Gratitude in Homemaking I Scripture to Convict Ungratefulness

Gratitude in Homemaking I Scripture to Convict Ungratefulness

Kelsey Westman

1 год назад

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@josephinebell6420 - 31.08.2023 22:00

Lovely thoughts Thank you Sending you Blessings from Irelandx

@AdorableTwist - 31.08.2023 23:44

Listened to this while I cleaned the living room. Thank you for the inspiration and the kick in the butt- always delivered with grace lol

@mamaea6129 - 01.09.2023 05:31

Really enjoyed your commentary. I truly believe being content and grateful with what God has given you changes everything. Thank you! Your bread looked delicious btw.

@mollydeckman - 01.09.2023 13:32

Oh that snowflake looked so cool! My kids would love to do that. 😊
Beautiful video and another great message. When we moved from UT to PA last year there were several things that went wrong throughout but I do remember not dwelling on it all. Yes I was definitely upset and wished certain things hadn’t happened but I’ve always believed things happen for a reason. And after a few weeks things took a turn for the better and our new life in PA felt like it was beginning and it has brought so many wonderful joys and blessings that we are grateful for. ❤

@84AnnieK - 01.09.2023 14:52

I love your videos Kelsey - thank you for the Biblical encouragement.

@A2thaLO - 01.09.2023 17:28

I thank God for a parking spot close to the grocery store or an unexpected discount for something I need to purchase. Appreciation of the smaller things shapes the heart of gratitude for the big things. Thank you for this reminder 😊

@scwendy6302 - 07.09.2023 17:24

Watching this on my break at work. What a good use of my break time!

When I wake up and make my first cup of coffee, before I have to pack lunches and get the kids ready for school and leave for work, I sit and read about the Saint of the day and the daily readings from the Mass (Laudate app makes it so easy!) and pray. It truly sets the tone for my day❤

@haliasafronieva1201 - 08.12.2023 09:40

Thank God, I found your channel. As a first-time mom, married to a non-believer, I find it really hard to be a productive homemaker. Especially, when my husband doesn't support my homemaking intentions 🫣

@ashleethomsen6735 - 13.12.2023 01:39

I wonder where in Wisconsin you live!? We have wonderful Catholic friends who just moved there near Wausau!

@michaelstiller8498 - 23.12.2023 01:52

Dangling hair over food prep….yuk yuk yuk. .

@MFV77 - 17.01.2024 03:38


@maritzazavalasmith9346 - 27.01.2024 03:13

I would love to see more videos on how you homeschool. First year homeschooling here! Is the jar with the kernels a reward system you use ? Please any discipline insights you have!!

@pattyhansen7563 - 12.02.2024 04:33

I totally laughed when I saw you dancing & playing wolves....and then when you said "even when in the inside ..I DON't..." Can't tell you how many hours I spent being 'beauty saloned' or pretending to be a horse 'mother'. I was usually EXHAUSTED & when I was really tired, I would trick them by suggesting coloring together, rather than barbies, beauty parlor, or rolling around on the floor. They would usually fall for it, because really all they wanted was my attention. The other 'game' we played all the time was called "Friend". My older daughter would pretend she was a lady friend of mine, coming to visit with her 'kids' (she tote all of her dolls in on her hip). I never got a name, I was just always called 'friend' & she would make up all these crazy stories about her "kids" or her "husband". She would ask to stay for dinner, or if I could babysit, etc...This game would happen when I was really busy in the kitchen & could not stop to play. My younger daughter didn't want to play 'Friend'. She was always pretending she was a horse & I had to play like I was her mother horse. that one got old - I got real tired of neighing all the time & 'grooming' her. Or we would have to play this awful game she made up, called the animal guessing game (she made the rules, so it was nearly impossible for me to ever win LOL). she would pantomime some sort of animal & we would have to guess, but because she was very, very partial to horses the answer always seemed to look like a horse. the one she really stumped us on was.....Big Foot.🤣At the time the games would drive me to distractions, but now I kinda miss them. LOL. We still talk about these games & they still tell me I was a fun mom.

@pattyhansen7563 - 12.02.2024 04:44

Just a real question (not a criticism) but why don't you do things in 'multiples'? For instance if you know that making bread can be a chore or challenge, why don't you make many loaves on one day & then freeze the 'extras'? Or laundry, why don't you have a laundry day (because let me tell you, you have a dream laundry line, I am drooling) and try to get most of it done in one day? This is how our foremothers could get so much done. I switched to this way of chores & it has freed me up so much. I have a 'Baking Day' (Friday) and I do the whole weeks baking & it only takes an hour or so. You're getting all of the same ingredients out, making 1 mess, cleaning up 1 mess, running the oven only 1x. Then I have fresh baked goods for the weekend if guests come, & into the next week for packing lunches. I do the same with laundry. I try to get all of the laundry done on Monday, all put away on Tuesday a.m. & then just do an 'essentials' load on Friday for the weekend. I never have to commit any brain time to laundry the rest of the week & everyone starts the week off with a fresh supply of clothes & then later in the week they get some refreshers for church & whatnot. I even have a 'homesteading' day, where I do a bunch of tasks on that day like laundry soap, yogurt, preserving tasks, & just set all those quick, random projects to that day.

@kerstinkestler6334 - 19.02.2024 09:03


@monettepalmore5926 - 13.03.2024 23:05

Kelsey you are Awesome and asking what we do first thing in the morning , I usually wake up with a song of praise and I sing it to the Lord! He is worthy to be praised! Blessings to you and your Family
