franschise.

That said, I'm so happy for your work in the first two games. Became a big geek and devoured Martyr when I ordered it home.

It does feel like the second game is already a sort of healing, but I guess the 3rd could've served as a Dark Night of The Soul - before the eventual finale.

@MrVictor1227 - 16.12.2023 00:52

When It comes to Dead Space 3. I think it should be explained better what happened to the Moon and how the Unitologists gained so much power to basically activate a bunch of markers in a bunch of colonies and kill EarthGov. Are going to ignore that a Necromorph outbreak happened in the Moon next to Earth?
